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  1. Nothing to be sorry about....I was a little puzzled because yesterday I did see some action in the console doing this but no action in the aircraft. Now today after the uninstall, reinstall the ailerons worked but not the console. Again thank you very much for your help with this. Cheers Sunny
  2. OK...seeing how you are not giving up, I can't quite leave it at that either. But since it did not work despite doing exactly what you described and because I got two errors when the update to the latest release ran, even though they were only related to documentation, I decided to uninstall FSUIPC and then do a reinstall to the default location, which before I had not used. And the first thing I saw in the FSUIPC window, before even entering the AXIS assignemtns was a line showing 902 LVars, 134 Hvars and 10980 presets loaded. That was not showing there before. So I copied your modified myevents entry into mine and then restarted MSFS and FSUIPC one more time, just to be sure it was a clean start. Then I set up the throttles, brakes and elevator as before using the "direct to FSUIPC" and the aileron and rudder using the preset. And this time it did work. I can only assume that something in my installation was not allowing some of that information to pass back and forth. Being a curious one I then tried to repeat the tests you had asked before, to update the LVars manually....and that now did work. And the list also was populated with the 902 LVars ... I guess that should have been my clue, when before I only had an empty list. But now when I do the "2. The calculator code/assignment is not correct. To check this, activate logging for Axes Controls, and WAPI -> Debug logging. Open the logging console (Log -> Open console) and move your assigned axis, and see if you can see the correct preset/calculator code being sent." the console does not show anything for aileron or rudder....but they work in the aircraft. Elevator or brake axis is shown in the console window. But I am perfectly happy not understanding that part for now and will just go fly a lap or two. Thanks for your gracious help John. I am sorry if I was the kind of dense customer I hate in my own job. Cheers Sunny
  3. I tried both because the MOD aircraft does show with that description in FSUIPCs interface so I wanted to simply make sure one or the other would be available in the selection. I have deleted one of these now. I have the latest FSUIPC version installed now, but it had been only 7.3.10 when I started with this. 1. LVars Update manually....I see that something happens in the console but nothing in the aircraft in the sim. 2.WAP\Debug ... Unfortunately I have Axis Contrl 67227 constantly changing between Param 12 and 13 so I do not see this nice and clean, but moving the aileron full left the value slowly increases to 16381 and full right goes to -16830 before axis 67227 overwrites it all again. 3. I have to read the manual on that one...since I am not quite sure how to create this log file. Then I may give this another shot. For now I have simply created a new control profile in MSFS and assigned the aileron axis there ...this works for now. As I had mentioned I have a rather demanding job of a highly technical nature. FS is supposed to be the relief from that since real flying is not so easy to come by anymore since I moved back to Germany from CA. And having to fiddle with this for hours just to fly a little doesn't really make sense to me. Thanks for trying to make this work, but at least for now I am not going to waste any more of your time. Cheers Sunny
  4. My apologies after about 15 tries to make this work I simply wanted to make sure it wasn't simply a misunderstanding on my part or a typo, that kept it from working for me. I have worked in technical support both in the field and using remote diagnosis on Million-Dollar lines for almost 38 years now. And sometimes asking a simple question can save thousands of dollars and countless hours. I got the order wrong here since I was getting highly annoyed that this "supposedly simple" task was not working at all. I have cleared the entries from the events.txt and made a myevents.txt and pasted in these lines, the second set because the modified DA62 shows up with that name in FSUIPC. That is all there is in that file at this point.... //ASOBO/DA62/MrTommyMod DA62 Aileron#@ 163.84 / (>L:INPUT_AILERON) DA62 Rudder#@ 163.84 / (>L:INPUT_RUDDER_S) //ASOBO/DA62NX/MrTommyMod DA62NX Aileron#@ 163.84 / (>L:INPUT_AILERON) DA62NX Rudder#@ 163.84 / (>L:INPUT_RUDDER_S) Once the sim was started and the aircraft loaded in an active flight,cold and dark on the ramp I opened FSUIPC and the Axis Assignment Window. 1. Move the aileron axis on the Bravo 2. check "Select for Preset" on the right hand side 3. select "send to FS as normal axis" on the left hand side 4.click in the first pull down and select DA62 Aileron or DA62NX Aileron 5.Click OK Try it in the sim ..... still doesn't work with either of those or the rudder. What I was asking about the "Select for Preset" was that is is "unchecked" once I do go back in the FSUIPC window to see what is or is not showing there. But this may well be normal. Anything in that description that screems "bloody idiot that is not how to do it" ??
  5. I think after 40 years of FS in all its forms and 4 real certificates I am finding myself too stupid for this little excercise πŸ˜„ In the other posts you mention events.txt and had included a recent version of that file and a myevents.txt . Are those really two separate files or just a typo and it only needs to be in one or the other ?? //ASOBO/DA62/MrTommyMod DA62 Aileron#@ 163.84 / (>L:INPUT_AILERON) DA62 Rudder#@ 163.84 / (>L:INPUT_RUDDER_S) I have added this to the events.txt in my FSUIPC folder and when doing the axis assignment a DA62 aileron now is a available on the left side of the FSUIPC window. So i think that part is not too far off. On the right I tick select for Preset and then OK. But when I open it back up that Preset selection is no longer there. I tried to upload a picture of that, but I guess I am only allowed 20kB. Restarted FSUIPC and Restarted the Sim, in case that matters. OK...now I am totally frustrated with this and call it a day. Cheers Sunny
  6. Hi John, thanks again.....I will try this tonight and let you know how if I was successful. Boy now I do want to quit work early for sure πŸ˜‰ Cheers Sunny
  7. Hi John, thanks for the additional information. I am not at the FS PC at the moment so I can not try it out. But here is the relevant info from the mod creators readme....he is referencing SPADNext here ... so not sure if that is 100% applicable. SPADNext users must use Lvars for the Rudder and Aileron L:INPUT_AILERON, percent; -100 - +100 L:INPUT_RUDDER_S, percent; -100 - +100 I will try your suggestions tonight and if I am still proving myself to dense for it, may take you up on your offer for further help πŸ˜„ Thanks Sunny
  8. This β€œissue” started with the latest release from the Mods creator. He does mention in the documentation that LVARS have to be used now to make the ailerons work in MSFS when using the mod. However I have not found anything to show me how exactly I need to do that. I still had the last version of this Mod on my drive so I simply did go back to that one. Hopefully someone can come up with a how-to for dummies specifically for the DA62 ailerons using LVARS
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