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Posts posted by racartron

  1. After much interaction between the users and LAGO's tech staff, they have pretty well sorted out all the weird stuff and every one is reporting much more realistic effects -- even with GA stuff.

    I've downloaded it but haven't sprung for the purchase as yet. I was waiting for all the dust to settle. Guess I'm off to buy it today. :)

  2. The "terrible screeching sound" belongs to the compressor wav file. I encountered that earlier when I was adding some sounds during one of my stopovers at a new strip. I substituted the pump wav for it and all is better now.

    Also, one problem FSSS has is it can't sequence the sounds. When you fly into an area you will get the rush of everything before they spread out to their recycle times. And eventually they will converge if you hang around long enough. Maybe the version they're developing for CoF will allow offset sounds so you can follow one sound with another on demand. Like the barking of a dog immediately followed by the sound of ducks scattering to the far ends of the pond. :evil:

    Anyway, FSSS and FSSE have certainly brought new life to FS. I literally feel compelled to add at the very least a couple sounds to every new airport I visit. Makes for longer trips as this can get very time consuming -- especially if ya decide to pop in a few bits of FSSE scenery as well.


  3. My goodness that's a lot of wav files. Then I went to a site he recommended and found over 800 more. I'm gonna be busy updating all the out-of-the-way strips I visit for quite a while.

    The first on the list is a little rustic strip up in the wilds of British Columbia. I'm gonna plumb their outhouse; runing water, full flush capabilities and "other" assorted bathroom noises now under my control :twisted:

  4. My goodness that's a lot of wav files. Then I went to a site he recommended and found over 800 more. I'm gonna be busy updating all the out-of-the-way strips I visit for quite a while.

    The first on the list is a little rustic strip up in the wilds of British Columbia. I'm gonna plumb their outhouse; runing water, full flush capabilities and "other" assorted bathroom noises now under my control :twisted:

  5. What's a 180 degrees among friends :lol: Actually I found it by accident a couple days ago. Wasn't using FSMeteo at the time, so plugged 16knot winds to get the beautiful sailboat underway. Then perverse soul that I am, cranked it up to 36 to see what the crew would do. All they did was sail outta sight around the point.

    I finally gave up and was ready to leave when a huge T-storm rumbled in, grounding me for 45 minutes.

    The funny thing was I was in an amphib at the time and had rolled up onto the tiny beach and cut the engine to watch the sailboat and listen to the water lapping about. Something didn't feel right and suddenly I CRASHED!!. Turns out I had the wind coming at me dead on and my little Swift amphib was slowing being pushed backwards and eventually into a grove of trees. Guess I got what was coming to me cause by the time I managed to get everything reloaded the damn sailboat was safely back and moored. Fritz got the last laugh this time. :oops:

  6. What's a 180 degrees among friends :lol: Actually I found it by accident a couple days ago. Wasn't using FSMeteo at the time, so plugged 16knot winds to get the beautiful sailboat underway. Then perverse soul that I am, cranked it up to 36 to see what the crew would do. All they did was sail outta sight around the point.

    I finally gave up and was ready to leave when a huge T-storm rumbled in, grounding me for 45 minutes.

    The funny thing was I was in an amphib at the time and had rolled up onto the tiny beach and cut the engine to watch the sailboat and listen to the water lapping about. Something didn't feel right and suddenly I CRASHED!!. Turns out I had the wind coming at me dead on and my little Swift amphib was slowing being pushed backwards and eventually into a grove of trees. Guess I got what was coming to me cause by the time I managed to get everything reloaded the damn sailboat was safely back and moored. Fritz got the last laugh this time. :oops:

  7. Far be it from me to critize those FPS numbers. That's what I get there as well. Course, I'm running an antiquated Dell XT-500mhz with 640 mb memory and a GeForce2 video (64mb).

    I do not max all my sliders however. Mesh is pulled back to 65%, Clouds @ 50% (FS SkyWorld at 3/8's coverage) with ATC at 30%. The rest are "hard right."

    The water slider is also a toughie on FPS, but I enjoy the reflections too much to slam the slider to the left for the sake of a couple FPS clicks.

    The most damaging sliders I've found in general are the Mesh, Clouds and ATC. I'd recommend fiddling with those three sliders to improve your FPS. BTW What plane are ya running? That can often be a FPS killer as well.

    Hope this wee bit of insight from a long suffering FPS Simmer is of some small assistance.

  8. Far be it from me to critize those FPS numbers. That's what I get there as well. Course, I'm running an antiquated Dell XT-500mhz with 640 mb memory and a GeForce2 video (64mb).

    I do not max all my sliders however. Mesh is pulled back to 65%, Clouds @ 50% (FS SkyWorld at 3/8's coverage) with ATC at 30%. The rest are "hard right."

    The water slider is also a toughie on FPS, but I enjoy the reflections too much to slam the slider to the left for the sake of a couple FPS clicks.

    The most damaging sliders I've found in general are the Mesh, Clouds and ATC. I'd recommend fiddling with those three sliders to improve your FPS. BTW What plane are ya running? That can often be a FPS killer as well.

    Hope this wee bit of insight from a long suffering FPS Simmer is of some small assistance.

  9. Now that is down right impressive. On a Saturday evening with an EFFC fly-in going on. Thank y'all so much.

    BTW, I routinely add bits and pieces to nearly every strip I visit and am always on the look out for new wav files to populate the "world." So far haven't been too successful searching the web for decent additions. Where do you guys go to increase your inventory?

  10. Now that is down right impressive. On a Saturday evening with an EFFC fly-in going on. Thank y'all so much.

    BTW, I routinely add bits and pieces to nearly every strip I visit and am always on the look out for new wav files to populate the "world." So far haven't been too successful searching the web for decent additions. Where do you guys go to increase your inventory?

  11. Hi guys, just installed Bill Dick's 2 latest scenery offerings and they call for three wav files not in FSSS' standard inventory. Is there some way to get them forwarded to me?

    Usually when a new wav file is called for by a designer, it's included in the download. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The three files are:


    Willie & Waylen.wav


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