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Everything posted by russ2409

  1. not at home at the min john but when i flick the buttons on key assignment in fsuipc it has them allocated to do stuff that ive set it up for, however the sim don't seem to actually move the switch when i toggle one of my buttons on the alpha or bravo
  2. yep got same problem i installed it like i do all updates with out problems but first flight today since installing latest version and have no buttons working. FSUIPC sees the commands in the program but dont send them to the sim. Strange thing is it must of worked before pushback as i started the apu with an assigned button. Just a side note i have 2 friends with same issue since update.
  3. Having lots of issues as well i updated yesterday to the latest version and found it strange that even when registering my details it did not let me finish the install with out skipping the reg details even though it did put them in. since then FSUIPC don't auto start with MSFS and my controls on PMDG do not work, they show in the button assignments under pmdg 737 profile but no switch movements when used. is there a link to get the older version back for now.
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