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Jesper Franzen

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  1. Yes I think so. I have read it and also now little in the advanced user guide and my conlusion is still that axis is much harder 🙂 Yes I felt that too when I was doing it . I have no idea what this means, this is clearly above my head. So then I sort of have to make my own presets. That seems way harder and much more time consuming than using the rotary encoder and go for the presets in buttons/switches. So just two questions. These things with lvars and "Looking at the calc. code for that preset: (L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER) 0.05 - 0 max (>L:A_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_CI_OUTER)" Is it the next step after you master the encoders because that felt easy compaired or is just another way of doing the same thing but with obviously a potentiometer rater then a encoder.
  2. Hello Yes you make it sound so easy. So I tried again and I really feel like a beginner, which of course I am, but I am not eleven either. So buttons & switches, no problems. I can even find the right airplane and they are in different categories. And when I use them it just work. But axis on the other hand feels totally opposite. I feel also stupid to bother you with what feels that this is something I should know. Maybe you can piont to some document or something. I have tried though. So axis. It's jumping a bit in the in/out(annoying) Delta? No idea Type of action...No idea but I have tried different settings and then underneath in the scroll down I don't get many options. Where it says "select for preset" it says above "This side...." But I do axis? So, confusing too. And the presets they are harder to find and when I try to use them I haven't found anything that works. Yes I am possitive I am doing something wrong but from my perspective the axis thing is harder. So go easy on me 🙂
  3. Thank you! I tried yesterday both with MSFS and DCS and presets for MSFS works fine. DCS works fine too but I use rotary encoder. So I will start with that and then did into the pot world. The encoder solves many issues with more than 3+ switches(selectors) so I will start with this. The pot is little too much headache for now 🙂 Thanks again!
  4. Ah ok well, I tried it in both. I'll look into it more if there is a difference between them. Thank you, then I'll buy it.
  5. Wow 🙂 That was english I guess but greek to me 🙂 It was the fenix 320 by the way but I guess it doesn't matter. So then I can use a rotary encoder too to set the lights then? Anyway, this project will take time. All from understanding this program fully to building everything. So to boil it down. Will I be able to use encoder or pot to adjust the light in cockpits? And for this do I need the paid version or not? It seems though that you really need the paid version, because unregistered I didn't see much. Don't get me wrong I am willing to pay for what I need, just don't what to pay for what I don't need 🙂 Thank you.
  6. Hello Ah well you said "You cannot calibrate a LIGHT_POTENTIOMETER_* axis, and this shouldn't be necessary" So I didn't do it prior to this latest test but I did check it in the properties in windows, where you can calibrate it and it looked fine. I understand now that you were talking abouth within the FSUIPC Oh well since I had problem sending files before but now I can get some more. I guess you see the problem.
  7. Hello Strange that I didn't get any email notification of your response. So my values are 16375-16384. Yes the "program" is FSUIPC. So for this test I didn't have anything plugged in except the leo bodnar card. I am sooo curious about the light potentiometer 24 set, where is that coming from? Is that like just the normal overall light set by the sim? I thought I would have nothing in the log except my card. Maybe this is a stupid question but I thought your program would like work together with the sim and not changing the sim. But this light issue must mean that it's changing the parameters/code or what you call it, not a programmer 🙂 To go beyond the original program. If this is the case, and this was a bad thing obviosly, do you have examples of this being helpful or even benefit to us? Sorry for my rambling 🙂 FSUIPC7.rar
  8. Ah sorry I took the file from the folder I saw the date/time on the text dokument. So I don't know how to make a log. And yes I really got an issue with the file size. I will compress it next time. Both in the program and in msfs I see that the axis is pretty smooth with no jumps. But I haven't manage to calibrate it yet in FSUIPC. I see throttles and other things but I don't know how to calibrate this potentiometer. I am trying to make it work with the lighting in the cockpit, weather it's flood or panel or other light sources. What I find strange is that the light never went back to normal. That must mean that the value of the pot is way off in the lowest setting, right? What I also don't understand is that it's more like the on/off thing but in msfs when I check it in "sensitive" it looks fine. Again I am new to this so I am trying to read and check videos but it is a handful 🙂 Not native english isn't really helping either. Should I delete what I already uploaded since now I can only upload 4.37kb?
  9. Hello I hope this is the right files. Thank you.
  10. I wanted to connect some pot so I can controll the light in the cockpit but I have must bought potentiometers on steroids. I even made the whole screen white. So I guess I have made something wrong but I have no clue. It's not a gradual increase of light it's more on off thing. And when I turn it down again it's not going back to normal. It's just glowing like crazy. I have a Leobodnar card and 10k pot. It was the default a320. Everything looks ok in FSUIPC and also in the flightsim itself. Thinking about the axis movement.
  11. Hello I really would like to try the program so a trial period would be nice. Thank you!
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