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Everything posted by oldandgray

  1. Thank you for that John, I now show a Registered FSUIPC6. Will wait until I resolve these issues before I attempt any more programming. I have uninstalled the Saitek System and using the CH Flight Sim Yoke with P3D for control.
  2. John, I just noticed that the reinstall of FSUIPC6 is not Registered, (my bad not understanding the requirement to provide my information) It asks for the key which I have in the P3d folder but when I try to move or copy it to the registration form it does not work. Is the key file in P3D the key that I need for the registration or is there another key that I need to use.
  3. I uninstalled FSUIPC 6 from P3d, Did a repair to P3d, now I see the FSUIPC6.ini in P3d with a date 1/29/22 also FSUIPC6.dll dated 7/9/20 and .key dated 10/9/20. These are in the main P3d Folder even though I uninstalled FSUIPC6 and have not reinstalled it yet. There is no log . Now I would like to reinstall FSUIPC6 and need to know which boxes to check. add-on.xml, FSUIPC6, FSUIPC6 Documentation, Extras. I notice that if add-on is checked then FSUIPC cannot be checked.
  4. FSUIPC6 is currently installed in the main folder P3d. I am going to uninstall now.
  5. Show Hidden files is checked. Num lock is off. Still no ini or log files. Unless you have different suggestion, perhaps best is to uninstall FSUIPC6 and proceed fresh from there.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions, as I mentioned my signature is accurate when it comes to this stuff, I'm old and my brain grey matter is too. Have searched throughout C and D (P3D location) and have found in P3d a number of FSUIPC dll's and PDF's but nowhere can I find a FSUIPC6.ini or .log folder or file. right now with P3dv4 running nothing happens when depressing shift and any numerical key . yet the CTRL E still works. Also I noticed in P3d\Options\Key Assignments that Shift 1 through 9 reflects a Panel/Window show hide. Don't know what more I can do perhaps get someone who knows more about this than I do. Thanks for your time and patience
  7. Good morning, Clickable area meaning on the Instrument Panel, for example the GNS530 or GTN750 Navigation Instrument, Mouse clicking the top of the Instrument would bring that Instrument up in a larger view. That is a feature using P3d for Control. Using Shift +2 would also acomplish the same function. Neither of these actions work now that I have chosen FSUIPC as control. The red button on P3d allowed a series of different view from outside the Aircraft . ( click once Spot view,click twice side view, etc. I cannot remember how many views but more thqn 3. The view was full screen not just a small view. Don not know what logs or their location, would you kindly give me some help there. My signature is quite accurate 👴
  8. P3Dv4, Win 10, Saitek Flight Yoke System. FSUIPC6 for control. Have been successful programming all axis, buttons and switches except one, the red button on the right yoke handle. Keys also seem to work however the clickable area and Keys Shift +2 and Shift +7 which worked with P3d control no longer work to bring up the GTN750. I am using my Registered FSUIPC.
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