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Everything posted by scorpi1987

  1. Hey Paul , is it usable with the Skalrki Eng start switches to and the ENG Mode Selector ? to use them in FSUIPC ? That will be great .. Greets
  2. Now it Works thank You very Much ๐Ÿ™‚ script is completed ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Tryed but it doesnt work The Script isnt loading This is my first and it works now must add in the same scematic the other ..
  4. ok i try it to declare easyer ..an example : when jeehell LED offset 739F bit3 = 1 it must trigger the event ipc.execInputEvent("FUEL_Pump_Tank_L_2" , 0) (OFF) when 0 then ipc.execInputEvent("FUEL_Pump_Tank_L_2" , 1) (ON) It Depends only as Bridge From Jeehell to MSFS to control the internal Systems of my FlightModell... i use a Modifed Asobo A320... with the whole systems...
  5. I want to use this to bring on my MSFS Flight Model the same condtion of these parameters from jeehell. because when you use a homecockpit Jeehell is not communicate to the plane systems. this is neccesary to become a good sound aof the engine Start... So i want when a button in jeehell is pressed the LED status triggers the the same in MSFS... because i cant READ the (Control Input Offsets of Jeehell)...
  6. I want to read the Jeehell "LED status" to control the input events in msfs as i descriped above Like this
  7. Ok thats to high for my nooby skills... i write down what i want , maybe someone could create the script for me if someone has time and desire๐Ÿ™‚ Offset Lenght Bit InputEvent Function 7398 1 0 "ELECTRICAL_ExternalPower_1" 0=OFF 1=ON 7396 1 3 "ELECTRICAL_Battery_1" 0=ON 1=OFF 7396 1 5 "ELECTRICAL_Battery_2" 0=ON 1=OFF 739F 1 1 "FUEL_Pump_Tank_L_1" 0=ON 1=OFF 739F 1 3 "FUEL_Pump_Tank_L_2" 0=ON 1=OFF 739F 1 5 "FUEL_Pump_Tank_R_1" 0=ON 1=OFF 739F 1 7 "FUEL_Pump_Tank_R_2" 0=ON 1=OFF 73A0 1 1 "FUEL_Pump_Center_1" 0=ON 1=OFF 73A0 1 3 "FUEL_Pump_Center_2" 0=ON 1=OFF 739A 1 3 "ELECTRICAL_APU_Bleed" 0=OFF 1=ON 739C 1 1 "FUEL_Valve_APU" 0=OFF 1=ON 739C 1 3 "ELECTRICAL_APU_Starter " 0=OFF 1=ON
  8. Holy .. ok thats to complicated for me ๐Ÿ˜‚
  9. Ok thank you very much , I problem occurs on my idea when I read the offset of the Jeehell offset 739F then the status has many conditions depending what button is pressed is it possible to specify that I only want to read the specific Bit example I want the 0 or 1 status of the LED LTK1 OFF
  10. Ok that with the Ext powe works well ... Now i want to use ELECTRICAL_Battery_1 and ELECTRICAL_Battery_2 but this not in the 999.txt file ? some of the Asobo Events are not in the file.. where i can find these numbers ?
  11. Like This ? -- OffsetStatusCheck.lua local offset = 0x7398 local length = 1 function checkOffset(offsetValue) local status = ipc.readUB(offset) ipc.log("Offset status: " .. status) if status == 0 then ipc.log("Setting ELECTRICAL_ExternalPower_1 Off") ipc.control(67090, 0) -- Beispiel Event-ID fรผr ELECTRICAL_ExternalPower_1 Off elseif status == 1 then ipc.log("Setting ELECTRICAL_ExternalPower_1 On") ipc.control(67090, 1) -- Beispiel Event-ID fรผr ELECTRICAL_ExternalPower_1 On end end event.offset(offset, "UB", "checkOffset")
  12. Hi , iam now continue my work for the Jeehell FMGS - MSFS mod.. now i try to make an lua to set vars on the MSFS ive found out that i only can use the Readout of the Status LEDS ... so for an Example on console log : 739A (U16) = 0x1 for "ON" 0x0 for "OFF" now i want to send a var to msfs for the EXT POWER.. the var ive found out is "1 (>K:TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER) } " how can i make an Lua for it ? iam totaly new on Programming .. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ An other options are to work with the events
  13. Hi iam planning to add an indicator light on my EFB Software to read out the Parking Brake status... on mobiflight i do it with the (A:BRAKE PARKING INDICATOR,Bool) LVAR . is it possible to add them in the next update ? Because some Jeehell FMGS users want this to use my Mod ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Hi guys, iam working on project to bring Jeehell to MSFS. Actually the first flights have done, but i have some issue that i cannot fix.. For Example the Lights Controls didnt work . ON FMGS they uses 78EE1 (Value) to control it. in msfs is kindly different.. is there a change that i can use this READ and SEND offsets ? Via script ? Greets
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