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Posts posted by blueridgeflyer

  1. I agree that this is like chasing the wind. I went ahead and uninstalled FSX-SE. Since DTG ( on the steam forum) is not even acknowledging that there is a problem or at least that they will look into it, I will let them concentrate on their DLC.

    Its likely that I will remove all flight sims from all my PC's; they all have "chase the wind" issues to one degree or another, and since there is nothing I can do to help, there is no sense being frustrated.

    Until there is a good reason for "me" ( I speak only for me ) to care about flight simming, I will take up another hobby for now. SCS Euro truck sim is stable, looks great/real , is now 64bit (before it needed to be), there is steady progress, and good steady communication from the developers.

    Take care Pete,


    I wouldn't throw in the towel on DTG & SE just yet. Granted the terrain.dll issue seems to be isolated and germane to the Long Haul crowd. The FSX franchise as it relates to this niche customer is hanging in the balance. I'm certainly pulling for them.

    I am standing by for P3D 2.5 as it will likely take over as my primary flight sim platform with the release of PMDG licensed products.

  2. I ran FSX-SE with the newest module and was able to generate a terrain.dll crash about 4 hours into the flight. The Log file is still not populating with data relevant to the event though.


    ********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.938g by Pete Dowson *********

    Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"

    Running inside FSX Steam Edition on Windows 7

    Module base=55390000

    User Name="XXXX"

    User Addr="XXXXX"

    FSUIPC4 Key is provided

    WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

    32 System time = 27/01/2015 11:01:25

    32 FLT path = "C:\Users\Ryan\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

    63 Trying to connect to SimConnect Steam ...

    94 FS path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\"

    328 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

    328 SIM1 Frictions access gained

    328 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

    328 TERRAIN.DLL fix attempt installed ok

    328 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

    328 Trying to use SimConnect Steam

    2762 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.62608.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.62608.0)

    2762 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

    2762 FSUIPC Menu entry added

    2793 C:\Users\Ryan\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\GLS Default.FLT

    2793 simobjects\airplanes\beech_baron_58\Beech_Baron_58.AIR

    9204 Weather Mode now = Global

    14805 ASE with WX requester detected

    32105 simobjects\airplanes\PMDG 777-200LR\B777-200LR.AIR

    85052 System time = 27/01/2015 11:02:51, Simulator time = 09:01:28 (17:01Z)

    85068 Aircraft="PMDG 777-223LR American Airlines (Fictional)"

    98312 Weather Mode now = Theme

    98484 Weather Mode now = Global

    101011 Starting everything now ...

    101370 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    142897 Weather Mode now = Theme

    143381 Weather Mode now = Global

    10360495 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 10264 secs = 29.4 fps

    reliability file:


    Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\fsx.exe

    Problem signature

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

    Application Name: fsx.exe

    Application Version: 10.0.62608.0

    Application Timestamp: 54abe5b4

    Fault Module Name: terrain.dll

    Fault Module Version: 10.0.62608.0

    Fault Module Timestamp: 54abe5e1

    Exception Code: c0000005

    Exception Offset: 00059be8

    OS Version: 6.1.7601.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Information 1: 9e27

    Additional Information 2: 9e2778096e7e1e2a2e0302fe58f3eea8

    Additional Information 3: 9e27

    Additional Information 4: 9e2778096e7e1e2a2e0302fe58f3eea8

    Extra information about the problem

    Bucket ID: 783840669

  3. I'm trying to find other ways, but I don't hold out much hope at present. :-(

    I've just uploaded FSUIPC 4.218, available via the FSX Downloads announcement. I think I've made improvements to the smoothing, but I have no idea if they'll fix the problems you all see. Could you try it and let me know, please?



    I dont want to jinx it, but with the PMDG744X the results are OPS CHECK GOOD. No problems to report in my 30min flight up to FL250. AFCS checks good as well. Nice work.


  4. So far as I can tell, all three aircraft have this 1 second fluctuations. A better word might be pulsating.

    That is really annoying, because it was occurring originally with the default aircraft, and I spent many hours over it and thought I'd managed to get rid of it completely.

    If I haven't actually succeeded in making it smooth, though I thought I had, it is looking like I may have to withdraw the whole thing and await FSXI. :-(

    That's not the point. Turbulence, variablility and gusts could be part of what is being set as part of "real" ASX weather. There are facilities to suppress all this in FSUIPC's wind options.
    Oh I see what you are trying to say. I will have a look and edit this post accordingly.

    Also, see if suppressing turbulence and gusts helps at all.



    Please refer to the my edit above. However frustrating it is, the truth of the matter is that your the closest anyone has gotten to solving this. Pete, I sure am glad that we have you around & wanted to thank you again for all the work.


  5. Further, the aircraft was accellerated to 250 Kts at FL200 and the aircraft would overspeed at 1 second intervals.
    All three aircraft, or are you back to only the PMDG now?

    So far as I can tell, all three aircraft have this 1 second fluctuations. A better word might be pulsating.

    My ASX and FSUIPC settings do not call for random turbulence.
    That's not the point. Turbulence, variablility and gusts could be part of what is being set as part of "real" ASX weather. There are facilities to suppress all this in FSUIPC's wind options.

    Oh I see what you are trying to say. I will have a look and edit this post accordingly.

    EDIT: FSUIPC Options--allow change to FS Wx, smooth wind near aircraft 1 kts or 1deg/sec, smooth when airborne, suppress turbulence/gusts, suppress cloud turb

    The aircraft still displayed above noted characteristics notably during the climb. At my intermediate level off point I noticed the MFD wind vector "snapped" from a light NE wind to the prevailing FSX wind which was westerly at near 100Kts. This occurred at FL250. Also I noted the Auto throttle engine acceleration / decelerations to be much slower...and twitching at 1 second intervals when airborne. On the TO roll it was very slow in spooling up to Thrust Lim...& did not show signs of 1 sec pulsating.


  6. At altitude with ASX (wind smoothing unchecked from within the settings page) and 4.127 wind smooting enabled I experienced nose swings in excess of 30 degrees & airspeed fluctuations +/- 50 kts at FL330.

    Did you check the actual instated weather, via WeatherSet2 for example, to see if this was due to simulated turbulence, variability or gusting?

    I really need information on any such reports because it might just be doing what it thinks it ought to given the input values. If you don't want to look at these things, could you please save a flight at that time and ZIP the FLT+FSSAVE+WX files for me (to petedowson@btconnect.com -- but don't move this thread to there! ;-) ) so I can look at the weather which was set myself.

    Maybe my simulation needs a little adjustment, but I cannot tell from these reports as there's no information about what should be going on. It would be nice also to know what other wind and cloud options you have set in FSUIPC (so maybe also include your FSUIPC4.INI file please).



    Good morning Pete,

    OK, Ive emailed the requested files. Flying the LDS 767 Ive noticed a discrepancy between the SHIFT+Z Fsx winds and the wind vector line on the Multi Fuction Display (this is true for the PMDG744X & Maddog2006 as well). At the point at which I saved the sim, the FSX winds were westerly at near 100Kts yet the MFD showed twitching Northeasterly winds at roughly 20 Kts. Further, the aircraft was accellerated to 250 Kts at FL200 and would overspeed at 1 second intervals before returning to commanded SPD.

    My ASX and FSUIPC settings do not call for random turbulence.


  7. I can confirm the same problem with PMDG 747x and 4.217 wind smoothing. Of interest, it is only a problem at lower altitudes (below 12k'). There were no problems during intermediate climb and cruise. I thought all was ok until descent, and on radar vectors below 12k the plane stopped tracking HDG, and went crazy. I turned off wind smoothing and all was fine. Maybe a hot key to enable/disable?

    I'm waiting for a reply from PMDG first. I'd like to know what is going on.

    Are you sure it isn't related to my simulated turbulence or variance or gusts? Can you use WeatherSet2 or similar to view the weather settings when you get this -- see if turbulence, variance or gusts are set for the level you are at? You could try suppressing them in any case, as a test. Maybe my simulation isn't good?

    In the wind smoothing on FS9 I just smoothed it outright, but this has the unwanted side effect or removing turbulence et cetera, so i thought I was being clever adding it back in using my own algorithms, but maybe they are not so good?


    Oh, check for turbulence in any cloud layer said to be close to the aircraft altitude too. I try to simulate that as well!



    Kyle is correct in that the HDG control issue seems to be specific to PMDGs 744. I just flew the Maddog2006 & its AFCS is unaffected from the manner in which 4.127 controls the local winds aloft. However, I have some unwelcomed news to report along my DFW - MSP flight. At altitude with ASX (wind smoothing unchecked from within the settings page) and 4.127 wind smooting enabled I experienced nose swings in excess of 30 degrees & airspeed fluctuations +/- 50 kts at FL330. Oddly this occured some 1hr into the flight & did not subside until I disabled winds aloft from within ASX.


  8. Perhaps the PMDG 744 has difficultly interpreting the wind data in the fashion that it is being manipulated by 4.217? This issue only occurs with the latest beta build and not with 4.20. The AFCS HDG commands become wild and unpredictable, with bank angles exceeding 45 degrees to boot.

    Please test with the wind smoothing turned off then, and let me know. The variables being controlled in FSUIPC4 for wind smoothing are similar to those in FSUIPC3, where PMDG aircraft worked fine, so I can only assume they've changed their methods significantly if what your saying is down to this.

    If this is what is happening it looks like PMDG users will have to do without wind smoothing, but I would really surprise me, so please also test with your joystick/yoke disabled.

    And did you miss all the increments between 4.200 and 4.217? There's been a large number of changes!


    Sorry Pete, I missed out on the various versions between 4.200 & 4.217. Lateral guidance works fine with wind smooting unchecked. Disabling the controller has little if any effect.

    Our 5 day old likes flightsim almost as much as daddy....it seems to keep him soothed and somewhat docile, so it looks like i will have some time to help out with testing. Just let me know.


  9. greetings,

    I have 4.20 installed with wind smoothing enabled within FSX SP2 and get a combination of wind smoothing and wind shifts. However the smothing occurs AFTER the shift in wind. Example: Winds shift from west to east rapidly, then it appears that wind smoothing attempts to correct back toward the west at 2 degrees per second. I guess we are getting real close to nipping this in the bud (fingers crossed). If we could just get smoothing to anticipate and capture the shift. I also report negative stuttering.


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