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Everything posted by Holclo

  1. OK - thank you. William
  2. Yes unfortunately I installed P3D in the root folder of E. Yes I know now that was wrong Yes makerwys runs if I double click the exe In task manager I could not see any reference to it running I did earlier have it running OK in FSIPanel but another error in the connection of that add on forced a reinstall. Now the original problem is solved but the database update is causing the problem
  3. I have 2 drives --C which is an SSD and another drive - E I have installed P3D in drive E . Maybe then it is an instance of an incomplete uninstall of FSIPanel? Sorry I have to go out for a few hours. Back later.
  4. Sorry in P3Dv2.4 and using FSUIPCv4.949
  5. Good morning. I am trying to install an add-on (FSIPanel) which, due to my lack of computer knowledge, has necessitated uninstalling and reinstalling several times. However I am now getting stuck at the point where the programme needs to update the Airports Database and I get this message: "The process cannot access the file E:\Makerwys.exe because it is being used by another process" I have no idea how to progress. Please help. William
  6. Pete, OK I have now updated to P3Dv2.2 and also updated the IFly737 CBE. The crash still happens when exiting FSUIPC after making changes to Button Assignments. Sometimes if I go first to FSUIPC before flying I can make changes without any crash. Have just done this but after a few minutes (still parked at gate) I get a crash again when trying to change an assignment. Here is a log from yesterday ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.934 by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "E:\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside Prepar3D v2 on Windows 7 Module base=615F0000 User Name=xxxxxxxxxxxx User Addr=xxxxxxxxxxxx FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 46 System time = 21/06/2014 14:17:01 46 FLT path = "C:\Users\William\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\" 46 Trying E:\Modules\SimConnectP3D2.dll 78 Found it: trying to connect 93 FS path = "E:\" 561 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 561 ### Failed to obtain SIM1 Frictions access: no frictions facilities available! 561 Reason 6: SIM1 base=68430000 561 FrictionAddr=68532E50 contains 6844F7E0 561 BrakingAddr=68534110 contains 9999999A 561 WARNING: Failed to install Mouse Macro hooks! 561 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 561 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 561 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D 15475 Running in "Lockheed MartinÆ Prepar3DÆ v2", Version: 2.2.10437.0 (SimConnect: 15475 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 15475 FSUIPC Menu entry added 15506 C:\Users\William\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\Glasgow.FXML 15506 E:\SimObjects\Airplanes\iFly 737-700\iFly737_700_20k.AIR 62057 System time = 21/06/2014 14:18:03, Simulator time = 14:17:17 (13:17Z) 62057 Aircraft="iFly 737-700 (Wide screen)" 63040 Starting everything now ... 64381 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 2393663 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 2332 secs = 29.7 fps Bill
  7. Pete, Yes I am using the IFly737 Cockpit Builders Edition (P3D version) so that should not be the issue. Leaving today for a weeks visit to the grandchildren et al. Will update you when I return. I had all my switches, throttles, flaps etc set up through FSUIPC without any problems at all and all worked well for several months. Just recently this issue along with other minor niggles started appearing. This has prompted me to finally upgrade to P3D V2.2 Bill
  8. Pete, OK I installed 4.934 and experienced the exact same "P3D has stopped working". However I have decided to uninstall P3DV2 (as several other little issues were appearing) and then install P3D V2.2 Hopefully, after doing that, all will be ok again. FSUIPC has always been very reliable for me and I am really suspecting a P3D issue has been the root cause of this problem. Thanks, Bill
  9. Pete, I am getting a crash in P3DV2 when closing the FSUIPC (version 4.929) Buttons/Switches window. I have got my cockpit all working through FSUIPC and this problem has recently appeared. If I open FSUIPC from the drop down menu to check or change an assignment then most times P3D stops working with the message P3D. exe has stopped working. As a quick test for this email I loaded a short flight. Whilst parked at the gate I opened and closed the Buttons/Switches page several times without a crash. Then I completed the flight and when parked at the destination gate I opened FSUIPC Buttons/switches page again - closed it and crash. Here is the log: ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.929 by Pete Dowson ********* Reading options from "E:\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" Running inside Prepar3D v2 on Windows 7 Module base=606A0000 User Name="xxxxxxxx" User Addr="xxxxxxxx" FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 31 System time = 26/05/2014 21:10:53 31 FLT path = "C:\Users\William\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\" 31 Trying E:\Modules\SimConnectP3D2.dll 78 Found it: trying to connect 78 FS path = "E:\" 546 LogOptions=00000000 00000001 546 SIM1 Frictions access gained 546 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed 546 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 546 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D 16723 Running in "Lockheed MartinÆ Prepar3DÆ v2", Version: 2.1.9936.0 (SimConnect: 16723 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 16723 FSUIPC Menu entry added 16739 C:\Users\William\Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files\Belfast EasyJet.FXML 16739 E:\SimObjects\Airplanes\iFly 737-800\iFly737_800_26k.AIR 59249 System time = 26/05/2014 21:11:53, Simulator time = 21:11:09 (20:11Z) 59265 Aircraft="IFly737-800" 61277 Starting everything now ... 87158 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 28 secs = 29.5 fps 159667 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 22 secs = 29.3 fps 345433 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 2565046 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 2392 secs = 29.8 fps I suspect I need to enable logging as this doesn't give much info. Should I reinstall FSUIPC 4.929 or install one of the later versions and if so will I be able to copy over all my settings/assignments/calibrations? Thanks Bill
  10. Pete FSUIPC Version 3.90 on XP machine and 3.991 on Win7 machine. Thank you for your response. It was late last night when I posted and to clarify the situation I have 2 computers separately running FS - an XP and a Win 7. The XP I use very rarely for FS but used it last evening to test controllers and it got messed up also!! Anyhow removing FSUIPC.ini on the XP machine and working with the Logitec Extreme 3D Pro sorted that one out. On the Win 7 machine the message did indeed refer to duplicate copies of FSUIPC running and to delete or remove one of them from the modules folder. But as far as I can see there is only one in there. Using Task manager does not show another copy of FS running. Anyhow I removed fsuipc.ini file from the folder also. Now FS is starting again - but the saitek yoke is not working. I expect it will be returned today. Again thank you.
  11. Pete, Somehow someway i have got fS9 completely messed up. I have been experimenting with Prosim,changing throttle /yoke/joysticks,testing a homemade overhead etc. I was using a Saitek Pro Yoke and a homemade throttle. I removed my homemade throttle and connected the Saitek throttle which comes bundled with the Saitek yoke. Shortly after this FS9 started to act crazy with the trim moving of its own accord. Then followed the flaps moving of there own accord. I first of all blamed Saitek and phantom keypresses but have also tried a logitec extreme 3d joystick and still FS9 is unflyable. After spending hours today trying to get it sorted and failing I have eventually reached the point where FS9 won't load. It hangs at the introductory graphic and gives me a FSUIPC Error Message re duplicate folders.The only close thing to a duplicate I can see is FSUI.dll and FSUIPC.dll but I am assuming they are different. Any ideas? I tried to copy/paste the list but it won't paste. Bill
  12. Pete Thanks - that's me sorted on FS9 Bill
  13. Pete OK - thanks Bill
  14. Pete, Your description above is exactly what is happening with my FS9/GoFlight. Once the labels have been brought up (I do this by pressing the button on the GF-P8 allocated to COM 2 -- the button for COM1 will not bring up its label until after COM 2 has been called up) then all is fine and the GOFlight-46 and P8 work perfectly. In my case the GF-46 blanks out initially just after I press "FlyNow" on the loading screen and the "Loading Scenery Graphic - progress bar" starts. Hope I have explained this OK Take Care Bill
  15. Pete I have a very similar problem. Windows 7 64 bit, FS9, GF-46,GF-P8,GF-T8, FSUIPC 3.965. More or less exactly as described by Ian. On loading I get the GF-46 lighting up with, for example, Com1 129.22. As the FS load completes the GF-46 goes blank. As I have the GF-P8 buttons programmed (via GoFlights set up) to select various radios to display on the GF-46 I then press a button to display Com 1 and get the frequency only appearing (no COM1 on left hand side)Then I press the button to select COM 2 and get both COM 2 and frequency digits appearing, then select button for COM 1 and get both appearing.All radios then work normally. I can live with that but today on a flight I went to change the Com 1 frequency to get arrival ATIS and as soon as I touched the tuning encoder knob i got a "black screen" failure. FS( simply stopped and a reset of fS9 automatically occured. Maybe that was a coincidence but as you are aware I am just getting everything installed in Windows 7 and these issues take time to test. Another interesting thing, totally unrelated, is that even though I save my flights with zero flaps the planes load with flaps at 10 for the PMDG737 or 20 for the default Cessna. Bill
  16. Pete Good morning. Just reporting that all is working well here now including GoFlight. 3.962 has fixed all.Now just waiting for Paolo and CPFlight fix. Thank you for your time and effort. Bill
  17. Pete 3.962 seems to have cured the joystick recognition problem. Have been in amd out of FSUIPC about 10 times and no disconnect. Have now lost contact with my GoFlight modules but that is for tomorrow as I have to go out visiting now. Many thanks for helping me through this today. Much appreciated. Paolo is currently writing me a little programme to see if he can trace the blockage with the CPFlightMCP. Tis a very frustrating time. Take Care, Bill
  18. Pete Oops not up to .62 yet going there now. Sorry Bill
  19. Pete OK it was the Leo Bodnar (Bux)card. One of switches causing problems. Have disconnected it. Set one hat switch button via FSUIPC and then have had another joystick disconnect. Have set the timeout to 100 but it will not connect.When I check through Control Panel - Devices - Properties the joystick responds as working fine so it must be the connection to fs that is causing the problems I assume. Will now reload MSFS and try again. Same thing happened again. Just for interest I have tried this joystick on my "now test rig" Dell P4 running XP and FSUIPC3.93 and all is well. Joystick perfect. Bill
  20. Pete Have just been checking. When I call up FSUIPC to Buttons and Switches the graphic box opens showing Joystick 2 Button 11. When I press a button on the joystick it momentarily shows Joystick 0 and button 10 the "S" flashes and then the Joystick number reverts to Joystick 2 button number 11. If I press a different button I will get for example Joystick 0 button 8 and again reverts after a quick flash to joystick 2 button 11 (and always no entries in any other boxes) Bill
  21. Pete Just in case you missed my post above your last reply. We must have been typing at the same time.And to clarify the flickering when I press the button on the joystick I see the "S" for only a brief moment and then the box is empty again. Press button again and once more a momentary display of the "S" Bill
  22. Pete, Joystick Timeout set at 30. Further information. I completed a short flight PMDG737-800 and taxied to the gate. Set parking brakes and then decided to have a look at my Hat Switch settings in FSUIPC. And then I was seeing no response for my Logitec Extreme 3DPro joystick nor my Saitek Throttle Quadrant both of which had been operating normally during flight,landing,taxi and parking up to FSUIPC call up. Another observation I have made is a couple of times when going to FSUIPC via Menu and selecting buttons and switches I would get a flickering of the assignment i.e. when I press the button I had allocated to key press "S" I would see the "S" flickering and not stable in it's little box as would normally be the case. Other buttons would then act similarly. This doesn't always happen but has on several occasions. Now I am in a dilema is my problem FSUIPC, or Windows 7 or is it my new computer (where I do have some concerns - but uneducated ones at that i.e. I am not computer literate).I have not been able to get my CPFlightMCP recognised via the com port and am concerned that all my USB ports may have someting wrong with them - is that possible? Thanks Bill
  23. Pete Sorry about changing the focus of the thread. I did start it re my Logitec Joystick timing out but have that resolved by moving the timeout to 100. Now Saitek Throttle,Logitec Joystick, Ult Terrain,Ground Environment, WOAI packages are all working perfectly. This left me with my CPFlight MCP which I had referred to earlier. I was just letting you know what had happened. Thank you for trying to help with CPFlightMCP - the problem arises even before FS9 gets involved. It is in the initial setting up of the MCP to the computer where the computer cannot read from the port to which the MCP is attached (via a serial to USB adapter). MCP_CONF is used for this....but I tried in sheer frustration to also try fs.com.exe ( which connects and aligns the MCP with FS2004 when FS2004 is running). This is where the fsuipc connection = false lines come from I think. "File preferences.txt caricato correttamente" > "Routine di load terminata" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > > Preferences > "Option 0",0 > "Option 1",1 > "Tipo Patch",0 > "Enable CPflightData.dll",0 > "Option 4",0 > "Option 5",0 > "Option 6",0 > "Option 7",0 > "Operating Mode",1 > "Flap Detent",9 > "Brightness",10 If, having read this, you wish me to run any tests I will gladly do so. Bill
  24. Pete Bill here. I surrender. I will never get this CPFlight MCP working - 6+ hors today and almost square eyes and no brains. Even Paolo is confused now! Fs2004 and all other add ons working a treat. Have just addedFSNav - no probs.Just the MCP won't go. Cheers Bill
  25. Pete Good morning. Had a long discussion by phone with the PC technician and after questioning me closely he felt that my PC was OK. (I know it is remote but my heating also broke down and that had to take priority as you can well imagine here in UK at the moment!!) However on doing a little further digging I found a couple of files from the CP Flight area: > "File preferences.txt caricato correttamente" > "Routine di load terminata" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > "FSUIPC_Open(SIM_ANY, dwResult) = False" > > Preferences > "Option 0",0 > "Option 1",1 > "Tipo Patch",0 > "Enable CPflightData.dll",0 > "Option 4",0 > "Option 5",0 > "Option 6",0 > "Option 7",0 > "Operating Mode",1 > "Flap Detent",9 > "Brightness",10 > It appears the CPFlight programme is having difficulty finding FSUIPC and is terminating. Paolo suggested a reinstall of FSUIPC. Can you advise, especially the best way to do this in these circumstances. Thanks Bill
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