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  1. i belived to have fixed it because it poped up when i opened it
  2. FSUIPC7 splash-screen never popped up
  3. i just ganan use your example!
  4. what should i reanme the file to? for the MS Store?
  5. i bit confused on the last part where you say remove or reanme this file!
  6. I do know wehere my community folder is and i belive i have but i dont know if i had it on steam before
  7. InstallFSUIPC7.logthere the new one i not tried lauching game just yet as i am in midflight of doing a flight
  8. right now when i lauch micersoft flight sim the FSUIPC7 splash-screen is not popping up but i reinstall it after i done this flight i dont want to re do all my things to set my plane up for the flight again!
  9. i have downloaded the game off xbox app on pc bec i have a subscription
  10. InstallFSUIPC7.logso i tried doing a flight on peguas but the App aint running when i lauch the game
  11. i am having the same issue
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