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Pro Flight Simmer

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    The Airbus A320 with IAE V2500 engines, those engines sound nice.

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  1. That doesn't help, Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant was designed for MSFS2020, they didn´t expect FSX players in Aerosoft.
  2. Yes, i did check there and found a pdf for the thrust lever calibration, but didn't help, because the TCA Quadrant is 2 axis for two levers, but the reversers are mechanism "stop" before the axis is -16380 position which would be the reverse position. I think the axis should be only from idle position to TO/GA position, and the reversers configured in buttons and switches page. I'm not good at explaining in English through text.
  3. When I move my hardware throttle quadrant to TO/GA, I see in the ECAM the throttle accelerating, but the trust levers in the simulator do not move even though the throttle is accelerating and I hear the engines going full power, and I need the thrust levers in-game to move, because if the don't, the airplane does not recognize any movement in the throttle. Here are the links to images for better understanding: ECAM Problems In the ECAM, the blue dot is where the thrust levers are in-game, and the green line is the actual throttle going to the engines to accelerate. In the "Problems" link, I show that the thrust levers are on idle position, and you can barely see in the ECAM that the throttle green line is on full throttle, but you see that the thrust levers are on idle position. If the thrust levers moved, the plane would recognize the throttle is on TO/GA and I would get an alarm because the parking brake is on. Did I explain well? Ok, I better ask in the Aerosoft Forums, thank you.
  4. Whoops again, I'm really sorry for the late reply, I'm not used to forums. Thank you very much for the information, I fixed the problem because I didn't realize I was on beta version of FSX-SE, by putting it on a later version I fixed the problem, but there was a new problem... The mouse macro green area does not appear. I asked about that in other theme forum, I don't know how its called.
  5. Whoops, sorry for the late reply, I didn't expect anyone replying my question before January 3th... And today is 13. Sorry for not understanding because I'm still learning to speak English... So I understood that I have to get the FSUIPC versions for FSX-SE, and that is FSUIPC4, but I downloaded that version of FSUIPC. I fixed my problem by making the mouse macros manually, by finding the name of the button i need from my Aerosoft A320, creating a txt and putting for example: [Macros] 1=L:AB_PDS_IGNITION=Toggle Saving the file with .mcro and putting it on the FSUIPC folder. Then i open FSX and then select the function that I created and selecting the button of my hardware. One more thing, I bought the Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition, I've been days trying to configure it properly with the Aerosoft A320, my problem is that after configuring the reversers I lost the normal thrust, I tried going to the Joystick Configuration tab and go to Separate throttles per engine and set in what position are the reversers, the idle and max position, but for some reason, the throttle works nice, but the thrust levers in-game do not work, and if the levers don't move, the airplane computers think that the throttle is on idle position. Did I explain well?
  6. Happens the same to me. I have seen tons of videos and everyone has that button and I don't, even tho I bought it today. I bought the 4.977 for FSX-SE.
  7. So I bought FSUIPC for my home cockpit using the Aerosoft A320, but the Mouse Macro green area that should appear when I press any button does not appear, I cant name the functions. So what do I do?
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