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  1. I've removed the line again and they still worked. 🤔 That includes Pacx or SLC and LRM. Not sure whats going on anymore. None of those programs had been updated recently. Possibly just a glitch somewhere. 🤷‍♂️ Either way its all working again now. 🙂
  2. Everthing was running without admin privileges. Very confusing how it's happened but I appear to have fixed it by adding this line to general section the .ini file "DisableMSFSMonitor=Enum" Which I picked up from the LRM troubleshooting.
  3. I'm mid flight but I've closed FSUIPC down. It's allowing me 1.99kb of upload space. Please find the updated log and config files here https://file.io/bQxIqGWuk8UH I have not assigned any general buttons. I usually install the software and let it run its magic without ever changing anything. This is the first time i've ever had an issue and I've been using it for years.
  4. Apologies I was trying different things to troubleshoot. Please try this file now. https://file.io/sHsK1kt1y9h5 Stu
  5. https://file.io/LOjX75xRVMyK Here's a copy of the log file, I had to change the extension from .log to .txt to upload it. I can confirm that LRM is free.
  6. Hi, I've recently updated to the latest version however I've noticed that Pacx, Landing Rate Monitor and Self Loading Cargo are unable to connect. However, an acars program will connect if FSUIPC is loaded after the simulator is loaded but not concurrently. I've attached an image showing FSUIPC connected to the sim with Pacx showing an error. I'd attach the log but its 3763kb and 20kb file size is the limit. I should note that all of these programs loaded with the last version that I used (possibly 7.4.5?) Thanks
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