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About omc25123

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. To be complete, my answers: FSX, 4.931, HELI is current profile, only pitch trim is wat i want, logged offset 0BC2 and there was the problem, it was at 54 (not zero). adapted my functions, now every time i give a trim input, also ipc.writeSW(0x0BC2, 0) is writen and that solved my problems! thanks for pointing me in the right direction! brds Erik
  2. Dear Pete, I'am trying to get the "HeloTrim function" to work. I did the following: in fsuipc.ini added under: [JoystickCalibration.HELI] ; ApplyHeloTrim=YES. Made a small lua to write to offset 0BBE (one for trim up one for trim down) And made a small lua to display same offset value. The good news is, the value goes up and down as expected. But in the Heli (stnd bell) nothing changes. I'am doing something wrong! but what . . I suspected it has something to do with: "Note that, as a precaution, the trim value will never be added to the relevant axis if the normal trim value is non-zero." And tried to force the normal trim offsets to zero ( ipc.writeSW(0x0BC0, 0) and ( ipc.writeSW(0x3338, 0) But that didn't help. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Erik The functions: function Helo_Trim_up() current_trim = ipc.readSW(0x0BBE) new = (current_trim + 5000) ipc.writeSW(0x0BBE, new) end --func function Helo_Trim_dn() current_trim = ipc.readSW(0x0BBE) new = (current_trim - 5000) ipc.writeSW(0x0BBE, new) end --func ------------------------------ ipc.setdisplay(10,1000,140,1) while 1 do ipc.sleep(100) current_trim = ipc.readSW(0x0BBE) ipc.lineDisplay("Heli trim = "..current_trim) end
  3. Sorry Pete, you are right. I will start a new question and try to be more clear. Erik
  4. Hi Pete, I know this dicussion is from a while back, but anyway, i haven a small question. I'am using the build in helotrim finction in the payed version of fsuipc. Built a small lua function to change the trim up and down and one as a small trim indicator. (see below) Also set my fsuipc.ini: like: [Profile.HELI] 1=UH-1D 2=HC412 3=205 4=Bell 206B JetRanger 5=AgustaWestland EH101 6=Robinson R22 7=Dodosim 206 FSX 8=WILCO 9=Harrier [JoystickCalibration.HELI] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-10849,-94,-94,9134/8 Elevator=-7281,359,359,6036/8 Rudder=-16380,0,0,16380/8 PropPitch=-10531,13040/8 LeftBrake=0,16383/8 RightBrake=0,16383/8 Spoilers=13814,16384/24 Flaps=-12800,12588/24 Aileron Trim=-16383,158,788,16226/8 Rudder Trim=-16229,-1530,-152,16383/8 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No ApplyHeloTrim=YES Throttle=-16062,15906/8 SlopeSpoilers=15 SlopeRudder=5 ------------------------------ function Helo_Trim_up() ipc.writeSW(0x0BC0, 0) ipc.writeSW(0x3338, 0) current_trim = ipc.readSW(0x0BBE) new = (current_trim + 5000) ipc.writeSW(0x0BBE, new) end --func function Helo_Trim_dn() ipc.writeSW(0x0BC0, 0) ipc.writeSW(0x3338, 0) current_trim = ipc.readSW(0x0BBE) new = (current_trim - 5000) ipc.writeSW(0x0BBE, new) end --func ------------------------------ ipc.setdisplay(10,1000,140,1) while 1 do ipc.sleep(100) current_trim = ipc.readSW(0x0BBE) ipc.lineDisplay("Heli trim = "..current_trim) end ------------------------------ What i get is an indicator,changing pitch value as expected, but the heli (stnd bell 205) doesn't reacy on the pitch setting at all?! I'am doing somthing wrong, but don't know what? Can you help? Thanks in advance, brds Erik
  5. i found i my self! ipc.macro("Luatoggle ThrottleManager", 1) ipc.macro("Luatoggle ThrottleManager", 2) ipc.macro("Luatoggle ThrottleManager", 3) ipc.macro("Luatoggle ThrottleManager", 4) puts all four engines in reverse mode, the four lines in a lua can be started with an a part off the axis range in fsuipc!
  6. thanks for the reply, i think you're reverse function works far beter then the fsuipc (part of range way). still hoping someone knows a way to use ipc.runlua in a toggle state.
  7. thanks pilotjohn, it works great! but since i don't have end switches on my logitech throttles, i want to enter the reverse mode bij assigning "Lua Toggle Throttlemanger param 1" to the last part of the thr axis range. unfortunatly fsuipc won't do that. so i wrote a small lua to start the Throttlemanager.lua : ipc.runlua("ThrottleManager.lua", 1) but i can't seem to find a way to start the lua in toggle mode? does anyone know how to do that?
  8. Thanks for the answers pete, Groet, Erik
  9. Dear Pete, where can we put the "AutoUpdateTime" ? Before wideserver version 7, we used to have a wideserver.ini file, not anymore. If the "AutoUpdateTime" is still usefull, where can we put this (fsuipc.ini ?). ("AutoUpdateTime" was a solution for widefs stutters on remote pc's) Sorry for the cryptic way my question is send. Thanks Erik
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