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  1. When you use simMarket's copy and paste it copies 9 characters. I manually added the other 3 and it worked. Thanks!
  2. Copied and pasted info. Read the documentation. Still says Invalid?
  3. Bought from Sim Market (opened ticket with them) but it says the info is not valid.
  4. You were correct. There are TWO instances of steam on both C:\ and D:\ Thank you for all your help.
  5. All's well. The FSUIPC4.dll should have been included in the installation? Or a separate file generated by the installation process? As I said there is a Modules folder on the D:\ installation of FSX. The ONLY files on C:\ are in appdata - 4 folders: Substitutions simobjects EZDOK Controls And a slew of files. Most are labeled old or backup and a smattering of xml files. That's it. Never had FSX on C:\ Perhaps the 2nd uploaded log is reflecting that? In any case it works. Thank you.
  6. Eureka! I went to your section for module updates and found the file FSUIPC4.dll in a zip. Seems I never scrolled down that far to see the file description. Extracted it to modules and lo & behold FSUIPC4 asked for permission to run, then asked to be added to trusted files which I did. Started FSX and opened Addons and THERE IT Was! Now I have to learn how to use this excellent program. 😉 Happy as a bug, Ernie
  7. Modules IS in D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules How to insure FSUIPC is running? I see nothing that I recognize in the task manager. There is still nothing under the Add ons tab other than Chaseplane and SODE, no FSUIPC. (Chaseplane & SODE each ask permission to run during the program loading) C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX is the only FSX files on C:\ and it contains no modules folder. In Modules directory are: FSUIPC changes.pdf FSUIPC4 Install.log FSUIPC4.key FSUIPC4_Loader.dll Install FSUIPC4.exe Installing and registering FSUIPC4.pdf pfcfsx.dll PFChid.dll A2A_feel.dll AccuFeelMenu.dll Is there supposed to be a dynamic linked library - FSUIPC.dll in the modules folder? Again, I appreciate your time and effort on my behalf. Ernie
  8. Thank you sir, for the reply. No rush, life first. I have the steam version: fsx se. I see no entry for fsuipc to remove/uninstall on my pc. (I use revo) And the installer gives no choice for installation as far as drive or directory. It runs. It says installed correctly, displays a "confirm" button which when I click it closes the installer with no other indication. FSX is on D:\, C:\Program Files (x86) is where fsuipc4 is located. D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX is fsx's location. I could move the steam install of fsx if needed. (It'd run faster, c:\ is an ssd while d:\ is a 7200 rpm platter) I would ask how to access the assignment portion of the program? If I search my pc for fsuipc, it shows the installer only. I did delete all joystick inputs in FSX itself and yet my joystick functions as expected. Again, I very much appreciate the aid and the program itself. Thanks. FSUIPC4 Install.log
  9. Bought, installed, activated and found fsuipc files in the Modules subdirectory. However it does not show in the addons tab within fsx nor is there an entry in fsx.cfg (which is in another drive under appdata (c:\ vs d:\ where fsx resides). FSUIPC4 Install.log Thank you and apologies again for what must be the 1st query dummies such as me make.
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