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Everything posted by Jim610

  1. Yeh, your right. I had missed the nuance for "Direct to FSUIPC Calibration" and "Direct to FS". Now I have found Steering Set all seems to be working. I am still a little confused as to why I couldn't get the rudders on their own to work without the confusion of Steering Set/Tillers however it all seems to be working now with or without the steering set! Thank you for you patience. I'll stop bothering you for now. Cheers Jim
  2. Oh, this might be a long answer! Yes Yes Default Yes Works OK if I do this. This is where it gets a bit complicated. In short Yes however, once I cleared that assignment I still didn't get any rudder movement in the sim. Now, for the complication. I only assigned the Steering Tiller as that is how I have my FSUIPC4 in FSX/P3D3 however I have since noticed that not only has that control been renamed it no longer works the same. When it was named Steering Set (way back then) it is behaved as I would expect it would in the real world (on large aeroplanes) and a quirk of FS allowed it to also work the same on light aeroplanes. However, since it became Steering Tiller it actually your documentation states that it interferes with the rudder which a real steering tiller never would as it only turns the nose wheel steering. The only reason I can make comparisons with the real world is I am an aircraft engineer. As it currently is I think it will cause problems when FSLabs A320 is released for P3D4. Set the Rz axis for ailerons, worked fine. Nothing wrong with my device. Works as I would expect it to in FSX (FSUIPC 4), FSW, X-Plane 11, DCS and P3D3 (FSUIPC 4). It is only in P3D4 trying to control the rudder via FSUIPC v5 that I have problems. You have previously stated that my FSUIPC4 installation is no where near up to date (Jan 17!) so as a test I will update that to the latest and see if this problem shows itself in those sims that use it. I'll let you know. Jim
  3. Correct, it does look ok in the pix but unless I have that axis assigned within the FS controls menu I get no rudder movement. I have no other axis assigned within the sim and they all work great via FSUIPC but not the yaw/rudder axis. Jim
  4. In here! I don't have separate rudder pedals just the joystick yaw axis. Jim
  5. As requested. FSUIPC5.log FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv You say that but my FSUIPC4 is version 4.96 which on a quick look at your website is the version displayed. I need to go searching onto the forum to find out if there has been a sub version update (4.96x etc) as there is no hint on the front page. Unless I am having issues, or I happen to spot it on another forum stating that ver x is required for a particular addon I have no way of knowing an update has occurred. I don't go scouring the internet for potential new versions of anything when everything is working. Happy to beta test for you, I just need a nudge that something has changed. Anyway, keep up the good work. Jim
  6. Pete Well that now has the joystick being detected now. The only oddity is although it detects the rudder axis it is not passing it on the the sim however all other axis do! No offence but if being up-to-date means I breaking those sims, I'll wait:) Jim
  7. Guys I am having similar problems with the x55. This is what I get after P3Dv4 runs. [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes 0=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle 0.GUID={304AE990-CD37-11E6-8006-444553540000} A=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle A.GUID={304AE990-CD37-11E6-8006-444553540000} I tried pasting the required entry from my P3Dv3 installation which is this: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle 0.GUID={304AE990-CD37-11E6-8006-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Stick 1.GUID={304B5EC0-CD37-11E6-8007-444553540000} After running v4 again it changed the entry to this: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle 0.GUID={304AE990-CD37-11E6-8006-444553540000} A=<< MISSING JOYSTICK >> << MISSING JOYSTICK >> Just for comparison the same entry in my FSX:SE installation is the same as my P3Dv3 and is [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Throttle 0.GUID={304AE990-CD37-11E6-8006-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight X-55 Rhino Stick 1.GUID={304B5EC0-CD37-11E6-8007-444553540000} I can only deduce that as all is ok in FSX and P3Dv3 then my joystick entries are not the issue and it is something unique to P3Dv4/FSUIPS 5 but I don't know what. In case you ask I carried out the same logging you asked 72VirginExpress to do and have attached the files. Thanks in anticipation. Jim FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC5.log
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