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Everything posted by mhlarsen

  1. Just after installing 5.12 my display window was 'moved' to the upper left corner and the rest is black??
  2. Normally it is empty, but right now I moved the Trim Wheel a lot further than before and suddenly it kicked in and I was able to assign it. Weird though, but maybe The Trim Wheel needs more movement than joysticks? Thanks for the help. Michael
  3. Yes in Windows the Trim Wheel use an axis. This is my controllers: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=Mad Catz Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel 0.GUID={82413B00-8D72-11E6-8001-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Gamer Command Unit 1.GUID={07E4ABD0-7E7C-11E6-8009-444553540000} 3=Saitek Cyborg X 3.GUID={07E45DB0-7E7C-11E6-8001-444553540000} Nothing happens when I move the Trim Wheel in FSUIPC. Michael
  4. Hi Thomas Yes, it is listed in the FSUIPC file: 0=Mad Catz Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel 0.GUID={82413B00-8D72-11E6-8001-444553540000} Michael
  5. My new Saitek Cessna Trim Wheel is not recognized in Axis assignments by FSUIPC. I have P3D v3.4 running on Windows 10 and I can use the Trim Wheel in Windows Device settings. If i enable controllers in P3D, then I am able to assign the Trim Wheel, but not in FSUIPC. Michael
  6. Ok, this works if I use the Offset to read the state and then the control 66373 to set. Thanks Pete :)
  7. Well, I used Tracker tool in the LINDA application, which logs both L:Var and Controls. Your example from the DC-3 is exactly like the script I wrote using the Offset 2F68. Value 0 for Off and 1 for On, but it does not work in the F1 Islander. Maybe I should write the script first for the DC-3 to test it? Thanks Michael
  8. I tried to log the L:Var, but nothing came up except the FSX control. The default DC-3 has a Cage button, bottom right under the Horizon indicator. Michael
  9. I use FSX Acceleration and this is for the Flight1 BN-2 Islander. An item on the Shutdown checklist is to Cage the Attitude indicator. I want this Shutdown checkliste to run automatically in a LINDA module, but I have no way of reading the state of the Attitude indicator. Michael
  10. Does anyone know if its possible to read the Attitude state (Caged or Uncaged) ? I have tried using Offset 2F68, but it does not seem to do the job. The only thing left is the Toggle control 66373, which does not have an off/on setting. Thanks Michael
  11. Pete, The new Acceleration controls would be specific for Aircraft carrier and SAR aircrafts/helicopters. They pop up in LINDA when I try mapping one of these aircrafts/helicopters. I might just make a list of these. Just like we have FSX controls for various aircraft lights, then we also have Offset values to control them directly, which is way more powerful. Thats what I am looking for in the Acceleration controls. xcorez, Thanks for the XML gauge workaround, which I will try out :) Michael
  12. Actually I am using the application LINDA, which I think does the same job. And no, the only action is that an FSX control is activated. I really wish all aircraft designers would add Lvar to all buttons, levers and switches. Well, if you add all the new Acceleration controls, it would be nice to have these Associated with an Offset value. I am not really sure, if I can do this myself. Michael
  13. Hi Pete, Unfortunately I do not have an Lvar option for this function, but I will create a 'normal' toggle using the FSX control. Will the Offset document be updated as well? ;-) Michael
  14. The 'Launch Bar' is from default FSX Acceleration and activated through the keyboard command Shift+U. Michael
  15. An example would be to test the status of the Launch Bar (FSX control 66879), if extended or retracted (Carrier Ops). I have no Offset value for this control. Michael
  16. Hi Pete, Is there any way to read the current value of a given FSX control, if this control does not have an offset value? I assume that a command like this will just activate the control?: if (ipc.control(XXXX)) == 0 then ... Thanks Michael
  17. Thanks, I will try the axis assignment.
  18. Hi Pete, I have a Logitech G940 Flightstick and Throttle with two POV/HAT buttons on each. My problem is simply that FSUIPC4 only recognizes one POV/HAT button on each device. What can I do to change this?
  19. Is it possible to use the Saitek editor alongside FSUIPC4 for controlling keypresses? Lets say, I have most of my FSX keys mapped through the editor, but would like 2 more swithes to be mapped via FSUIPC4? Thanks Michael
  20. Is it possible to reprogram the switches on Saitek Switch Panel through FSUIPC4? Thanks Michael
  21. FSUIPC4 won't have anything whatsoever to do with it unless you have made settings to do such things. If you don't know what you've done just delete the FSUIPC4.INI file from the FSX modules folder, so that everything reverts to default -- i.e. no actions by FSUIPC at all. Pete Odd thing is, that I have not set up anything at all in FSUIPC4. FSUIPC4 was just installed as is and registered. I have ofcourse set up my Yoke in FSX, but I guess this should not inflict upon FSUIPC4? My current FSX installation is rather basic as I'm getting a new disc tomorrow and will reinstall FSX on that. Michael Just to clear things up: It seems a USB hub was the culprit here and not FSUIPC4 :? Installed FSUIPC4 again and all is now well :D Thanks Michael
  22. FSUIPC4 won't have anything whatsoever to do with it unless you have made settings to do such things. If you don't know what you've done just delete the FSUIPC4.INI file from the FSX modules folder, so that everything reverts to default -- i.e. no actions by FSUIPC at all. Pete Odd thing is, that I have not set up anything at all in FSUIPC4. FSUIPC4 was just installed as is and registered. I have ofcourse set up my Yoke in FSX, but I guess this should not inflict upon FSUIPC4? My current FSX installation is rather basic as I'm getting a new disc tomorrow and will reinstall FSX on that. Michael
  23. I recently installed FSXafter a break. For some months all was ok and my Saitek Flight Yoke was stable. Then I remembered FSUIPC4 and installed that too, registered version. Then my troubles started. My Flight was very unstable and often unresponsive after some minutes of flight using the yoke. Several reinstalls of latest Saitek drivers did nothing. All tests were done with FSX default flight. Then I removed FSUIPC4 and suddenly all problems with my yoke disappeared. What now??? Does this mean that any addon requiring FSUIPC4 is a no-go for me? Michael
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