Hi to all,
I'm having a bit of trouble assigning the AXES to the simulator.
Let me explain: I assign them as I always did in FS9/FSX/P3D:
1) in FSUIPC scan one by one and assign the correct AXIS: Aileron, Elevator, Rudder and Throttle and the Send direct to FSUIPC calibration
2) Calibrate all axes in Joystick calibration
2) delete in MFS--> Control Options --> all 4 axes
But I notice that once I pause MFS2020 with the ESC key or when I press the Windows Key to pick up another app and then return into the cockpit, the plane no longer responds to commands axes. In this specific case I'm using Fenix A320 but think that the situation doesn't change with other aircraft.
Seem like FSUIPC loses focus, so I have to go into FSUIPC, do a RESCAN (FSUIPC recognize the previusly assigned AXES), and then everything starts working again.
Am I doing something wrong?