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Vasco Oliveira

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Vasco Oliveira last won the day on August 30 2024

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  1. Thanks, John. I don't know if the transponder setting is working while on MSFS machine, since I don't run SLC there (due to some problems - like options on SLC not opening). I'll wait for updates. Thanks. 🙂
  2. I mean on remote machine.
  3. Is this normal, John? WAPI=0
  4. John, everything is going ok, except the transponder on SLC. It is not being recognized with any plane I fly with (Genix and PMDG. The others, I don't know). The rest is going ok. Thanks. Regards, Vasco
  5. I'll try it, John. Thanks. Regards, Vasco
  6. Hi, John, Here they are. after 2 flights with the PMDG B77W. Thanks. 🙂 FSUIPC7-MSFS Machine.log FSUIPC7-Remote.log
  7. When I'll fly the 777, I'll send you the files. Thanks
  8. Hi, Steve. I do not use Wideclient some time ago. Calm down. I flew from LPPT to LPMA and things were going ok, except the transponder. The flight was completed as you can see on Arrivals on Discord. Now, I'm flying from LPMA to LPPD and SLC crashed after takeoff. I'll wait for an update. SLC is awesome, I love it, but I don't like to use it on MSFS machine. I tried today and the main button doesn't open the other wheels. That's one reason to use it on remote. When I said "angry" it was on good way. Because I'm always asking you things and I don't like to get much time of people, since you have more things to do. 😉 Regards. 🙂
  9. Flight terminated. Here re the files for analisys, John. The "settings" and "FSUIPCClient" are SLC files Thanks. 🙂 FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7_prev.log settings.xml FSUIPCClient.xml
  10. No. Just SLC. But now I'm flying from LPPT to LPMA with the Fenix A320 and SLC on remote again. For now, everything is going ok. I'm almost at the middle of the flight. Then, I'll tell you something and I'll send you both the FSUIPC7 and SLC logs. Thanks, John.
  11. Here it is, John. Thanks. Regards, Vasco FSUIPC7.log
  12. I think Steve is a bit angry with me by posting these issues on remote. But, since I believe we can do it and certainly other users would like to run SLC on remote, I'll insist on this improvement on both softwares. When I arrive at home, I'll send you the files. By the way, I installed the latest lvar modules on that flight. Regards, Vasco
  13. But SLC was crashing anyway since the last update (
  14. Hi, John, I was making a flight from EGLL to LPPT with the Fenix A321. Improves with FSUIPC7 version 7.4.17b: * Battery and Ground power detected; * Transponder sets recognized; During t/o SLC crashed... I think I'll try using SLC on MSFS machine. I'm tired of this. Thanks anyway
  15. Hi, John, Is it needed to install lvarmodules with this FSUIPC7 version?
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