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  1. I think you can let it in original units (ft/s). Thank you.
  2. Hello John, a couple today's tests with TBM9: I converted the new offset in ft/m from ft/s and changed sign in order to be comparable with the original one LIQL 14.25.58 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: -162 fpm (Last VS: -142 - GForce: 1.21 - Normal: -192.0) RWY 10 VNLK 14.39.25 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: 945 fpm (Last VS: 1030 - GForce: 1.50 - Normal: -432.3) RWY 06 14.44.14 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: 478 fpm (Last VS: 273 - GForce: 1.00 - Normal: -244.7) RWY 06 LFLJ 15.03.35 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: 1709 fpm (Last VS: 1754 - GForce: 1.38 - Normal: -407.0) RWY 22 15.11.15 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: 1278 fpm (Last VS: 1200 - GForce: 1.34 - Normal: -262.9) RWY 22 LIDP 15.18.21 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: -54 fpm (Last VS: -96 - GForce: 1,05 - Normal: -88,9) RWY 02 15.23.13 - [Leg] Landing detected. Landing rate: -165 fpm (Last VS: -149 - GForce: 1,22 - Normal: -231,3) RWY 20 The values seems reliable. I will continue test in bigger airports with liners and I'll let you know
  3. Thank you so much John, I'll test in these days Umberto
  4. Thank you John for the quick answer. I'll try using a free offset and I'll send u the compared values, in order to see if it deserves to change the original offset simvar Umberto
  5. Hello, In order to calculate the landing rate I'm using the offset 0x030C. Apart the known problems of bounces, there is another problem in case of sloped runways. I've found a variable in Simconnect called "PLANE TOUCHDOWN NORMAL VELOCITY". https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Programming_Tools/SimVars/Aircraft_SimVars/Aircraft_Misc_Variables.htm?rhhlterm=plane touchdown normal velocity&rhsearch=PLANE TOUCHDOWN NORMAL VELOCITY Can it be implemented also in fsuipc? Here a sample project using it: https://github.com/scelts/gees/tree/master Thanks Umberto
  6. Hello DevTeam, would be possible to have a new FS Version number at offset 3308 for FS2024? Thanks Umberto
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