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Everything posted by Andi1982

  1. Thank you very much for your answer! Of course i catch the exceptions :) but i needed the state to display the status in my application. I now changed my programm so that the exception of the process sets the status. By the way, do you read all fsuipc data via simconnect from fsx or do you also use another interface to fsx? You have some Data in FSUIPC which i can not find in simconnect. Many thanks for your help and best regards Andi
  2. Hi Peter, i use fsuipc in VB.NET. I have a timer which reads the data via FSUIPC in fixed intervals. But how can i check if FSUIPC-Connectiont to the flightsimulator is already established? I do not want to catch the exeption after reading data without connection. Is there a simple way to check? Maybe something like this: FSUIPCConnection.connected = True ? Best regards Andi
  3. Hi Pete, we have once some some problems with setting weahter in FS2004 using the new Weather Interface. We Have 3 Buttons (Clear-WX-Button, Set-WX1, Set-WX2). The Clear-Button works very fine. We send the command NW_CLEAR, set uDynamics to Zero and chICAO to "GLOB". The Buttons Set-WX1 and Set-WX2 should put som clouds on the sky and should change the visibility. Therefore we set uDynamics to 0, chICAO to "GLOB" and as uCommand is used NW_SETEXACT. We use this command because we first read out a valid weather and do our changes there. So NW_SETEXACT should be no problem. Now the misterious situation: If we first click the Clear-WX-Button, the weather is cleared. If we then click within 10 seconds later one of the WX-Set-Buttons, the weather is set as we wanted to. But if we first click one of the Set_WX-Buttons, the weather does not change. But if we take a look in the FS2004 Weather config page, then we can see that our weather is in there. If we leave the config page by clicking OK, our new weather is set. Do you know why the Weather-setting works when we cleared the weather a few seconds before, but it not works without clearing the weather via fsuipc? There must be a simple reason why our new weather is not yet activated. Hope you can give us a hint... Best regards Andi
  4. Yes i think so, anyway tries to set the weather where successful! Thanks for pushing me back on the right track!
  5. hey pete, i think i was wrong. did not notice that my quotation is part of the description for Area 2 (setting area). Regards Andi
  6. Hi Pete, at the moment i try to set the weather in FS2004. For that i use the structure of the new weather interface at address C000 and following... In the documentation of the NWI you give this example sequence for setting the weather: Now i want to set the Global weather, which timestamp do i have to read? Do i have to read the timestamp of area 0(CC00-C3FF), area 1 or area 3? I tried this with timestamp of area 0, but this one changed everytime i read out. Am i right thinking, that the timestamp in area 1 has to be updated after i set the global weather? Best regards Andi
  7. Hello, i want to set the weater via fsuipc. First i thought i just have to set the Fields at 0xF20 and so on... but this does not work. Then i read that i have to use the new weather interface (NWI). Has anybody a example how to use the nwi in visual basic? Best regards Andi
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