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  1. Hi John, I have already tested it and with ComWriteLoopTime=10 the key response is improved a lot. After testing both parameters with the values 10, 5, 2, and 1 my conclusion is that there is a lot of difference between both parameters at 20 and at 10, and lowering both parameters to 5, 2, or 1 doesn´t make the repetitivity of the characters or the key response to improve much more. Thank you so much!
  2. Hi John, At 5 I have the same behaviour... Making the parameter ComWriteLoopTime setteable would be great!! Thank you!
  3. Hi John, I have changed that parameter from 20 to 10 and I don´t have characters repeated any more! But the key response remains low... Some times I have to repeat the key press twice in order to have the character written. I don´t know if there is another parameter controlling that aspect... Thank you so much!
  4. Hi everybody, I don´t know if somebody finally found a solution to this problem, but I have been experiencing it from the release of MSFS and it´s very annoying. As Scotfleiger explained, you have to pause between key presses to avoid a key press is repeated twice. Thank you so much!
  5. Dear Pete, Recently I noted that my main Saitek throttle works fine with FSUIPC, but my secondary Saitek throttle connected by USB to the Saitek yoke is not detected by FSUIPC once PMDG 737-800 is loaded (I wait 2 minutes before pressing "Ready to fly" button). If I want it to detect it, I have to unplug the USB cable that goes to the yoke, replug the USB cable, and rescan axes inside FSUIPC. This is the only way for FSUIPC to detect my secondary throttle. Do you know why? Thank you so much!
  6. Thank you, it works!!
  7. Dear Pete and John, How could I assign two rotor brakes to the same switch with FSUIPC7? Duplicating the line in FSUIPC7.ini and changing the rotor brake value to the one corresponding to the second function that I want to assign to the button won't work, only keeps working the first function. Thank you so much!
  8. Hi John, This time I am wondering if it is possible to have working the displays of the MCP from VRInsight directly with FSUIPC (without other applications as LINDA that have this function too): HDG, ALT, V/S, CRS, transponder, radios... Thank you!
  9. Hi John, Yes of course! #define EVT_OH_BLEED_RECIRC_FAN_L_SWITCH (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 872) #define EVT_OH_BLEED_RECIRC_FAN_R_SWITCH (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 196) So Rotor brakes would be: 87201 and 19601. I enclose the original document where I found it. Thank you! PMDG_NG3_SDK.h
  10. Hi John, Problem solved! Very useful information from you. I found an .h document where I could find the event for both Recirc Fans and I calculated their rotor brake and inserted them in FSUIPC. Both swithes work perfectly. Thank you so much!
  11. Thanks John, sorry but this is already more complicated to me... As I know, event IDs are <custom control> option in FSUIPC. For P3D were 70504 and 69828. The problem now is that 737-700 has one recirc fan switch and 737-800 has two (L and R). One event id of them would be 87201 as you told? And the other?
  12. Hi John, Before contacting PMDG forum, I realized that what I need is really an event ID (not an offset), as Recic Fans are inputs (not outputs). I have tried 70504 and 69828 from PMDG 737 for P3D, but it won´t work. Has somebody published Event IDs for PMDG 737-700 or 737-8000 in FS2020? Or should we also wait for SDK too? Thank you!
  13. Hi John, Sorry, my displays work perfectly, I forgot to configure EnableDataBrosdcast in Options.ini!! The only pending think is the offsets for Recirc fans. Could you put the link to the pmdg subforum? Thank you!!
  14. Thank you for your quick answer!
  15. Hi John and Pete, After changing from PMDG 737-700 to 737-800 I have noted two issues in my overhead: -FLT ALT and LAND ALT displays won´t work anymore (with offsets 656C and 6572, String type). Do you know if they have changed in 737-800? -As 737-800 has two Recirc fan switches instead of one as in 737-700, I would need the corresponding offsets if you know. Thank you so much!
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