Since upgrade to 7.5.0 and now 7.5.1 i have issues using presets. Im using: FS 2020 + PMDG 737-800 + Self Loading Cargo + GSX + FStraffic. I use 4 different hardware devices i mapped buttons to PMDG presets.
I start a flight cold and dark. I start the aircraft till is has ground power. Im using switches from a button box. Sometimes they don't work. I have to ALT TAB to FSUIPC and select the profile i created. Once in ground power state i always check if the flap lever and spoiler lever work. They do and i let GSX together with SLC do its thing while i prepare for flight. Once pushed back i want to set flaps 5 but nothing happens. I go back to FSUIPC and it does not recognise the flap lever anymore. When i go back to MSFS and back to the cockpit, the plane goes into complete C&D state again. I have to close down MSFS plus SLC. Start MSFS again and start from scratch, in the hope it all works.
Is it possible to get the latest previous version of FSUIPC 7.4.8?