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Ryan Aerospace

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    Taree, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
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    Helicopter simulation and helicopter flying.

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  1. Hi Alaxus Thanks for the advice. However, I'm afraid it's still well beyond me. What I really need is for someone to do this for me as a paid job. Are you interested? Also, if you think the Leo card is not the most efficient way of doing it, do you have any recommendations as to other options? I'm happy to consider using a whole different card and driver if necessary to achieve the goal. Thanks again, Chris
  2. Thanks Pete (as always) for the quick response. I'll take a look and see how I go! Cheers, Chris
  3. Hi everyone. I'm looking for some help with rotary encoders and I'm happy to pay. Here's my current situation: * I am using a Leo Bodnar BU0386X Joystick controller (with the rotary encoder plug in); * I have a registered copy of FSUIPC; * I'm running a commercial version of Prepar3D. I have developed a multi-function display for an EHSI that has two rotary encoders installed. The one of the left is the course selector knob which is set to the VOR1 OBI Inc / Dec variables. The one on the right is the Heading Select Knob and is set to the Heading Bug Inc / Dec variables. When you click (rotate) the rotary encoder once, it will move the Heading Bug (for example) one increment / one degree. This is extremely frustrating for the user who might want to rotate through 180 degrees as it takes forever. I need to make it such that when the rotary encoder is turned faster, the Heading Bug (for example) moves quicker. I notice in FSUIPC, there's a variable to do these rotations at 10 degree increments and can see from the forums that I can create a plugin / driver to swap between the variables depending on how fast the knob is being rotated by using the virtual buttons / virtual joystick. I also see that (from this forum) many other people have had the same problem and share my frustrations. I've looked right through the forums and even tried a few things but since I have zero programming knowledge, all my attempts have been futile and I know that it's time to call the experts in. So here's what I need: I just need someone that really knows what they're talking about (and has actually done this in the past) to do this for me from start to finish. Ie, they will need to write the program and give me simple, step-by-step instructions on how to install. Given my lack of ability to program, what I'm able to offer is going to be limited. Ie, I can get your files and install them etc. but I can't do any of the programming. As mentioned, I'm happy to pay the right person to do this job for me but it has to be from start to finish! (Sorry to badger this point but I can't be dealing with anyone saying "have you tried this or have you tried that".... I just need someone to do this as a paid job for me.) Thanks and I hope to hear from anyone that can do this for me soon. Kind regards, Chris
  4. Hi Pete Thanks for this. I had the wrong version it seems. All up and going now so thanks again! Cheers, Chris
  5. Hi Pete In November I purchased another registered copy of FSUIPC to run on Prepar3D. It downloaded ok and I ran it as I normally would and entered in the details exactly as they were given to me in the email. When I run P3D, FSUIPC appears in the addons section but says it's unregistered and that I have to reinstall it and re-enter the registration details which I've done a few times now. I tried it on a different PC and got the exact same result. Can you help me? Thanks, Chris
  6. Hi Pete Thanks so much for your response. This tells me it's 'less' of an FSUIPC issue and 'more' of a hardware (and related software) issue. I'll look into the website you suggested and see how I go. Thanks again for your prompt response. Cheers, Chris
  7. Hi Pete I'm having trouble finding information on how to get FSX to tell an I/O board to light up an LED. Using a really simple example. In a Bell 206 Jetranger, when the rotor RPM gets too low, a warning light comes on in the 2D / VC panel. When that happens, I'd like for it to light up a real LED using my I/O board. I know this sounds like the simplest thing to do but I'm just unsure of how to do it. I'm happy to read and do the research but would love it if you could help with just the basic steps required to make this happen. Ie, do I need to have a SDK? Do I need to know C++? What's the easiest way to achieve this? Thanks so much for your help. Chris Specs: I'm using a registered version of FSUIPC 4.50 running on FSX I have a number of I/O boards capable of lighting up LED's
  8. Hi Pete Thanks for that. I'll direct them to this forum and see if they can sort it out. Cheers, Chris
  9. Hi Pete Wow, that was a quick response. Thanks so much. I callibrated the controls through the TRC callibration software. You add the controls one at a time. Eg: 1: Cyclic, 2: Pedals, 3: Collective and throttle. Everything callibrated OK and the cyclic and pedals work fine but not the collective or throttle. I've been working on it now and just noticed one small thing. In the R-22, you look down (virtual cockpit) at the collective. If the govenor is on, the collective moves slightly up an down. The manifold pressure gauge is eratic and bouncing around all over the place. When you switch the govenor off, the collective stays still. The callibration I use works in two parts. The controls and most of the gauges are callibrated through this one peice of callibration software. I also have a Simkits attitude indicator which is callibrated through another USB callibration program. The only support that the suppliers of Simkits were able to offer is that if you can go back into FS9 and everything works fine, it must be the version of FSUIPC as they can't tell the difference between 3 and 4. I also just installed SP2 for FSX hoping this might help but it didn't. Should I try FSUIPC 4.22 (I think that's the latest version?) Thanks again for you promt reply. Kind regards, Chris
  10. Hi Pete Sorry to trouble you but I think I'm having trouble with FSUIPC. I’m converting a machine I have over to use FSX which has Service Pack One installed. I purchased the latest FSUIPC (version 4.20) along with the appropriate WideFS. (Purchased under old trading name - helicoptersim.com) I’m running Vista as my operating system. Everything seemed to install OK and I registered my copies. I then calibrated all the instruments and controls (including the collective) without problem. Then I start FSX and then start the TRC Link 2244 (version 1.1) Both programs came from: http://www.simkits.com/downloads/softwa244_12.zip Everything seems to work OK in FSX except for the collective and throttle. Nothing happens in the program. (Even though it calibrated OK.) BTW, I’ve left the wiring for the CCU2 just as it was with the 2004 version. (Collective and throttle are controlled by the CCU2 board. CN15.) I’ve also installed a Simkits Attitude Indicator which is controlled by USB. This also works fine. Everything works fine in FS9 but when I come back over to FSX, everything works except for the collective and throttle. In fact, when you pull on the collective, power does seem to go up a little (as if it’s the throttle?) but I’m not sure if it is. I had some dialogue with Simkits and their thoughts were that: As I can calibrate the collective and throttle, the CCU recognizes it properly. When it runs OK in FS9, it can only be FSUIPC, since “we” (our CCU software) doesn´t know the difference talking to FSUIPC3xx or FSUIPC4xx. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Chris CHRIS RYAN | Ryan Aerospace (Mistjest Pty Ltd) 3 York St TAREE NSW 2430 AUSTRALIA t: (02) 6551 2671 t: +61 2 6551 2671 (international) m: 0429 300 228 m: +614 29 300 228 (international) e: chris.ryan@ryanaerospace.com.au w: http://www.ryanaerospace.com.au
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