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  1. Hello. Why can't I use another command while the macro for PMDG 737-800 is running? [Macros] 1=GEAR UP OFF 1.1=PMDG_B737-7_GEAR_UP,0 1.2=C1152,8000 1.3=PMDG_B737-7_GEAR_OFF,0 Is there a way to do this in parallel with other commands? Or create your own event? Only I'm not quite sure about that. If someone could tell me and show me an example, I would be very grateful. And one more question. How can I increase the speed by 10 knots on an MCP when I press a button once? There is a PMDG_B737_MCP_IAS_MACH_INC event for this, but it increases by 1 node.
  2. Thank you very much.
  3. Thank you very much John. But I can't figure out the macros. Could you please show an example of a macro in this action.
  4. Hello. Tell me how to do two actions on one button with a delay. For example. When cleaning the chassis, the light turned off after two or three seconds. It's working at the same time now. 19=CP(+A,23)A,10,C66079,0 -{GEAR_UP}- 19=CP(+A,23)A,10,CPPMDG_B777_Landing_Light_Nose_Off,0 -{Preset Control}-
  5. Can I get a trial key?
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