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  1. Many thanks to John Dowson & user ark1320 for their replies to this. Most helpful & I'll now get to work implementing these into MSFS 2020 before my trial license for FSUIPC7 runs out. Once I know that all is well & I can use my home-made control system with it, I can confidently purchase a proper FSUIPC7 license. I've only had the new Sim for about a month now, so much to learn of course & I'm most grateful to you both for replying to my enquiry.
  2. I'm new to the support forum as I'm just starting out with MSFS 2020, having moved from FSX. In the latter I had a set of LUA scripts (which may be the same as the OP) which were originally created in a download named 'NpC Numpad Control'. I'd like to use these with MSFS 2020 if that's possible & looks like the same question as raised by the OP back in 2021. I wonder if any further advice has surfaced to date which would help me achieve this? I'm currently using MSFS 2020 via a PC Game Pass & have FSUIPC 7 on a 'trial license' (which I just found on here, thanks!). I've just copied my FSUIPC 4 buttons & keys entries to my FSUIPC7 ini file (yet to be tested), along with the LUA script pointers, but my original LUA files resided in the FSX modules folder, so I don't know where to put them for MSFS 2020. As you can see, I'm not an expert with this, though I'm very proud of my home-built buttons & keypad control panel & my ability to have modified one of the original LUA scripts to also add ADF functionality as well to Numpad control, so I'm not a complete dunce(!) 🙂 Any help would be appreciated, as I don't want to go back to FSX now that I've seen MSFS 2020, understandably. Thanks.
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