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Everything posted by GB014934

  1. I have a Thrustmaster Warthog Stick and Throttle set. When I was using P3D I could use the TARGET software to achieve the following but I can't get MSFS to properly recognise the hardware from the 'Thrustmaster Combined' joystick generated when TARGET is run, so programming for MSFS with TARGET is now not an option. I am now trying to achieve something similar in FSUIPC7. I have used FSUIPC7 to program the use of the Flap Key to effectively do the equivalent of the 'PULSE' option in TARGET. I have also programmed the ARM Spoiler button in a similar manner. I now would like to use a 2 key combination to program a FULL Flap extend or decrease using the Flap button on the throttle and the 'Pinkie' key from the joystick together. Is this allowed particulary when the keys are on different devices? If allowed then How ? When using TARGET in P3D I programmed the ability to extend the spoiler using a specific (spring loaded) key. The spoiler was closed when the key was released. Again is it possible to achieve this and if so How ? If there are examples for both of the above techniques in the manual then please point me to where I should read. Many Thanks Trevor
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