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Wilson Hines

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Posts posted by Wilson Hines

  1. Trying to install on two WinXP machines. Machine "A" has FS2k2 and "B" is the network machine.

    When I install TB, it ask for the FS installation directory. Because of the security settings with XP (installed on both machines) it can't browse the "Program Files" directory on the "A" box. It will not let me change the security for that box on that directory, either.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Hey guys,

    As I said, I am new to the program, just bought it over the weekend. I am desiring to be able to delete an AI aircraft if it is on the tarmac/taxiway/runway or in the air and giving problems. For example, if one AI bird is blocking a major taxiway, I would like to have the ability to simply make him go away into oblivion. Any idea on how to do this while in the sim on the fly?

  3. Thanks for the reply,

    That looks nice! I just couldn't get that much out of it.

    Since I posted. I have made SIX (6) AFCADs (first time I have ever made any AFCADS and I am making six of them ;) ).

    It is incredible. I have all of the traffic layered and assigned to the correct terminals. Also, it takes about 35 minutes to get IFR clearance and I have yet to be able to respond to Clr Del on the clearance given to me. It is at 100%. In order not to get my Flt plan cancelled, I have to start out at NO MORE than 10% traffic and then up it to what ever I so desire. The wait on the taxi apron was 1 hour at 80%. I think I did the job too good. Anyway, I am not going to fly like that normally, but it is nice to have the "power" if desired.

    As soon as I get my home machine online, I will snap a shot. It is truly amazing, especially at dusk.

  4. Ummm, nope. Let me first say that I only have ISP services for about an hour per day and I have to go next door for that. I just moved and I am patiently :twisted: waiting for a broadband installation.

    On the topic at hand: I have spent all morning (EST) learning and doing my own AFCAD file for this. I have every single gate turned on and all of the GA (personally don't use it) and cargo I can fit in. I have turned the actives to what is normally used for dept and arrivals. I surely hope this works.

    I didn't know you could dig into the interface with UT and tell the right airlines to go to the right places. THis was my next challenge. I will read into this with the UT manual. Thanks for the information.

  5. Using UT (Ultimate Traffic) with the UT ORD AFCAD before installing ORD I had EVERY gate full and so much traffic at 75% it would bog my system down with a 2800 XP Athlon processor.

    Now, I deleted those AFCAD files and installed ORD by SF and then installed the AFCAD by SF, as well.

    I appreciate the effort guys, but this is woefully lacking. At the B & C terminals, there were hardly 4 birds at 12:00 Noon and out of 4 there were only 1 correctly positioned bird, a United 777. The rest were Luthsansa and Continental.

    Is anybody working on a complex set of AFCADs? Where could I find such? I would be willing to beta, if possible.


  6. As far as I know you can select how many rows of how many seats. In other words, like with the 737-700NG it had 2 rows of 4 buisiness class. Well, you could set that to 3 of 4, or 4 of four or 1 of four and 1 of 1 if you like. Even 0. So, it is highly configurable, however some of the airliners have like 2 rows of four and one row of 2. Well, at this point ACL doesn't support that. You can't be at 4 and then at 2. I hope you understand what I am saying.

    I hope Scott will address this. But, look mate, this ACL is the best $15 I have ever spent on FS except on birds (birds are in a class of themselves).

    I think if Lufthansa, for example, had a 737-700NG with 2 rows of 4 and 1 row of 2 in business I would comprimise a little to have the complete functionality of ACL. After loading it with ACL, my bird almost takes off on its own if properly flapped and ready to go. I am serious, it is neat what all it does to the dynamics of how the bird flys!

  7. Hello everybody,

    I have been off at Boeing's website trying to find out information the following:

    737-700 NG w/ Winglets for the PMDG NG lovers.



    Now, the 737NG is customized highly per the winglets and differences in the NG seating. The winglets actually aren't just for fuel effeciency, I learned. It seems that the winglets actually increase lift and therefore allow more payload and fuel. This is also been customized in by the Boeing PDF files for the right weights.

    The 767-200 file is a new Boeing image for the seating and some config changes for the weights according to Boeings PDF files.

    Same with the 767-200ER. Cusomized Boeing image right off of their site and changes for the weights due to the Boeing PDF files.

    http://heavylhc.com/files/acl/737700w.zip for the 737-700 w/ Winglets

    http://heavylhc.com/files/acl/762.zip for the 767-200 standard.

    http://heavylhc.com/files/acl/762er.zip for the 767-200ER model.

  8. Hey folks,

    I know that Scott's website has a couple VA's with different route records and such and I got to thinking about it. I sure wish United Virtual Airlines (http://virtual.united.com) had our route records up and going. Currently, we have a forum in the private side (you may join the forum if you wish) of our forum called "ACloader" and it is a place where UVA pilots can ask questions about ACL of other UVA pilots and maybe where we can share files and ideas regarding ACL.

    Now, I have made a post called "Route Records...a call to service" in which I am asking my fellow UVA pilots (over 250 of us, about 20 with ACL) to lets start working on Route Records for the United Airlines routes.

    We want to take this data and then use ACL's reports and compile the data as we fly the routes. Then making an online database. However, if we didn't ever do the online database, wouldn't it be great to have all the United routes in the Route Records database.

    If your willing to help us compile the route records and copy the data from comparible routes, please speak up and let us know.

    I think this would be exciting :)

  9. OK...so is the Er closer to the LR or the HGW? One thing I don't know how to do here is create profiles, which I wish I did. I am currently in the manual learning how. It doesn't seem that big of a job. However I am on the Boeing site getting information and believe it or not they have plenty of info on the 200, 200LR (not even in official production yet), 300, 300ER. But, nothing really on the 200ER. Frustrating. I guess the figures on the LR and the ER are exactly the same, but then again, wouldn't the LR hold more fuel.

    You see my delima?

  10. OK, it works like a charm using the 757-300 merged with the 767-300 Wilco and then letting ACL edit it "as is."

    Next experiment is to edit the 757 mergedwith the PIC 763 as a 757 and not as a 763. This will be interesting. I personally don't think it will work well, but this program has totally suprised me before.

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