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  1. I am also trying to use FSUIPC7 to connect 2 Sayo 12 Key devices to MSFS. Not sure if this is an average or common usage. Not knowing all the intricacies of the FSUIPC7, I may ask stupid or uninformed questions. You assume your customers know as much as you and where items (files, documentation, subject location) are located. Your assumption seems that all your customers should have read all the documentation. Six percent of all activities as human performs are in error. Mistakes are made.
  2. I'm only asking for help in how to fix this. Perhaps I am one that has a unique setup, using FSUIPC7 facilities not often used and there is a conflict I can't find out of ignorance. Also, how many customers just give up or don't know there is a forum. Perhaps, I'll reinstall MSFS and FSUIPC7. Seven hours to download and install MSFS. Upon further testing, it is the combination of WASM and the DA62 Mod aircraft in the Community folder that crashes. I no longer remember this item. I found the logs. The most current one is the DA62 and WASM crash. As I said, I'm just trying to find how to debug and fix the problem with your help. I'm not accusing FSUIPC of not recognizing an issue as you seem to consider I am dong. I see the mention of the file MainMenu.FLT in the two logs that have errors. I have included the file. MainMenu.FLT FSUIPC_WASM.log FSUIPC_WASM_prev.log FSUIPC_WASM_prev2.log
  3. I have no need or desire to look at details. If so, why does it not crash when the fsuipc-lvar-module folder is removed from the Community folder or starting MSFS in "Safe" mode. FSUIPC7 starts in both cases with the EXE.xml file and has no issues. Perhaps as you can see by the attached image, there is no ...\fsuipc-lvarmodule\work folder in the Packages folder and therefore no log. I have changed the DirectX to DX11 and still have the issue. I don't understand why you insist that it is not an FSUIPC7 and WASM conflict if envery thing runs corrctly without the wasm Folder. As I mentioned in my first entry, I moved add-on items back into the Community folder one at a time the FSUIPC WASM folder last. MSFS worked fine until I readded the WASM folder and it crashed. Continued with further testing and shown the crash occurs when the fsuipc-lvar-module folder is present, not crash when absent.
  4. I recreated the crash. MSFS crashes (closes down) just after the FSUIPC7 console is displayed (the MSFS Main Menu screen has not yet displayed). As suspected, There is no FSUIPC_WASM.log file. You could at least provide pointers on how to debug this issue. FSUIPC7.log
  5. Since I am not familiar with WASM, as I'm sure most of your customers aren't, I didn't know ilog existed. Not sure I even saw it. I'll go check.
  6. I just purchase a new PC and installed MSFS, FSUIPC7 and several other add-ons. Attached is a screenshot of the add-ons. I downloaded all freah versions (including FSUIPC7). During the starting of MSFS, it crashed. Tried at least 3 times, crashed every time. I removed the items in the Community folder and added back one at a time. The aircraft started flying at the end of the runway and no crash. The last added was the FSUIPC7.log folder which crashed. One of the first attempts that didn't crash was a start in safe mode which obviously bypasses the Community folder. I have attached the Log, .ini and fsuipc-lvar-module files (obviously not the .hvar files). FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC_WASM.ini layout.json manifest.json FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm
  7. Is there any logging of the status of a profile when choosing and aircraft, fly now and ready to fly. Sometimes, if buttons are not working (no console entry), one is not sure if the profile was loaded or not. Thanks
  8. There are two control files, one in Alphabetical order and one in numerical order. The documentation shows a list of offset controls, but no examples of how to use them or they are included in the UI dropdown. Thank you, very clear.
  9. One additional question, are general offsets initialized to zero when a flight is "Ready to Fly"?
  10. I used offset setbits and clrbits to set the state and a button modifier on the input event and it works fine. As the "Offsets controls" are not listed in the Alpha controls listing, it is not very clear they are in the UI drop down. Once found, easy to use. In addition to be able to add a second parameter in the UI, an ability to input multiple entries to a single button/key should be considered. Thanks
  11. Because I tested and the TOGGLE_EXTERNAL_POWER didn't work (perhaps due to the index as shown above). I didn't know about the LONGITUDE toggle. I try them again. If one wants to use yokes, throttles, etc., and buttons, and key presses instead of virtual cockpit, MSFS and aircraft developers make it difficult. They are not consistent with gauges and switches. Very confusing for those of us that just want to fly. The most difficulty is communicating with the jargon and terms you all share as opposed to us that are confused. I will not be at my Sim until Thursday. If someone would just follow my request, we can forget the external power and the toggle. The request again is: Can you show the code needed to use an offset to turn an Input Event on and off based on the state of the offset. Presume I know how to define an offset either in a profile or my offsets.
  12. Thanks, again. The reason I use LVars, is using presets with most keypresses. The difference comes with the requirement to use an input event for the function which can't be set in the preset. Seems like only button/keys and Lua can provide a param to an input event while one cannot change an offset with the buttons/keypresses in a profile. Would you please show the best code to set an Input Event on and off using a mom button. I can handle normal A:, K:, and L: vars. Step A code, Step B code ...... Step x code.
  13. It does work with two buttons. The toggles don't work at all. I monitor the offsets and they are set at least on the on state, value 1. But they aren't always reset in the preset as shown above. As you know I'm setting the offset using LVars changed in the preset. Is there a way to set the offset and the input event in the profile [Keys] area? Is the ,bool with LVar mandatory in the preset? Could you provide me an example? It seems keypresses have less functionality than buttons or I'd try compound presses. Perhaps I'll just use Lua. In the past, I made the Lua too complicated. I do have an Lua that enters 0 in the offsets used and creates the LVars.
  14. It is strange as I have the aircraft in 3 separate instances of MSFS on 3 PCs. The default is in the Official folder with all other aircraft (with at least 8 liveries) and a mod (correcting default flight and control characteristics) in the Community folder.
  15. Thank you. Your answer doesn't have to be specific to an aircraft, however, the aircraft is the Cessna Longitude Citation. The switch I'm using is a single press button providing keypresses. I have tried 3 options: 1. Preset only, 2. Preset and Input Event, and 3. Input Event only. The only option that worked was #3 without the offset modifier. My problem, is I want first press on and second press off. The example in my post (without the preset) works to turn the event on but not off. In addition, I am trying to use the offset modifier technique to use a rocker switch (as on the Alpha and Bravo) with a simconnect toggle event. Push top on, push bottom off.
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