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  1. Thank you very much indeed John, I have downloaded and will install as soon as I have finished my latest flight, I'm am addicted to this 737 now you have fixed it for me. truly outstanding support, hopefully one day I might have proper dabble without breaking something but not for a while until I feel more comfortable and read a few tutorials. Cheers, kind regards, Guy.
  2. Good morning John, I remember having a dabble when MSFS 2020 was first released along side my purchase of the Thrustmaster TCA Captain Pack Airbus Edition, I'm afraid I didn't quite understand what I was doing with FSUICP and setting things up with different aircraft within MSFS so I gave up, I thought I had undone the changes I made and returned FSUICP back to default unused state and I had reinstalled it to over write what I had done, which just goes to prove my complete lack off understanding of it, with my obvious limited understanding and knowledge of all things technical with FSUICP and MSFS is there any easy way for me to reset FSUICP back to default where it is not having any affect other than me being able to connect to my VA and anything that requires FSUICP to be installed? I'm glad in a way that you have pointed out that in fact FSUICP could have been having a effect on the 737 (due to me dabbling in the past) how ever after my last post I have done another flawless flight speed wise (not pilot 🤣) so it still stands that building a new FSUICP7.ini file appears to allow me to fly the 737. John, I thank you very much for your continued support on this matter, I realise that I am massively under using your product buy returning it to naked version but you would be surprised (perhaps not) how many things say "requires FSUICP" these day and just to receive this level of support means what I paid to have the full version has been worth every penny. I will need a idiot proof guide on how to undo all the changes you have highlighted if you don't mind. Thank you in advance, Guy.
  3. Hi John, please find attached my original FSUICP7.ini I did zip up the 2 log event files but they are still to big to upload, obviously this means something must be happening in the back ground that is affecting the aircraft but on the 2 test flight in question nothing appeared to be wrong, my speed problem has gone away so I'm not sure what my next step is, no other aircraft had been affected by my speed problem, until I bought and installed the PMDG 737 I was as happy as Larry with everything, what is they say "Ignorance is Bliss" FSUIPC7.ini
  4. Test 2, I'm slightly confused now John, I turned off the sim and made sure FSUICP7 had closed, renamed FSUICP7.key.unused back to the original FSUICP7.key, started the sim and set up the flight and again the aircraft speed is performing perfectly in all perimeters of flight set to the sim-brief flight plan, If I'm correct the only thing that has changed is my FSUICP is now running on the newly built FSUIPC7.ini file? I am even for this second test running my VA's KCars logging a flight just make sure that is not a problem in any way but that has recorded and logged the flight no problem, I did keep the Log events running for the 2nd flight test but yet again it is too big to attach to this forum coming in at around 589kb. So in summery John my original problem of only being able to achieve 193Knots at max thrust appears after these 2 test flights to have been cured, it's a real shame that I have been unable to send you my log events but the PMDG 737 MSFS 2020 performance now looks to have been fixed, I now have to work on honing Joystick/throttles and key presses to how I like them and hopefully become better at flying it. Your help has been fantastic and much appreciated, Regards, Guy.
  5. Good afternoon John, I have done a test flight with FSUIPC7.log file generated with logging for Events but it is larger than the 20kb allowed, I think I now the reason for that, I have not set up the parking brake in the aircraft, I like to use right click of the mouse to pan around, every time I do it releases the parking break when I'm on the ground. The flight it self went flawlessly as far as my airspeed was concerned, the aircraft achieved all the correct speeds in the flight per the perimeters set by the Autopilot, now in my excitement I did something silly, not being used to testing I actually did two of your suggestions, I temporarily renamed my current FSUIPC7.ini file and I reset my FSUICP7.key to unused so I don't know which was the fix but it will give me an excuse to do another flight, I will rename my FSUICP7.key back as I actually have purchased FSUICP and I will confirm in a later after a second flight. Thank you in advance for your help. Guy.
  6. Good evening, I have had a quick look through FSUICP7 MSFS forum pages and not seen anyone with the same problem, I have purchased the new release of the PMDG 737 for MSFS 2020, briefly my problem is I can only achieve 190Knts in level flight with my throttles fully open giving me 103% max power,at this setting I should eventually be over-speeding, gear/flaps and air-break are fully home inside and outside the the aircraft but the wind noise sounds like something is deployed, even with autopilot set and auto-throttle set above 190 the aircraft refuses to go any faster, out of desperation after trying to adjust things inside the sim and with the settings of my joystick and throttle software, now and importantly, I do not have FSUICP set to control any setting for any aircraft I have in the sim, it is on because my virtual airlines require it to log my online flying via KCars systems, today just by chance I thought I wounder what will happen if I turn of FSUICP and bingo, the 737 springs into life, I have conducted several flights (Full A to B) using the FMC with a sim brief flight plan and the aircraft responds to the autopilot speeds spot on in all phases of flight. I have even turned FSUICP on and off during a manual flight/speed test, when on 190Knts max, when off I can almost over speed at any altitude (obviously not when I get into the higher altitudes) I have noticed on previous post on the forum regarding other issues with the PMDG 737 that you have not had any dealing with the new release but I'm hoping that you might be able to shine some light on my problem? I hope you had a nice holiday 👍 Regards, Guy. P.S I also noticed the stabiliser out of trim light is continually flashing and the trim wheel arrow (marker) is completely out of the green and as far forward as it will go when FSUICP is on but the light remains extinguished when FSUICP is off.
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