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Posts posted by Turbohead

  1. Ahh, I see my suggestions helped. You have refrained from shouting. We can work on the profanity and insults in a later session :D

    I'm sorry, I forgot you guys don't observe our Thanksgiving. So, have a happy holiday for Christmas.

    PS, I previously omitted rule # 3. "One should never insult a paying customer".

    Have a great weekend Peter, and thank you for all of your help. I will enjoy the new button that we have programmed together.


  2. "You can do the same on a button by programming those control. Use a parameter of 1 on the Press and 2 on the Release."

    Why didn't you say that in plain english in the first place. It would have saved a lot of my time. You kept referring to it as Panel ID, not Paremeter. I saw no where it say "panel ID" in any of my previous post.

    My god man, you need to learn to read as well. And shouting only shows that you have no patience at all. I read your post, but you persisted to play "Cat and Mouse"! If you knew that answer, a simple (Control = Panel_ID_Toggle and Paremeter of 1) etc etc etc. We could both be eating Turkey by now!!!

    Granted, you are an expert. You know what you are thinking, but have a hard time understanding and conveying your thoughts. Your problem is, you assume that the user is as smart as you.

    If I spoke to my flight students in a manner in which you have spoken to me, I wouldn't have very many flight students. I have to tolorate the same as you do. Everyone is not an expert. Maybe you should learn to develope some interpersonal skills.

    Rule # 1, Never shout at a paying customer.

    Rule# 2, have patience, no matter what the circumstance.

    Rule # 3, If you do not understand the above, read rule # 1 and # 2 again.

    BTW (By the way) The button works now for the landing view.

    Have a great holiday


  3. I truely appreciat all of your help. You have to remember, I am a novice at this, you are an expert. It is easy for you.

    I figured as much on the heading. However, it was worth tring to accomplish the task.

    As for the Landing view, the following was in the panel.cfg file.

    Window09=Landing View









    window_size= 1.000, 1.000

    window_pos= 0.000, 0.000

    This is what FSUIPC logged:

    94422 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

    94422 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

    At this point, you have not specifically said what goes in the parameter boxes. I'm still guessing at it! However, it does not display the proper panel for 09 in the paremeter.

    I have tried may different setting as you stated. Specifically the ones you mentioned, panel_id_toggle and, using various paremeter settings, for press and release. However, it nevers achieves displaying the landing view panel as the Eagle soft application accomplishes.

    Hopefully, as you mentioned, someone with better patience will chime in and help.


  4. Okay,,,,I agree...FSUIPC is using the same name that FS uses internally. HOWEVER, in the user interface, (Options, Controls, assignments) they use a "user friendly name"

    View-(Switch To Top Down) --- in their own words.

    The "actual" command that is sent from FS or FSUIPC may be worded differently than the FS menu's name. Thus, I have to go log and figuer out what was actually sent.

    As for the other function that I am trying to accomplish, The panel view command that I am looking for is is from Eagle soft. It is a landing view that is toggled from their panel with a mouse click.

    Quote from Eagle soft...

    "The "landing view" is assigned to Window09, which unfortunately isn't accessible via the keyboard...only Window00 through Window08 may be switched with Shift-1 through Shift-9...""

    As for the "Center" Heading Bug set, Eagle soft provides a function "mouse click" that will set the heading bug to the current AC heading. I can set this in FSUIPC (heading bug set) and give it a paremeter. However, the result is, it will go to the parameter set. i.e 180, 270 or whatever. It will not go to the current heading the AC is on.

    Here is what was logged:

    2204234 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66042 (0x000101fa), Param= 311 (0x00000137) HEADING_BUG_SET

    2205047 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66042 (0x000101fa), Param= 311 (0x00000137) HEADING_BUG_SET

    2205687 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66042 (0x000101fa), Param= 311 (0x00000137) HEADING_BUG_SET


    2791969 READ0 0564, 4 bytes: 2D 55 2F 00

    2791969 READ0 056C, 4 bytes: 2F 69 5E C5

    2791969 READ0 0580, 4 bytes: 41 1B 14 DC

    2791969 READ0 0574, 4 bytes: 03 00 00 00

    2791969 READ0 C000, 1024 bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02

    Apprently, Eagle soft goes out, polls what the heading is, and then sets a parameter of what the current heading is. In this case, a heading of 311.

    I will continue to experiment. However, a little help in what I don't understand is helpuful with the frustraion of trial and error.


  5. Peter Peter Peter,,,,You must not be reading what I wrote. :D

    I agreed with everything you said. Eveything you said worked. Please read what I wrote before you start flogging. Besides, its Thanksgiving day :lol:

    I think I may have not used the exact terminology that you were looking for.

    Okay, Keystrokes. Yes, I realize that FSUIPC assigns a function for the selected keystroke. My bad was, I had previously assigned a keystroke in FSUIPC, and FS would not let me re-assign the same keystrole. And yes, once FSUIPC has it, FS will not see it. I have resolved that problem.

    As far as the names of functions, you are technically correct. You guys use the technical name, (coded name). FS uses "user friendly" names. And, I might know that if I were a programmer. However, it would be nice for the end user to to see something familar, without having to "Log" and interperate the meanings.

    Now that we have that out of the way, (and my learning curve is getting better), from what I gather, it appears that FSUIPC can send a string of just about anything. If the string is known?

    See, with a little patience, I can learn!!! So lets advance things little.

    The CJ that I fly has some single mouse click functions that are not keystrokes. For example, they use a mouse click to call up panel 0 (zero). "which is a special landing view with their panel lowered" They also use a mouse click to center the heading bug. Both being functions that FS can not replicate through button push or key stroke.

    I want to make the above functions available as a button push on my yoke. I did the logging, and it appears they use several parameters with the function. When I click their landing view, I get the following:

    Landing view clicked on:

    150469 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

    150469 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

    Landing view clicked off:

    151938 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 1 (0x00000001) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

    151938 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66506 (0x000103ca), Param= 2 (0x00000002) PANEL_ID_TOGGLE

    So how, and can, I set that up in FSUIPC to be a button push from my yoke?

    I set the command to be button 8, then chose panel_id_toggle, but I am not sure how to set the 2 parameters. The panel_id_toggle worked, the scenery changed, but the panel did not relocate itself. So evidently, I am not setting the parameters correctly.

    Thanks,,,we'll get there eventually. Besides, the more you teach, the less I'l lhave to bug you.

    Happy Thanksgiving, This beats the hell out of watching American Football :roll:


  6. Okay, I just went and tested this, and the following is factual.

    If I use FSUIPC to assign a keyboard command, the the same function for FS keyboard commands will not be avilable.

    For example, I went into FSUIPC / Key Prsses / aircraft specific / and assigned "CTRL >." to be Brakes. At this point, I can not go into FS and assign brakes to be "CTRL >." FS apparently sees that something else already has that function. Apprently FSUIPC.

    Not that I would purposely try to do that, but that's why some of my keyboard commands were not functioning. I had forgotten that I had tried to program them in FSUIPC. I assume that FSUIPC got first shot at it :)

    Same with the CTRL S and W Command. I had previously tried to program those in FSUIPC, but could not find the functions I wanted listed in your drop down window. So, when I went to FS to try to program the function, FS would not let me do it. ((I had forgotten about the FSUPIC command that I was playing with previously.)) MY BAD !!!

    Thus, I eliminated the FSUIPC entries of CTRL S and W, and was able to program them in FS, with approproatiely named commands.

    That said, if I go to FS2004, Options, Assignments, I get a full list of available functions. One is named (View-Switch To Top Down) and it has CTRL S assigned to it. "CTRL S" shows an overhead view in the form of a zoomable view from high above the Aircraft.

    The other one in named (Panel on-off) and is asigned W. Basically, it is a wide view of the scenery with no aircraft panel parts. It toggles from to No Panel with instruments, to no panel and no instruments, and then back to panel and instruments.

    FS2004 exact terminology is:

    (CTRL S) "View-Switch to top down",

    (W) "Panel On-Off"

    These are the actual names listed in the FS2004 assignment lists.

    The FSUIPC equivillants are apparently:

    "View Type"

    "Panel Hud Toggle"

    If I try to find the FS2004 functions listed in the FSUIPC pull down lists, they are not there, or named something else. They are not listed as FS lists them. Thus, you can see the confusion!

    The FS functions and the FSUIPC Functions are apparently named differently. Unless I know what FSUIPC does for the FS names, I have to waste a lot of time experimenting.

    Granted, you are right about looking at the log etc., grabbing what happened, or using the numbers, and interpolate what happened. Then use the FSUIPC equivillant of the FS command. However, I don't think that is a very "user friendly" way of going about it. Why not just use the exact names as in FS?

    I guess I understand that you have offered more possibilites than FS, but it's seems like the long way around. I ran into that progamming the HAT switch on my CH Yoke. I had to go to FSUIPC, find out what the same FS sunction would be, and then program each of the eight positions individually, to do what FS does automatically.

    Anyway, I think I have everything back as it was, but I would like to know why the FS names and the FSUIPC Names are so differnt in the lists.

    Get some sleep


  7. What is JS ??? I uses the words "Joy Stick" in the same sentence, so I thought the abbreviation "JS" would be evident!!! :):):)

    I am using FS2004 and FSUIPC 3.93 Windows XP Pro.

    No corrupt files. The problem turned out to be, "CTRL S" was being used in FSUIPC while I was trying to find a comparative view for the FS function. Thus, I guess FS will not assign a duplicate entry. I deleted the FSUPIC entry and was able to assign the function in FS.

    CTRL W, Same. I had previously entered "CTRL W" in FSUIPC, and FS would not duplicate it. Thus I Deleted "CTRL W" from the FSUIPC, and was able to assign CTRL W in FS.

    BTW,,(By the way), the default FS command for "CTRL S" is "View -Switch To Top Down" I do not see an equivillent FSUIPC command for that.

    The default FS Command for "CTRL W" is "Panel On-Off" . I do not see an FSUIPC equillivent for that either.

    As a note, I think the keyboard functions were all working before I updated to FSUIPC 3.93, but I can't say that for sure.



  8. For some reason, I seem to have lost a lot of my keyboard commands. However, a few are still functioning. I noticed this when I set FS to not use it's joystick commands, and let the FSUIPC do the work. In fact, FSUIPC does a much better job of things as far as the JS functions

    I program all of my JS commands through the FSUIPC, and I have been able to program what I need without issue. I.E. heading bug, autopilot on off, brakes, flaps, throttle etc etc etc.

    Anyway, as mentioned, some of my KB commands are not working. I can not program them in FS, nor can I find a way to program them in FSUIPC. Actually, I see "how" to program them, but can't find the exact same function that FS does. It may simply be a naming issue equilivent.

    1...KB command CTRL-S (top down view) doesn't work.

    2...KB command W (front view with no panel) doesn't work

    3...KB command . (brakes) dosent work ((However, . does work as a JS command))

    Interestingly, functions like P for pause, S for cycle views doee work. Mainly, it's the ones listed above that I would like to have.

    Thus, I may be missing something, or do not know what FSUIPC functions produce the equivillent FS functions. But I still don't understand why FS won't let me change the above listed functions.

    Can anyone shed some light on this for me ?



  9. Glitch is actually an old broadcaster's term.

    Flash may be more approproiate. Just as AS6.5 finishes it's update, and says "Compete" I get a quick screen flash. Almost if the monitor blinked for a milisecond. Maybe "quick refresh" is even a better term.

    Obviously, it is the "screen scenery change" to what weather was updated to be, but the flash happens on the entire screen, and not in the graphic out of the window. And, only on the monitor where the main AC panal is. The second monitor, (which is where I keep radios, throttles, ets) does not flash.

    I haven't checked to see if the flash happens in the 3D Cockpit or not. I mainly run in 2D Cockpit.

    Again, I would assume a smooth weather transition out the cockpit window. But it looks like the weather "snaps" to the updated data. It in fact happens precisely at the update, and it is almost as if the monitor can't handle the refresh.

    Briefly, as far as FS weather options, AS6.5 "suggests :

    60 miles on the sight distance (Left on the fader)

    30 miles on the cloud draw (mid fader)

    100% on 3D clouds (Right)

    I may try full quality and see what that yields. However, claims are the performance will suffer as you mentioned.



  10. Okay, I am now up to FSUIPC 3.93 and updated AS6 to B552.

    I didn't see much differnce in 3.93 from the previous version. Or at least I didn't see any additional settings. I am assuming that most of the changes are under the hood :)

    So, here's the question, I am a bit confused in which setting would be approproaite with FSUIPC and AS6.5. Specifically in visablity control, and wind control. Both vendors recommend some settings that coud possibly conflict.

    After some experimentation, I had to end up using FSUIPC to control the taxi winds. It in fact does reduce the wind effect on taxi and take off. However, it only seems to get it down to about 2 knots. I can't seem to get it down to "no wind" result.

    As far as visabiltiy smoothing, I'm out to lunch on that one. I still seem to be getting some "pop up" weather, rather than a transition from one scene to another. I was under the assumption that the changes would be smoother. I've tried smoothing in both applications, but I still get the occasional pop up clouds.

    And finally, I do still have that quick screen glitch when the AS weather completes. It's just enougt to be an anoyance. I have posted in the AS forum, but no one has responded as to what may be causing the issue.

    If anyone has a particular set up that they think is really good, I am willing to try it.

    Thanks again


  11. I run FS2004 and Active Sky 6 on Windows XP Pro. A new Pentium Dual Core 2.5 gig and 2 gig of ram. I additionally run FSUIPC ver 3.70

    I recently loaded FS, AS6, and FSUIPC after purchasing the new machine. I eventually got everything set up as close to what I previously had on an older machine. (Or as best as I can remember)

    I seem to be having a few small issues that I can’t seem to resolve between FS, AS6, and FSUIPC. I am not sure which may be causing the issue, or which product may be able to resolve the issue.

    Concerning Clouds and visibility, I am seeing the clouds “write on) in the distance, rather than a smooth transition that I previously had on the older machine. Additionally, when AS6 completes it’s refresh, I get a quick “screen glitch”. The glitch happens precisely after the refresh completes. I have the refresh set to 5 minutes. The glitch affects the entire FS screen, not just the weather out the window.

    Current FS settings:

    Sight Dis =60 miles

    Cloud Draw=50 miles

    3D %= 100%

    Detailed Clouds –Coverage Density Maximum

    Current FSUIPC Settings:


    Add Light Cirrus Occasionally

    Apply Icing=0


    Smooth Vis Change 10% every 30 sec

    Set Grad Vis from 5 up to 25,000 Upper limit 25,000


    Allow Change to own FS weather= Checked

    Prevent Ext opt ctl=Un-checked

    Smooth Pressure =checked = 1 MB over 30 sec

    Smooth IAS = checked

    Current AS6 Settings:

    Online Update=Checked

    5 minute Intervals

    Disable Vis graduation = unchecked

    Visibility Smoothing=Checked

    Enforce Vis Limits= min=0 max=59

    FSUIPC Wind Smoothing=checked

    Limit Surface Wind=checked

    I have varied several of the above parameters, but can’t seem to eliminate the cloud draw issue , unless I set the cloud draw less than around 30 miles. However, that is a bit unrealistic visually to have the clouds limited in the distance.

    As far as the “Screen glitch” I can’t seem to make that issue go away. Unless, I do not run AS6. (FS weather does not cause any glitching either with a theme, user weather, or RW weather)

    I am wordering if there is a combination of setting amongst the products that may be causing a possible conflict. I admit I am a bit lost in understanding some of the terminology, and exactly what some of the functions actually do.

    I don’t remember seeing this "screen glitch" with my previous installation, but with the newer/better machine, I am running things in FS pretty much at max as far as scenery etc.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


  12. I agree about the lessons, besides, I usually get paid pretty good money for that :)

    I would assume that most of the FS team were RW pilots. The software is quite complex, and modeled very well to the RW. Additionally, I would assume that there are some limitation on what FS can accomplish. I have never flown FSX. So there may be a differnence in the two formats. I wish I knew enough about the guts of FS to play around. I totally don't understand the friction points, or contact points as I think you guys call it, and I am sure there is much more to it than the CG pivotal axies. But it would be interesting to investigate why the weather vane phenomenon behaves as it does.

    For grins, I did the same test at altitude. It appears that the same issues exist in flight. It's just not as noticable because there are no direct visual references such as a runway etc. But if you watch the track in cruise closely, you will pick up on the corrections.

    The next student I use the FS Sim with, I'm going to turn off the X wind correction, and see if they detect the effect. I think it will be intersting to see the results.

    Anyway, sorry to get off track from the original thread. However, if anyone following this thread has FS2004, I would love to have some feedback.

    Thanks again for your help.


  13. I'll get to FS in a minute....And your question about the tyres.

    First, remember, the rudder and tail are two different animals. There is a fixed portion of the tail (Vertical Fin), and then the rudder, which is attached aft of that. Actually, the vertical fin has a bit of an angle to the fuselage (manufactured into the design), to help balance the forces generated in straight and level flight. Thus, requiring no rudder input in flight.

    Also, the "Real" purpose of the rudder is to counteract a force that was created by the displacement of other surfaces. Mainly the ailerons. More on this later.

    To answer your question about the tyres, yes, they do take side loading. For example, let’s assume a right crosswind from 090 on runway 36. On the take off roll, you keep the plane planted firmly down on the runway, and straight down the centerline. You apply right yoke to keep the wind from lifting the right wing. You also apply forward yoke to keep the nose wheel on the runway. Finally, you apply only enough rudder to counteract the engine torque, and slipstream. So at this point, yes, the tires are keeping you straight, and do absorb most all of the side load.

    Once airborne, you actually turn into the wind enough to counteract the right crosswind, and to keep the aircraft headed out on the runway centerline "runway heading" to avoid drifting across a possible adjacent runway. The airplane will be straight and level, but there will be at an angle between your heading, and your intended path. If you took off on RW 36, after lift off, you may have a heading of 010, or more, depending on the crosswind speed, to keep lined up on a RW heading path.

    The same concept applies for landing. Keep the angle into the wind until just about the touchdown. Then, kick in enough rudder to align you with the centerline. Plant the AC firmly on the RW, and apply the same tactics as above with controls, right down to the stopping point. And yes, the tyres will be absorbing the side load!

    One last tid bit on the rudder before we discuss the dynamics of FS. When you turn the yoke, one aileron goes up, the other down. This creates a yawing tendency. The rudder is used "Only" during the displacement of the ailerons. Once established in the turn, then the ailerons are neutral, and so is the rudder. Unitl, you make the opposite turn, and apply rudder again to counteract the yaw.

    Okay, now to FS,,and RW airplanes. As mentioned previously, FS has a weather vane effect. I think, and I am NOT a programmer, that the FS guys look at the airplane as a typical weather vane atop someone's barn. A skinny fuselage and a large tail. Thus, this device "would" and does weathervane into the wind. The real airplane has mostly equal surfaces of the nose, fuselage, and other parts, all equal to the wind, thus being blown sideways, and not weathervaneing.

    I hope this misconception isn't being translated improperly from FS to RW pilots. It first threw me for a loop when I added wind to FS. I expected the airplane to drift with the wind, and not into the wind. This really bothered me for a long time. I was so happy that you addressed the Taxi Crosswind issue. I guess essentially, you slow he effects of the wind on the aircraft. Not the wind speed itself.

    If you want to test this, go fire up FS, turn off the x wind taxi feature in FSUIPC, set up a 10 knot crosswind situation from the right.

    In FS, if there is a crosswind from the right, the FS airplane will try and weathervane into the wind. To the right. This is not what happens in the RW.

    Yes, the FS plane acts as a barn top weathervane.

    In the RW, if there is a crosswind from the right, the AC will drift to the left. Think about what I said before about Sea Planes. If you water taxi perpendicular to the wind, the plane will drift away from the wind, not weathervane into the wind.

    Anyway, I hope the above made sense. I've only skimmed the surface about aerodynamics, but the above is the basic concept of wind effects.

    Have a great weekend.

    BTW, by strange coincidence, I just presented a seminar this past week on the above. But not about the FS part :) We're having way too many "LOC" (loss of control) accidents. However, I would be interested to see if any of the pilots have used FS???


  14. Thanks for the help.

    Here's a quick review of wind in the RW.

    On the ground, yes, tyres resist any sidways motion, and there is some side loading. If it is a tricycle gear plane, it is pretty stable. As far as taxi, the only thing to be aware of is the possibility of wind lifting a wing, or picking up the tail. Thus, right aileron for right quartering head wind, left aileron for right quartering tailwind, and visa versa. Elevator aft for head wind, elevator fwd for tail wind. Keep the wing and tail on the wind side, "down" Same for a tail wheel aircraft. However, the TW aircraft may require a little rudder in storger cross winds

    For take off and landing, (while airborne) you sould always crab into the wind, keeping the airplane level, and lined up "aerodymanically" with the centerline. It may appear that you are headed at an angle, but your path / track will be straight. For landing, keep turned into the wind until about touchdown, then, kick some rudder in at the last minute to land stright and parallell to the centerline, and avoid any side loading on the gear. Try to let the upwind wheel touch first to stop any tendency to drift sideways.

    If you really want to see the affect of the wind on an aircraft, go take a lesson in a sea plane. You will quickly visualize what the wind is doing. The wind will push you sideways if there is a crosswind. You will see very little weather vaneing, unless the nose were tethered.

    Now, about the rudder surface. It's not as much the size of the rudder (vs the rest of the aircraft), It is how far the rudder is located aft of the CG. Remember, the rudder acts like a pry bar referenced to the cg. The longer the arm, or the larger the surface, the more truning force it has. However, the size is usually balanced for torque, and other AC surfaces. Remember, the rudder defection is what does the work, not the tail surface. This is really evident in ME aircraft.

    There is a dilemma concerning the rudder and CG that is "pro/conn" in mulit engine aircraft. A forward CG is bad for performance, (nose heavy) but good for stability in an engine out scenerio due to the longer arm from the rudder to the CG. Conversly, an aft CG is good for performance (nose light) but bad for stability due to the shorter arm from the rudder to the CG. This affects the VMC (Minimun Controllable Airspeed) dramatically. It's always a trade off as to which is better, and how close you are to the grround :)

    Using a lot of rudder, causes a lot of drag. Thus, banking into the good engine, uses the fuselage and the relative wind to keep the AC airodynamically straight. (Not straight and level as per the instruments) So, this proves that the surface of the AC (per sq in) is larger than the rudder (per sq in) "areodynamically speaking". I usually demonstrate this by taping a piece of yarn to the nose. If you fly straight and level by the instruments, the string will trail off towards the dead engine. If you bank "lean into" the good engine, the string wil be straight down the windscreen. Meaning, you are flying straight and level "aerodynamically". ""Less Drag"" by using less rudder, and using the fuselage for correction.

    At any rate, the wind affect on any aircraft will move the AC in the direction with the wind, rather than weather vaneing. This is where I think the FS guys missed the boat. True, in the RW, that if you have a right crosswind, you need to turn right into the wind to correct the affect. But with FS, the airplane turns itself into the wind due to the FS programming. They apparently use the AC CG as a pivot point, and the tail as the arm that catches the wind, thus creating a weather vane effect. However, I am not a programmer, and maybe that's just the way it is.

    Thanks again for your help, and I hope the flight lesson didn't bore you.


  15. Okay, winds problem resolved.

    Here is what I found. In the FS weather/ User defined weather/ Customized wether/ Advanced weather/ wind tab,,,the winds were set to 3000 ft. This explains the behavior I was experiencing. I reset the Surface winds to 40,000 ft, flew a few flights, and there was no wind. Take off, Cruise, nor descent. I am not sure why they call it surface winds though, if in fact it controls all of the winds. At any rate, it stopped any winds below 40,000 ft.

    As mentioned, it's been a while since I have changed any of those setings in more than a year. So, I may have had the Surface wind set to a higher altitude in my previous installation. I honestly can't remember. And I am old too :)

    You were correct, noting to do with FSUIPC.

    As far as the winds affecting the aircraft on the ground, let me put it another way. When the FSUIPC "taxi Wind Control" is unchecked, if there is wind present, the aircraft will steer it's way into the wind. (not what a real airplane will do) A real AC / Wind situation will tend to blow the aircraft "with" the wind, (opposite from which way the wind is blowing). Apparently, FS uses a weather vane effect. Meaning, they pivot "Yaw" the AC like a weather vane, into the wind. They must use the AC CG as the pivot point. As we both know, this is not how it is in the RW. The surface of the AC is what catches the wind. Technically, the front of the AC catches most of the wind rather than the tail. (too long to get into here)

    Finally, since you are well versed in FS, do you have any recomendations on cloud settings in FS, and associated recomendations on FSUIPC settings for the best realisim? AS mentioned, from several articals that I read about a year ago, my previous installation and settings looked much better outside the window with weather than I am seeing now.

    I have read your manual, but I am a bit fuzzy on a few items such as Allow changes to own FS WX, and Prevent ext. option. Additionally, the graduate visibility is a bit fuzzy as well. I though I understood the settings, but maybe I haven't done enough experimenting this time around.

    Under FS settings / display, I have sight dis = 60, draw disance=60, and 3D cloud precentage at 100 %.

    The resutls I am seeing are, spurious clouds that pop on and off, and abrupt changes when I pass through a layer. I have set the FSUIPC for Smmoth changes = 10% over 10 seconds, and graduated vis from 5 up to 25000 ft. However, I still get abrupt changes when I pass above 18000, wher my FS tops are set.

    Anyway, thaks for your patience and help. I just hate it that I lost most of my good settings when I had to do a re-install.

    Stay safe


  16. I went and retested this before I wrote.

    BTW, I boot up FS straight to my flight. (opening screen=0) With my home airport / user wx etc. Everything comes up "showing" as it was saved. No wind, clouds and vis, etc. etc. All as it was saved as I wanted to be. So I don't see any "resetting" there.

    When I taxi, there is no wind, ( no aircraft wind effect) as per the (Taxi Wind Control-Auto by reduced x wind) set in FSUIPC). I start the Take off roll, and no wind effects are present until about 3000 ft. This is usually normal for FS and FSUIPC when running FS RW weather or AS6 Weather. Interestingly, the wind sock on the field even indicates a wind. Which says, the FSUIPC is doing it's thing!

    I then go back to the start, (turn Taxi Wind Cintrol Off in the FSUIPC), start the take off roll, and the wind will almost blow me off of the runway. The FMS wind indicator will also show a wind present with Taxi Wind Correction turned off. In the last case, the wind was from 330@ 5 on RW 36. Thus, I was bown to the left. ((WHICH is WRONG &@#(@#!!!)) You are right, their weather veining effects are way over amplified.

    (I've been an ATP and CFII-AGI-IGI for almost 30 years) And I have never witnessed that in a real airplane :)

    Anyway, the next test, I Clear Weather in the FSUIPC, the sky clears, but the winds are still present. If I look at the FS weather, it does in fact set the weather settings to Clear skies, and wind to zero, as it was previously set to.

    I also flew up to altitude. FL350. I looked at the current RW winds aloft, and the sim is showing almost exactly what the RW winds are. So, that could be coming from FS or AS6.

    So, that is where I am. I'm almost tempted to unload AS6 to see if anything changes. But not until I dig some more.

    I am going to change the FS CFG file back to open screen=1, go back in and re-save everything again, and test the results again. I have seen on occasions, that saving after booting without the opening screen, vs a save with an opening screen, yields different results. For example, the AC clock will never follow RW if you boot OS=1 "Show opening screen and choose your flight". If you boot with OS=0, No opening screen, your AC clock will ALWAYS follow the RW time. Go figure

    Thanks again,


  17. I agree with all you relied. And yes I do know the FSUIPC does not generate weather or winds.

    I did look in the task manager, and I didn't see any processes, or applications related to AS6, or anything else related to weather. I'm not the sharpest computer person, but as mentioned, I didn't see anything glaring in Task Manager. Do yuo have anything in particular that I might could look for?

    I did not know that FSUIPC only cleared clouds and vis etc. That explains why the wind never goes away.

    There is wind on the ground. If I uncheck Taxi Wind Control, I get whatever surface winds there are. (Which by the way, FS processes backwards form what happens in the real world.) If the wind is from the right, the airplane "Should" drift to the left, not the right !!!!) A total diffenent discussion :)

    I also know that FS weather is dynamic, even with the fixed or user set weather themes. It does vary the clouds and visability progressively, even thoug I have certain criteria set. But I specifically have winds set to zero, and if it did generate some wind, I don't think it wouldn't generate 50 to 60 knots at altitude.

    I read through the AS6 manual, but I don't see anything that would connect it to FS when the AS6 app is not running.

    I did a few more tests this morning. I even did a total computer reboot, and saw the same results during a fligh. However, I did look at some R/W metars, and the wind followed suit with what I saw when flying at altitude, which leads me to believe that AS6 is where the wind is being generated from. Or, FS Real weather is somehow still active, though not set for RW weather.

    Most of the time, I don't usually mind wind. However, there are sometimes that I like just plain blue skies, and calm winds.

    I am bit stumpped on this one.

    Thanks so much for your help.


  18. As I may have mentioned in another post, I did a reload of FS2004 recently, and a reloaded few aircraft that I previousl had installed.

    Before the reload, I had everything tuned up, and set the way I liked it. I have the basics set up, I think, but somewhere, someone had posted a good article on some basic FSUIPC settings that I had used before, otherwise, I am having to do trial and error to get back where I was, step by step of things that I don't remember, and that were long time set ups that worked very well previously. However, I'm getting there :)

    One particular problem that I can't figure out is, a wind issue. I've pretty much followed the FSUIPC manual, and I've read until I am red in the eyes, but can't seem to lick this litle problem, that didn't exist before the reload.

    For some reason, I always have wind. Even thought FS2004 is set differently, with no wind, and I do not have m yActive Sky Launched.

    I have FS2004 set to User Defined Weather. (I do not have real world weather checked)

    Clouds Overcast, precipitation heavy, viz @ 2miles and wind to Zero.

    Under Advanced weather, the wind tab verifies no wind. Additionally, I have overcast stratus set from 1000 ft to 18000 ft.

    I also have general settings / weather set to sight dis=60 mi, redraw=60 mi, 3D cloud % at 100, and detailed clouds checked.

    In the FSUIPC, I have under winds, Smoothing and 5 seconds for each knot, add random turb, suppress gusts, and taxi wind Auto by reduced x wind.

    Under clouds in the FSUIPC, I only have add light cirrus and 0 icing. Under misl, I have Allod FS own weather "unchecked", smooth ISA, prevent ext. option control, vis is set Graduated visability up to 25000 and smooth vis changes 10% every 2 seconds.

    The FSUIPC seems to be doing what it is supposed to be doing with the wind, but I can not figure out where the wind is being generated, or why that the FSUIPC is not supressing the wind, even though I hit the clear all weather button.

    When FS is running, I see no wind on the FMS display while take off and taxi, or feel any affect of winds. However, once I get airborne, I see the wind indicator start to register winds at about 3000 ft. From 3K up, the winds behave as one wold expect, but again, I have no wind generation set in FS. They vary in speed and altitude as expected, as if there was wind being generated. The aircraft also behaves as it has wind affecting it. When I descend, the winds will usually calm to zero at around 3000ft, as expected.

    If I were generating wind and weather with FS, or Active Sky, this behavior would be normal. However, if the weather was coming from FS or active Sky, why would only the winds be processed, and not the clouds / other weather items? For example, locally, RW weather) it was clear on my flight route that I flew during my tests. However, FS generated the clouds that I has set in. If it were processing weather, seems to me it would re-creat the clouds as well, or lack of in the above scenerio.

    The main issue being, I don't know where this wind is coming from! Even though I have no wind generating software running.

    That said, I do have Active Sky 6 on my computer. When I used to run it with FS on the previous installation, it worked as advertised, and I would present the correct winds and weather for the flight. If I did not run AS6, then I would have no winds.

    It's almost as if AS6 may be connected in the background, but I don't see any setting to make that could make that happen. Thus, I would assume that AS6 is not active, when the application is not launched.

    If I can get that problem resolved, then I might can get my pretty clouds and sky back that I once had before.

    Thanks to whomever can help.

  19. Found the solotion.

    In the Eaglesoft CJ-1, if you have tool tips on, and hover over ther aileron or rudder trim wheels, it will display the trim setting in the tool tip balloon.

    I had the tool tips set to off, so, obviously I was not seeing anything when I hovered over the controls :(

    Hot it got hard over in the first place, I don't know.

    Anyway, problem solved

    Thanks P

  20. I've ran FS for a while, and FSUIPC. I prety much understand the concept of both, and have had pretty good results.

    I just bought another computer, (a bit faster machine) and loaded FS, a few add on aircraft, and FSUIPC onto it. Fortunatley, I have the older machine beside me, and was able to see and copy a lot of my set ups, (Buttons, Axis, settings etc.) into the FSUIPC.

    I went out to fly and test things, and my Eagle Soft CJ-1 rolled down the runway, and progressively veered to the left and I had to declare a "Harry Carry" :)

    I dug into the FSUIPC settings, recalibrated everything, looked at the taxi winds, and anything I could think of that might be casuing the pull to the left. I Found nothing that looked wrong.

    Eventually, I had a brain storm, and played around with the rudder trim and aileron trim, and, fixed the yawing tendency. However, this took a lot of trial an error up and down the runway a few times to get it centered.

    My question,(finally) is, how can I see the location / position of the trim tabs to calibrate the trim tabs. I looked at the 3D Spot view, but there's not enough resoloution to see exactly where things are, and, apparently the tabs are articulated, and are difficult to see the centering. As mentioned, everything in the UIPC looked okay, but it appeared to be the rudder that was almost "Hard Over". There are no indications on the ES CJ-1 that help with Aielron and Rudder trim either. The elevator trim is marked and displayed very legibly, but the others are a bit difficut to distinguish their settings with.

    As far as FSUIPC, I could see the raw data, did what I thought was right to calibrate everything, but I'm not too clear on that section. At any rate, it didn't appear to be calibration of the controls tha caused the issue. It was in the rudder and aielron trims that caused the issue. The strange thing was, I would have assumed that the aircraft would have come set pretty standard from the developer, and the controls would have all been centered.

    If anyone has a suggestion on how to calibrate the trims, I would love to here how.



  21. Thanks,

    Yes, the problem occures at five airports that I have tested.

    I have set "smooth Pressure change" in your progam, and unchecked use VATSIM weather in SB. But the problem persist. I did find one article in the SB forum about someone having it happen at altitude, but did not mention it happening on the ground.

    It's the strangest thing I have ever seen. But it is definitely SB related.


  22. I am having a strange issue with Squawk Box. This may not be the proper place for this thread, but I have placed a post on the SB fourm and no one has a clue on the problem. Maybe, I have something set wrong in FSUIPC that could be causing the problem, or maybe I don't have something set that needs setting.

    I've been on VATSIM before, years ago, and am just getting back into simming. Never had anyissues unti lnow. I have an entirely new set up, new computer etc. I run FS2004 on XP Pro. I downloaded SB, put in my credentials, and got connected just fine. Ive never had any issues in the past like this

    While setting on the ramp, and only when connected to VATSIM through SB, ocassionally, the aircraft will jump up and down about 20 to 30 ft. I first thought it was when a weather update came along, but after ovserving for a while, the jumps are random. When I do a tower view, I can actually see the aircraft jump into the air and slam back down again.

    I've tried several aircraft, and several locations, but the problem persist as long as I am connected.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


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