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Posts posted by stankar

  1. Hi Pete

    Just to tell you that the school is very keen and wants me to present the course in September. They are very motivated by the fact that this might open up career opportunities for gifted kids with ADD and other problems, which might in fact make them unsuitable for a formal university training, but which might open up their eyes to the potential in the aviation industry. I'll update you when it gets closer to the time.



  2. Hi Pete

    That is most generous of you. I hope the school goes ahead with the project, and if it does, I think I'd rather get them to purchase a license so that the kids could continue to use the product after the course. I would do the installation and ensure that I was the only one with the key, so they would not be able to install it on their personal computers. BTW I still think that you must have had a flash of genius when you designed FSUIPC (genuine comment and not flattery)!



  3. Hi Jon and Holger

    I've been asked to give a FS9 course for a small school for gifted kids - very bright. Since they're in Vancouver, I thought it would be a good idea to plan the flights around the BC area. I want to install Van + on four computers, and need to know what it would cost (the usual problem of dedicated teachers and low budget) and how to pay you. I have not tired of exploring this great package - always something new to find (plus of course MIsty and Tongass and GB which I could introduce them to later).

    How much would a group licence cost for this setup and do I need to purchase another copy, as I could install my copy if permissable and just pay for a group licence - whatever is preferable?

    Take care


  4. Hi Pete

    Hope you're having a good break. You deserve it with all the support you give.

    I've been asked to give an FS9 course at a small school for gifted children - very bright youngsters. There'll be 4 computers and I want to set them up with the same yoke configurations etc via FSUIPC. I already have a registered copy, but what will it cost and how do I pay you to install this on the 4 computers?



  5. Holger, SOLVED! It was the missing gravel pit texture file. Only you would know why, but all I can say is when I installed it, it worked fine! So thanks for pointing me in the right direction to check the sticky posts. I was really getting worried about this 'cos I'd tried literally everything I could.

    Thanks again


  6. OK Holger, the clash is somewhere between Tongass and GB Landscapes. I reinstalled GB,and Misty but not Tongass so far. This is what I found:

    1. GB Landscape disabled, Tongass Landscape enabled - CRASH

    2. GB Landscape enabled, Tongass Landscape disabled - CRASH

    3. GB Landscape disabled, Tongass Landscape disabled - NO CRASH

    Sooo, as long as both GB and Tongass Landscapes are disabled, its fine. (Note Misty is enabled all the time)

    Does this tell you anything?


  7. Flying the Misty Moorings Glacier Charters, no problem with the Chickamin Glacier flight but with the Leduc Glacier flight it CTD's every time just before Fix 11 with the message "Flight Sim has stopped working, etc." I first checked no duplicate AFCAD's, which was fine. Then thought it might be a corrupted BGL in that part of the scenery itself, so reinstalled Misty, but experienced the same problem. Crashes at exactly the same point every time.

    There have been many postings on this sort of thing, but haven't found anything to specifically help me. Holger, are you there?


  8. Pete I found the problem. So darn obvious and yet so difficult to pinpoint.

    I just removed the individual references to gear up and gear down in FS9.cfg and left the gear toggle, as follows:




    I don't know the technical explanation for this, but the problem is solved and I thank you for your patience.

    FSUIPC still remains the most useful addon I've ever purchased or downloaded. I don't have to tell you that you are a remarkable programmer (Iused to lecture VB.Net and applications at the University of Cape Town in South Africa before I retired), and I humbly acknowledge your talent.

    Take care and keep up the wonderful work for the FS community.



  9. Hi Pete

    I downloaded FSUIPC 3.96, deleted all the FS assignments except the hat switch and throttle controls, and reassigned the other yoke switches and buttons in FSUIPC. Still got the same problem. What can I say? Here's the latest log:


    ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.96 by Pete Dowson *********

    Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

    Verifying Certificate for "C:\FS2004\MODULES\FSUIPC.DLL" now ...

    SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

    Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

    User Name="Stan Shear"

    User Addr="stanshear@gmail.com"

    FSUIPC Key is provided

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    Module base=61000000



    InitDelay: 0 seconds




    936 System time = 17/01/2010 13:56:15

    936 C:\FS2004\

    936 System time = 17/01/2010 13:56:15, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)


    4727 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air

    4742 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP"

    10904 \\STAN-PC\Users\Stan\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\Vanvouver Piper 26L Ready for takeoff.flt

    10967 AIRCRAFT\Flight One PA-28\PA-28-181.air

    10982 Aircraft="PIPER PA-28-181 Archer DREAM FLEET - 3"

    11216 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

    11981 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    42432 Traffic File #63 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_boats"

    42463 Traffic File #14 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528"

    42573 Traffic File #69 = "c:\fs2004\addon scenery\canada\nanaimo\scenery\traffic_cycd"

    42713 Traffic File #29 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_00_woa_continental air lines_su06"

    42713 Traffic File #60 = "c:\fs2004\addon scenery\canada\british columbia - victoria - landscape\scenery\traffic_ogden_point"

    42853 Traffic File #65 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_cypk_ga"

    43228 Traffic File #68 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_seaplane"

    43337 Traffic File #62 = "c:\fs2004\addon scenery\canada\british columbia - victoria - landscape\scenery\traffic_victoria_boats"

    43337 Traffic File #67 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_heli"

    43477 Traffic File #64 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_cruiseships"

    43602 Traffic File #16 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_air canada_su08_fs9"

    43680 Traffic File #49 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_90_woa_westjet_su06"

    43727 Traffic File #66 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_ga"

    43883 Traffic File #57 = "scenery\world\scenery\trafficacasu05"

    46270 Traffic File #58 = "scenery\world\scenery\trafficjzasu05"

    46363 Traffic File #43 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_254_woa_ultimate ga cessna 402_su06"

    46909 Traffic File #15 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_air canada jazz_wi08"

    47159 Traffic File #28 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_westjet_su08"

    47159 Traffic File #32 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_10_woa_ups_su05"

    47206 Traffic File #44 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_26_woa_american airlines_su06"

    47206 Traffic File #46 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_60_woa_fedex_su05"

    47268 Traffic File #52 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_kelowna"

    47315 Traffic File #55 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_pacificcoastalairlines"

    58547 AIRCRAFT\DreamFleet Baron 58 Lite\BaronB58_2k4v1.8.air

    58547 Aircraft="DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite"

    107516 WeatherOptions set, now 40003605 (timer=0)

    110339 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=4, Pressed

    110339 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 1=P0,4,K51,9

    110339 SendKeyToFS(00000033=[3], KEYDOWN) ctr=0

    110339 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=51 (Scan code 4), Ctr=1

    110339 KEYDOWN: VK=51, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=1

    110339 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    110605 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=4, Released

    110605 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 1=P0,4,K51,9

    112102 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=5, Pressed

    112102 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 0=P0,5,K50,9

    112102 SendKeyToFS(00040033=[shft+3], KEYUP) ctr=0

    112102 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=51 (Scan code 4), Ctr=1

    112102 SendKeyToFS(00040032=[shft+2], KEYDOWN) ctr=1

    112102 KEYUP: VK=51, Waiting=0

    112149 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=3

    112149 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=3

    112149 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

    112149 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

    112149 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    112211 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=50 (Scan code 3), Ctr=1

    112211 KEYDOWN: VK=50, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

    112211 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    112305 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=5, Released

    112305 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 0=P0,5,K50,9

    112867 Traffic File #39 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_213_woa_ultimate ga learjet 45_su06"

    116969 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=6, Pressed

    116969 [buttons] 7=P0,6,K117,8

    116969 SendKeyToFS(00040032=[shft+2], KEYUP) ctr=0

    116969 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=50 (Scan code 3), Ctr=1

    116969 SendKeyToFS(00000075=[F6], KEYDOWN) ctr=1

    116969 KEYUP: VK=50, Waiting=0

    117016 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=2

    117016 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

    117079 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=117 (Scan code 64), Ctr=1

    117079 KEYDOWN: VK=117, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0

    117079 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    117219 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=6, Released

    117219 [buttons] 7=P0,6,K117,8

    136704 KEYDOWN: VK=91, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=32

    136704 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    138513 SendKeyToFS(00000075=[F6], KEYUP) ctr=0

    138513 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=117 (Scan code 64), Ctr=1

  10. Hi Pete

    Re-creating FS9.cfg doesn't solve the problem. I also did another comprehensve search for stray fsuipc.dll's and found none.

    I logged toggling the rogue key up and then down, and this is what I got. Perhaps you can interpret it for me?



    ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.82 by Pete Dowson *********

    Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

    Verifying Certificate for "C:\FS2004\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

    SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay!

    Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

    User Name="Stan Shear"

    User Addr="stanshear@gmail.com"

    FSUIPC Key is provided

    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    Module base=61000000



    InitDelay: 0 seconds




    1029 System time = 08:40:44

    1029 C:\FS2004\

    1029 System time = 08:40:44, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)


    4836 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air

    4992 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP"

    35895 AIRCRAFT\DreamFleet Baron 58 Lite\BaronB58_2k4v1.8.air

    36067 Aircraft="DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite"

    36223 [buttons] now aircraft-specific:

    36223 9=P0,0,K120,8

    36223 10=P0,1,K75,8

    36223 6=P0,8,K71,8

    38672 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

    39655 C:\Users\Stan\Documents\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt

    40435 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

    77750 Traffic File #63 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_boats"

    77906 Traffic File #14 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528"

    77953 Traffic File #69 = "c:\fs2004\addon scenery\canada\nanaimo\scenery\traffic_cycd"

    78234 Traffic File #60 = "c:\fs2004\addon scenery\canada\british columbia - victoria - landscape\scenery\traffic_ogden_point"

    78328 Traffic File #66 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_ga"

    78437 Traffic File #68 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_seaplane"

    78593 Traffic File #67 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_heli"

    78655 Traffic File #62 = "c:\fs2004\addon scenery\canada\british columbia - victoria - landscape\scenery\traffic_victoria_boats"

    78702 Traffic File #64 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_cruiseships"

    78796 Traffic File #28 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_westjet_su08"

    78905 Traffic File #49 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_90_woa_westjet_su06"

    79108 Traffic File #65 = "fsaddon\vancouverplus_1\vancouverplus_1_scenery\scenery\traffic_vplus1_cypk_ga"

    79357 Traffic File #58 = "scenery\world\scenery\trafficjzasu05"

    79498 Traffic File #43 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_254_woa_ultimate ga cessna 402_su06"

    80059 Traffic File #15 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_air canada jazz_wi08"

    80106 Traffic File #16 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_000_woa_air canada_su08_fs9"

    80262 Traffic File #32 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_10_woa_ups_su05"

    80262 Traffic File #39 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_213_woa_ultimate ga learjet 45_su06"

    80309 Traffic File #44 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_26_woa_american airlines_su06"

    80371 Traffic File #46 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_60_woa_fedex_su05"

    80371 Traffic File #48 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_80_woa_delta air lines_su06"

    80465 Traffic File #52 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_kelowna"

    80527 Traffic File #55 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic_pacificcoastalairlines"

    80730 Traffic File #57 = "scenery\world\scenery\trafficacasu05"

    111384 WeatherOptions set, now 40003605 (timer=0)

    114535 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=4, Pressed

    114535 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 3=P0,4,K51,9

    114535 SendKeyToFS(00040033=[shft+3], KEYDOWN) ctr=0

    114535 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=2

    114535 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Shifts=1

    114535 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    114582 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=51 (Scan code 4), Ctr=1

    114582 SendKeyToFS(00040033=[shft+3], KEYUP) ctr=0

    114582 KEYDOWN: VK=51, Waiting=0, Shifts=1

    114582 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    114691 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=51 (Scan code 4), Ctr=2

    114738 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=1

    114738 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=4, Released

    114738 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 3=P0,4,K51,9

    117312 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=5, Pressed

    117312 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 4=P0,5,K71,8

    117312 SendKeyToFS(00000047=[G], KEYDOWN) ctr=0

    117312 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=71 (Scan code 34), Ctr=1

    117312 KEYDOWN: VK=71, Waiting=0, Shifts=0

    117312 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

    117359 SendKeyToFS(00000047=[G], KEYUP) ctr=0

    117359 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=71 (Scan code 34), Ctr=1

    117468 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=0, Btn=5, Released

    117468 [buttons.DreamFleet Beech Baron 58 Lite] 4=P0,5,K71,8

  11. Sorry if I didn't make it clear - but if I delete ALL the FS assignments which have been allocated to yoke, pedals and slew mode, and activate the troublesome yoke switch(5-up, 6-down), it toggles the gear. If I allocate it to some other function via FSUIPC (for instance a View function), it activates that function correctly, AS WELL AS THE GEAR. I haven't deleted the KEY assignments in FS. Only when I deactivate the yoke in FS does it NOT activate the gear, and that's why I am considering doing this and allocating ALL my controls via FSUIPC. However, this will only remove the symptom, not the cause, and I'm curious to find out why it does this. As I said in my earlier post, I suspect it could be something corrupted in the FS2004 Controls.dll file, and therefore I could easily rename this file and replace it with the default FS2004 file and see what happens. I'm just not sure how to extract this particular file from the FS2004 disks without doing a complete reinstal, which I'm reluctant to do. Alternately, I could use this toggle switch ONLY for aircraft without a retractable gear, but this seems a poor solution.


  12. Strange - I posted this problem earlier but don't see it on the Forum. Maybe it didn't upload. Anyhow, here it is again:

    I recently iinstalled FS9 on a new computer running Windows 7 and encountered the conflict problem below.

    I use a CH yoke and pedals and use FSUIPC for most of my control allocations except hat switch and throttle quadrant.

    1. When I activate one of the toggle switches (the left hand one on the right hand side- not sure as I type this what its allocation is), it always toggles the Landing Gear, no matter how I allocate it in FS or FSUIPC.

    2. I checked FSUIPC for any duplicate allocations, aircraft specific or general, and found none.

    3. When I deactivate the yoke, the problem disappears.

    4. I searched for any rogue FSUIPC dll's in other locations but found none, apart from the Modules folder.

    5. When I deactivated the FSUIPC dll, the problem persisted.

    6. When I deactivated all the controls individuallyl in the FS setup in yoke, pedals and slew, the problem persisted. Only way to remove it is to deactivate the yoke.

    7. I'm thinking of allocating all my assignments via FSUIPC, but before doing this (the main problem being the hat switch and throttle quadrant - which I will do if necessary), am wondering whether anybody has a suggestion to fix the problem. After all, I'll just be removing the symptom not the cause. I'm thinking of maybe replacing the CONTROLS.dll with the default one, and working from there - not sure how to extract it from the FS2004 disk though.



  13. I installed FS9 on a new computer running Windows 7 and am experiencing the following conflict.

    1. I use FSUIPC for most of my control allocations except the throttle quadrant and hat switch, for convenience. I am using the CH yoke and pedals.

    2. When I activate one of the toggle switches, no matter to what I control a assign it, it toggles the landing gear, which is of course most inconvenient when flying a plane with retractable landing gear.

    3. Thinking it might be a FSUIPC conflict, I searched for all instances of FSUIPC and corrected that.

    4. Renaming FSUIPC extension to disable it made no difference.

    5. Removing all yoke and pedal assignments in normal and slew mode, made no difference.

    6. The problem only disappears when I disable the yoke, after which I can allocate the controls with FSUIPC.

    7. I'm thinking of disabling the yoke and assigning all my controls to FSUIPC, but before I do this I'm hoping that somebody might be able to suggest where the problem is. After all, I'll simply be removing the symptom and not the cause. I suspect its either in the MS controls.dll or some other dll lurking around. I am reluctant to reinstall FS9 as this is quite a mission, with all the addons I have. If the problem is in the controls.dll, is it maybe possible to simply replace this dll and reassign the controls? This would be the easiest solution.



  14. I'm surprised that nobody has experienced this phenomenon. I eventually figured it out by trial and error and found that there are two bgl files - SIRP depot.bgl and strip depot.bgl. Same name but one in caps. The sirp bgl is the culprit, BUT it also contains the rotating SIRP sign. So, using the SIRP bgl removes the problem, but also the other sign that works. Frustrating, isn't it? So unless the designer can correct this, I have a choice of having two SIRP signs, one of which is floating in the air, or no SIRP signs.


  15. I have just purchased Tongass for FS9, which completes my Alaska portfolio of Misty and Glacier, which I am deriving immense pleasure from. The scenery of Tongass is even better than its predecessors and defies description. Well done again Holger and team, and thanks. Having said that, I have installed the SIRP files and have a SIRP sign hanging in the air as in the attached screenshot. Any suggestions as to where it has come from? The main SIRP sign is where it should be and the rest of the scenery looks fine.




  16. Hi Pete

    Yup, you're absolutely right. Just my confusion and misunderstanding, and thinking of weird ways to overcome the problem. I see what's happening now. Thanks for clarifying things. Anyhow as I said, I'll go on enjoying my flying (I downloaded Nils Meier's excellent PDF Kneeboard utility and it works just fine) and you continue giving us your great support. As I said FSUIPC is extraordinarily useful and compensates for a lot of FS's deficiencies. Personally, I think that FS will be around for many years through the contributions of third-party developers, and those of us who already have FS9 or FSX should experience no hiccups as a result of MS's decision to suspend operations in that area. And I don't see any reason why these products should not continue to be sold. It's a great hobby (albeit a little addictive) and I personally have learnt so much about the science and application of flying, as well as having the opportunity to explore, geographically, this world of ours.

    Take care Pete, and thanks so much for helping me understand what's going on.


  17. Hi again Pete

    I've just been reviewing your replies and thinking .... I've accepted the problem and will live with it, but from an academic point of view, instead of searching for the last saved file and renaming it as you originally suggested, wouldn't it be easier to save the current html file in a temporary location, and use THIS location as the source of your briefing instead of reloading a file corresponding to the last saved flight name every time you call up the kneeboard? Easier still, why didn't Microsoft simply retain that file instead of programatically searching for the briefing and reloading it each time? I'm not familiar with the inner workings of the MS programs, so maybe what I'm saying is not able to be implemented, but I'm curious as to your opinion.



  18. Hi Pete

    Thanks for the clarification. It looks like there's no easy solution to this one, but as an experiment I've just downloaded PDF Kneeboard and am going to try it out. Let me know if you come up with brilliant, mind-shattering, simple solution, but otherwise, as I said, it's not a big deal and I can live with it.

    Take care, and keep up the great work to make flightsimming such fun and educationally stimulating.


  19. Hi Pete

    Interesting what you say about not changing the name of the file. Now I'm stumped. I'm not familiar with FSX, but in FS9, if you crash, or just wish to pick up your flight from a recent situation, you can hit Alt and the menu will appear on top of the screen. If you then select, "Reset Flight" it will take you back to the last Autosave.

    Many of the standard flights have a briefing. If you go to the Learning Center of FS9 and check out "Creating a Briefing". I've attached the screenshots of the descriptions.

    Phew, how a simple thing can become complex. But really Pete, don't worry your head about this. It would just be interesting to know WHY it behaves like this. I'm an ex-VB programmer but wouldn't want to get involved in the nitty gritty of all this now.

    BTW thanks for FSUIPC - couldn't live without it.





  20. Hi Pete, and thanks for the speedy response.

    I'm using FS9. The flight briefing is an option on the kneeboard which comes up after you select a flight, and which you can print out. Thereafter, by calling up the kneeboard, you can access it amongst the other options of shortcuts, radio transmissions. aircraft spec. etc which are available from the kneeboard. Its well described in the help section of FS9. You can create your own flight briefings by typing whatever you want on Notepad and converting this to HTML with a utility such as NoteTab Light, or just coding it. YOU THEN SAVE IT AS AN HTML FILE WITH THE SAME NAME AS YOUR FLIGHT (flt) file in the My Flights directory, C:/My Documents/UserName/Flightsim or wherever these flights are saved to, or in the FS9:?Flights directory in a defined folder UNDER THE SAME NAME, and it will come up in your kneeboard. This is all well documented.

    Autosave of course changes the name of the file depending on its current state (You designed it!) and this changes the reference to the briefing so you lose it!



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