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    Sicily, Italy

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  1. Thank you John 🙂 Latest VC++ made the job. Didier
  2. Hello John 🙂 WideClient stopped working on my side too (it worked fine for years). On my side the probable cause is having updated my main computer (the one that runs MSFS and FSUIPC 7.5.1) to Windows 11 version 24H2 (Build 26120.3073). I tried various unsuccessful actions such as: Pausing Windows firewalls on both sides Adding "ServerName=MERCURE" in my WideClient.ini Adding "BroadcastMode=Yes" and "ProtocolPreferred=UDP" to my FSUIPC.ini Another "strange" fact is FSUIPC icon does not show in Tasks bars (see screenshot in ZIP). Other programs running on LAN computer (SIMU02) are working normally and communicating correctly with main computer (MERCURE): AivlaSoft EFB, ProSim Audio and IOS for example. Kind regards, Didier WideClientLogs.zip
  3. Hello John 🙂 The issue seems to have vanished since I've added an entry in ipcReady.lua 🤔 I added "ProSim-Lvars.lua" to instantiate some LVars useful to the new vmsACARS version. Previously I had a "sort" of empty ipcReady.lua (old LUA got commented as new ProSim versions did not need them anymore): -- ipc.macro("Lua:ProSim-60knots") -- ipc.macro("Lua:ProSim-positive-rate") -- ipc.macro("Lua:ProSim-Lights") -- ipc.log("Ready: GearUpGearDown") -- ipc.macro("Lua:GearUpGearDown") -- ipc.runlua("ProSim-Rain") Could having an "empty" ipcReady have caused the issue I observed??? Or could creating LVars (my new LUA) have add some nice effect?? Kind regards, Didier ProSim-Lvars.lua
  4. Hello John, This need to be confirmed... I think you gave me the right clue to solve our issue. In FSUIPC_WASM.ini, I've changed the values of LvarScanFrequency and LvarScanDelay: ;LvarScanFrequency=-5 LvarScanFrequency=0 And ;LvarScanDelay=5 LvarScanDelay=35 Perhaps editing solely LvarScanDelay could be enough? Later, I'll try to restore LvarScanFrequency value... Here are the new log files I gathered this morning: Subfolder "FAILS" with trace, you'll notice those LVar's names (line 252874 in FSUIPC_WASM.log) Thu Oct 31 09:15:00 2024 [TRACE]: updateLvars: lvar updated: B738_Landing_L=0.000000 Thu Oct 31 09:15:00 2024 [TRACE]: updateLvars: lvar updated: t 31 09:15:00 2024=0.000000 Subfolder "WORKS" with trace, using my new FSUIPC_WASM.ini Thank you for your help, best regards, Didier
  5. Hello 🙂 Here are the log files I got this morning (size exceeds 20 kB). I hope they can help. Best regards, Didier
  6. Hello, Since a few days we are getting a couple of "strange" (corrupted) LVars names. When it occurs, MSFS Disconnect / MSFS Reconnect from FSUIPC menu often solves the issue. MSFS show correct names ("B738_Beacon_Light_Dn", "B738_Logo_Left") but WASM don't: some names are truncated and end with one or two non printable characters ("rectangles"). This now occur with old FSUIPC version (restored from a backup) and with various ProSim versions (beta 3.32bxx and 3.31 release). What could be the reason? Attached file contains FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC.ini 🙂 Best regards, Didier Posted on forum.homesim.aero too (https://forum.homesim.aero/viewtopic.php?t=28299)
  7. As a ProSim user I would love to see WXR working again. Thank you very much 🙂 Didier
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