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  1. Many thanks John.
  2. Just try now and works perfectly, many thanks.
  3. Hi John, problem solved. I restart the sim and works perfectly. But if you want I can attach or copy the FSUIPC.ini file, but the .log where is? Do you want I attach here or copy as text?
  4. Thanks, I have the same problem, will try, thanks so much.
  5. Hi, I was trying ti assign HEADING INC and DEC to key combo CTRL+SHIFT+Q and CTRL+SHIFT+W via FSUIPC and Select for Preset function with Mobifly (see attached screen) but it doesn't work. I remeber that last week I've assigne this command without no problem and worked perfectly. Then I deleted all Key assignment because I wanted to renew all command for my specific needs. So today I repeat the steps to assign Preset function but it doesn't work. Any solution?
  6. Thank you very much John, very appreciated.
  7. Hi to all, do you know if is it possible to assign via FSUIPC a key combination to popup a specific popup window instrument? Let's me explain, most of the time I fly with FENIX A320 and use the key command ALTRGR+mouse click to open PFD or ND. So is it possible to assign a key combination for exampe CTRL+ALT+Q to open PFD and CTRL+ALT+W to open ND? PS: not FSUICP related question: do you know if is it possible to display the window on a tablet? Thanks to all in advance, Riccardo
  8. Hi John, yesterday I reconfigured all axes from scratch (and deleted those in MFS2020 control option) and try serveral times ESC button and now seems to works perfectly. Maybe was my mistake. Just to know: when I launch MFS2020 have I to start every time from "FSUIPC icon" if I want that FSUIPC module is loaded or can I start from the usual icon? In the previuos version of FSX/P3D there wasn't this difference, FSUIPC module was loaded directly. Many thanks again
  9. Yes, John, I'll try and report back.
  10. Hi to all, I'm having a bit of trouble assigning the AXES to the simulator. Let me explain: I assign them as I always did in FS9/FSX/P3D: 1) in FSUIPC scan one by one and assign the correct AXIS: Aileron, Elevator, Rudder and Throttle and the Send direct to FSUIPC calibration 2) Calibrate all axes in Joystick calibration 2) delete in MFS--> Control Options --> all 4 axes But I notice that once I pause MFS2020 with the ESC key or when I press the Windows Key to pick up another app and then return into the cockpit, the plane no longer responds to commands axes. In this specific case I'm using Fenix A320 but think that the situation doesn't change with other aircraft. Seem like FSUIPC loses focus, so I have to go into FSUIPC, do a RESCAN (FSUIPC recognize the previusly assigned AXES), and then everything starts working again. Am I doing something wrong?
  11. Thanks so much, I solved looking inside presets, there are all preset I need.
  12. Hi Adrian, I'd like to assing to a specific key on my keyboard the control of FCU (speed, V/S, speed and so) spoilers and overhead lights, can I use the code above? and where do I have to copy inside FSUIPC? Many thanks, Ric
  13. Hi to all, is there a way to control FCU (heading, speed, V/S and so on) and other stuff like speedbrake and lights on Overhead panel in the Fenix A320 using FSUIPC? I've assgined via the Key Buttons tab in FSUIPC the basic command (flaps, brake, gear, trim) related to FS action but there is no way to control FCU. May I need a lua script or something else I don't know? Thanks so much in advance for your help, Ric
  14. Thanks so much Thomas, I own WideFS7, not 6 I was wrong. I have to buy a new key for fsuipc5, correct?
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