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Giorgio Donadel Campbell

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About Giorgio Donadel Campbell

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. grazie Markus now I have all. Thamks a lot
  2. A last question Markus since I'm late with FS installation. Ok for FSUIPC7, but what about wideFS? I dowloaded wideFS 7 from Schiratti but II saw that its ini.file has no gpsout. settings. So have I to use a previous wideFS version with [GPSout] Port=COM...Speed=9600 or have I to add these items to wide FS 7 Thanks a lot again
  3. Thanks a lot Markus your post is very very usefull for all gps moving map software. Giorgio
  4. Hi Markus. Thanks for your replay. Since I have not installed jet my FS 2020 I have some questions for you. Are there gpsout all settings in FSUIPC7 ini file as in previous FSUIPC? And what about WideFS? Do you need WideFS7 or a previous WideFS where you can already find gpsout setting? A lot of thanks again
  5. in the past Peter himself used Jeppesen FliteMap with gpsout without no problem Since then nothing has changed on Flite map. It is enough to have a GPS sentences signal in a Com port. I wanted to know if this still applies today with the new FS 2020
  6. I'd like to use Jeppesen FliteMap moving map with MSFS 2020 as I perfectly did with FSX ? Is it possible? Many Thanks
  7. You are right Pete!!! The setting is the same as for one FS and GoogleHeart pc. Now all is ok and I can drive via widefs GoogleHeart program on a second pc, from a FS pc. Thanks for your patience. Ciao
  8. Thanks Pete. Nothing about widefs setup. It is a long time i use it and it is very clear and excellent My question are about two widefs pcs use of FS GoogleHeart only. Tutorial is clear for one FS and GoogleHeart pc, but nothing for a widefs use.So 1° Where to put FSGoogleHeart 1-0-1 program? On FS pc or widefs GoogleHeart pc? And so on which ip address on its setup? 2° Which GoogleHeart address location have i to put if FSGoogleHearth program is on a different FS pc? Securely something I understood about this setup is wrong. For this reason a step by step about how to do it would be welcome. I'm sorry to ask these questions here, but i have no Jurgen mail address. Thanks Pete again for all you do. Ciao
  9. Hi Pete and Jurgen. I tested this good program with GoogleEarth on the same pc where FS9 is and all is working ok. When I try to use Google Earth on a different pc with wide fs client i have some troubles to set it expecially for server ip. and locations. It is not clear for me which address to use either on setup either on GoogleEarth. Is it possible to have a little tutorial? Thanks
  10. Many thanks Peter and Juergen Haible. I tested the Juergen Haible's software. It is very good. Now I have either GPSout Com FliteMap, either FSUIPC MyFsGoogleEarth. Thanks again ciao from Italy
  11. Hi Peter do you know this new map wonderfull software?http://earth.google.com/products.html I tried to use its Garmin or Magellan serial GPS connection with different FS9 GPSout baud rates (as I perfectly do with FliteMap) but it does't work. Can you look at it as I'm not a serial port expert or can you add it to other supported map software? Thanks, Giorgio
  12. Hi Pete PFC DLL 1.90 is perfect for my professional flight console and avionics, so I'm curious to know what are you going to do in future. Thanks, ciao
  13. Hi Pete many thanks for your quick replay. The last Teamspeak 2 has an option setting to have a command PTT via normal keypresses. When in remote wide client pc i press key board for an instance assigned K, I can talk. But I'd like to do this function (remote key board K press) directly from one of the joke buttons of my console (connected via PFC dll to to the server pc where i have MSFS and FSUIPC). Is it possible with the "KeySend" function or I need a specific PTT program as you told me? Thanks
  14. Hi Peter I own a professional PFC console. I programmed in registred FSUIPC different buttons for different aircrafts (for instance PMDG 737) without any trouble. You did a great great job. Now I want fly on line (IVAO) so I'd like to program one of joke buttons to send a command (in this case key board K for push to talk functions) to a wideclient computer where I have Teamspeak 2 (voice program). I read both FSUIPC and widefs User guide, but I think it should be easier to have your input. So can you start from scratch explaining to me how to do it step by step? Have I to do anything in widefs server or client ini file or is it an automatic procedure starting from FSUIPC? Thanks
  15. Hi Peter PFC 1.90 Dll gives me Com radio 2 frequencies above Com 1 on my PFC Avionics. (on MSFS avionics panel Com 1 is above Com 2) I think it is a little little bug since everything goes well. Any way thanks a lot for the great job you did for us. Ciao Giorgio
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