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Posts posted by racartron

  1. You will be able to recover your registration info from the place you purchased the FSUIPC registration key, this will most probably be from Sim-market.

    Thanx for the heads up, but my awesome I/T buddy finally cracked the "code' on my destroyed drive and was able to recover the data regarding the order -- along with some other valuable bits.

    In the meantime I had downloaded a freah "unregistered" version to limp along. I was able to drop in the old key (we talking circa 2004 here) and SHAZAM!! I'm back in business. Can't think of too many situations where things still function after 6 + years.

  2. Hi Pete,

    I've been a registered user of FSUIPC for several years now(fs2002) and find it immensely beneficial. However, my old system destroyed itself recently and all my registration data(for several apps)were lost. I've moved onto a new, more powerful PC and installed fs2004 under Windows 7 (64 bit). My question is will I have to repurchase the entire app, pay an upgrade fee or just sort out out my original registration info?


  3. The paint kits are up at Avsim now. Also, Heather is giving you the option of downloading 32 bit or DXT3 skins.

    I have some of both and there is a "smoothing" effect with the DXT3 version plus each livery takes up only about 36% (9.0mb vs 25.1mb) of the space as the biggies.

  4. Hey Joe, I'am having a wee problem with the Storch livery. For some reason, the plane is not showing up cleanly but with shimmering black surfaces -- sometimes :?

    Depending on how far away from the gal I am, the livery shows not at all or perfect and all shade variations in between. Have not seen this problem elsewhere. And your recent Beaver skin is just fine.

    Oh yeah, I have all of the available Storch liveries and they are fine as well.

    Any suggestions:?:

  5. While the specific area looks really cool -- don't venture past the borders :D

    Personally, I picked up LAGO's terramesh for Switzerland at 6USD and am a very happy camper. And Portugal was also only 6USD.

    Besides I fly where I feel like on a given moment and must look to the economic welfare of my entire virtual world. $100 plus for one very small counrty is not a viable vurtual investment -- IMHO :wink:

  6. GeoRender is a scenery enhancer -- buildings, cars people, etc. and restricted to a very small area, usually one airport and a bit of the nearby country side.

    Terramesh on the other hand is strictly to improve the contours of the land in a given area. It makes the mountains and hills come alive -- visually.

    Howeer, AFAIK, LAGO only provides Terramesh for Europe. If you want a similar terrain mesh enhancement in the Northwest (near Emma) you will need to either find some free terrain mesh (available on both Avsim and Flightsim) or investigate some of the excellent payware terrains available. Personally I use FSGenesis for the entire Western Hemisphere and Largo's Terramesh for Europe.

  7. Let me try the word pic approach. :)

    BTW, Since you already have Piglet's version and have seen the alternate version at the top of this thread, no pictures are really required.

    Piglet's version was not taken from a Storch photo. It more closely resembles some of the Grumman WW II fighter series -- IMHO.

    The panel Joe found was taken from Storch archives and therefore is a much better match for the ones of us who strive for accuracy -- not a life threatening condition btw. :shock:

    Also, the new 2D panel much more closely matches Piglet's VC view. So all in all the best of both worlds. :)

    Course you can just ignore all this rhetoric and

    stick with what ya have :wink:

    EDIT: Guess I type too slow. I see Joe beat me to an answer. Can't get much better thah the source. BTW, I'm using all this in FS2002 NOT FS2004 and it works fine.

  8. Hey Joe, got it!!! :D Looks awesome. I did have to swap out the GPS popup though as for some reason it would not show up properly with the new cfg. But the original did just fine.

    What a difference this layout makes. Thank you so much for bringing the panel to my attention and expecially for the effort you put into customizing the cfg file.

  9. you don't need no stinking system specs!!!!!

    I running the 310 on an antiquated Dell XT-500mhz wity 640mb memory and a GeForce 2 with 64mb.

    It actually performs (system wise) a little better than the Dream Fleet Archer and Cardinal. Course, I don't venture too close to places like LAX or Chicago, but then I didn't do that before the C310.

    Also my FPS tolerance level may be lower than yours but I still enjoy all the neat new (read polygon rich) birds. with dense scenery I consistently get 12-14 fps in the cockpit(2D and 3D) where the actual flying is done. The spot view varies all over the place depending on the area I'm passing over and whether I have reflections on.

  10. Actually it's a good marketing move to publish the 310 now. Not every one is moving to 2004 immediately (read me) and those who are still can enjoy the bird for a few weeks before 2004 comes out. BTW, the 310 and their new 152 are both operational in 2002 AND 2004.

    It's a lot less stressful to shake out a new, complex plane in a known environment than to have both a new bird AND a new application starting up simultaneously.

    I do agree it would be silly to publish a payware piece that was not 2004 compatible at this point.

  11. Another good point about the Simtech stagger is its availablity for FS2K2 with a free move to CoF. LAGO's will only be available on the next generation.

    Also, the developer solved the icon problem and is including a fix with his upgrade in the next week or so. Remember, he said in the readme there where a couple things he didn't have time to include before the release date so an update was imminent.

    From a support angle, I got an email from the developer with a minor patch the same day I bought the system. I have NEVER got an email from any payware developer about a patch. That was a piece of impressive support. :D

  12. Hey Simon, love the bare metal version. I flew it out of Bogota, Colombia (appropriate part of the world :wink: ) at dusk. This baby actually looks better with reflections off -- minimizes visibility :)

    A couple ideas to add to the realism a bit.

    1) some oil/grease stains -- smugglers ain' t known for rigorous maintenance

    2) a few strategically placed bullet holes from the last flight, and

    3) some suspicious white substance around the nose.

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