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Posts posted by bstikkel

  1. Hello fellow virtual cockpit crafters,

    Before I changed the ip-number from the FSX running PC and the client PC, the communication provided by FSUIPC and WideFS worked fine.

    Now I changed two things:

    I added an extra LAN-card in the client pc. Reason: I want to have a separate internal network between the FSX and client pc, separated from my internet providing internal network. I use an old internet modem router to connect both pc's on the 'no internet network'.

    The second thing that has changed is the ip numbers on both pc's. Since I want to have a separate network for the FSUIPC and Simconnect dialogue, I changed the third blok of the ip-numbers on both pc's.

    The other - internet connected LAN card, has the setting to get automatically a ip number.

    Ofcourse the communication broke up by these changes. I can however not find the cfg or ini file in which the changed ip-numbers must be adapted to make things work again.

    Can anyone tell me which file must be adapted ?

    Thanks in advance !

    As attachment, just for if you like to see, a impression of my simcockpit


    Bram Stikkel




  2. Hello FSPS Support,

    Concerning FSPS - Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX

    I have one pc with two soundcards. One for the ATC and one for the normal FSX sounds

    How do I determine what soundcard is device 1, device 2 and so on?

    How to reset the startup with device 1 only active to all devices active ?

    Als well, how does one determine what speakerset is speakerset 1, 2 and so on?

    Thanks and greetings,

    Bram Stikkel

  3. Hi FSPS,

    First, really my compliments for again such a nice invented addon for FS. The idear is great and the product - allready good now - has great potention

    for expansion, I think.

    By example it would be great if also the ailerons would have soundeffect when used.

    Beside that, would it be possible to create a windeffect depending on the turn the plane makes?

    (I have a great soundset for the DH6 that creates a great surround effect when the plane goes into a turn).

    Keep on inventing these great addons !

    Bram Stikkel

  4. Hello mr. Dowson,

    A different question I ran into, is the next one:

    How many FO_JoyStick64 Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3340 Length 4 commands can be used in a SIOC script to control FSUIPC ?

    I supposed I could use at least 64, and maybe more if I would use a next 'level' like FO_Joystick65...

    This afternoon I discovered I FSUIPC recognizes max 32 (0 - 31) different 'keys'.

    Is that just how it is, or is there a way to generate more than the 32 FO_JoyStick64 commands?

    Thanks in advance,

    Bram Stikkel

  5. Hello mr. Dowson,

    In an attempt to control the starter magneto switch, I would like to make FSUIPC type sequences as M - - - (M minus minus minus) and M + + +.

    Is this possible one way or another?

    FSUIPC receives its control from an Open Cockpits output and SIOC and the FO_JoyStick64 Link FSUIPC_OUT Offset $3340 Length 4 command.

    Thanks for your support,

    Bram Stikkel

  6. Hello Peter,

    I reinstalled a fresh FSX install at a new harddisk. After that I copied the total original installation (all the addons, scenery, modules ...) over this new installation.

    Indeed, for most addons this did not work and I still had to reïnstall almost all of them.

    Also I reïnstalled FSUIPC, registrated again, letting it search for a allready know registration (could this be the problem?)

    In spite of that, WideFS Client (the networked pc with GApanel and SIOC on it) does not 'see' WideServer.

    (it says it is waiting for it...)

    How do I make them connected again ?

    Thanks for your help !

    Bram Stikkel

  7. Hello Peter,

    Due to repeated problems with the hardware of a just bought new FS PC, I had to reïnstall FSUIPC and WideFS more that one time juist after eachother.

    Can this be the reason the serial number is not accepted anymore the last time I tried ?

    At this moment the new pc is back to the supplier to see what they can do to solve some technical challenge (6 monitors on one pc)

    In the meantime I hope this registering problem can be revolved?

    Thanks in advance.

    Bram Stikkel

  8. Hi Peter,

    First, thanks for your answer and my apologies for replying so late. I must have missed the reply-notice, or mayby I forgot to turn it on...

    Great news it is possible.

    I am not yet very experienced with this knowledge, but I should have read better, I see.

    Are these flags given for all three wheels separatly ?



    Bram Stikkel

  9. Hello FSUIPC specialists,

    Reason for my question is I have build a rather big homecockpit, mounted on car suspension, to make it able to move up and down at touchdown moments. I would like to make the cockpit up and down with a varable 'bump' when we land.

    Mechanically it is not such a problem.

    However, I need an output from FSX that does provide data about the downwardspeed with which the wheels touch the ground and - ofcourse - at what moment.

    As far as I can see, FSUIPC does not provide these data. On the other hand, I cannot imagine these kind of data are nót provided by FSX

    Anybody who can help me with this challenge ?


    Bram Stikkel



  10. Hello all,

    There is a payware Garmin G1000 addon from FS2X, which I would want to use as standalone 'gauge' on a network connected pc (like by example GApanel can be used)

    I do have FSUIPC and WideFS (registered ofcourse...). Can I realize this with use of FSUIPC and WideFS ?

    If this is not possible, does anyone know another addon GARMIN G1000 or something comparable?

    Thanks for your advice and idears :-)


    Bram Stikkel

  11. Hello all,

    I am a absolute knownothing on the area of WideFS :wink: . I dó know something about homecockpitbuilding :D ; if you like to see some pictures, take a look here (a Hyves photoalbum): http://bstikkel.hyves.nl/album/25638280kpit/7Rqe/

    However I would like to connect two onther pc's with my main FS pc, to create two sidewindowviews, one left and - ofcourse - one on the right side. My question is: do the slewing pc's need to be the same capacity as the main fs pc to obtain the same imagequality and speed or does the fact that those two pc's "only" have to slew with the main pc, mean that two less powerfull pc's are sufficient ? I expect they will have to be as powerfull as the main pc, butofcourse I hópe they can be less powerfull (read: cheaper).

    Thanks in advance for your information


    Bram Stikkel

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