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Everything posted by Tregarth
Mtjoeng, Thanks for your reply; unfortunately it is a bit too cryptic for me to understand. Do you mean that you can make all 3 modes on a Saitek X52 Pro run in FSUIPC by using the file C:\.....<= ? I have looked in my System 32 folder but cannot find the file you mention (SaiD0BAC.pr0), I recognise this as a Saitek file from the .pr0 extension. The nearest I can find to yours in my folder is SaiD0762.pr0 Can you please explain bit a bit more about what you have done to make the 3 modes work? I appreciate your comments, it seems that others have found the same problems that I have, so we can all benfit from your knowledge. Thanks, Tregarth
Thanks for the info. For my needs I find that I can get by with only the Saitek profiles. I would like to use the FSU profiles but it seems senseless to have a multimode stick which needs to have work arounds to make it function "as advertised". But I will print your comments in case I ned to use them sometime. Tregarth
Good luck. Despite Gypsy Baron's good work helping me sort out this mess i eventually went back to using the Saitek software. The Sitek instructions are not that helpful but once you have puzzled them out the stick works. Alternatively just use the FS set up instead, but don't try to use a combination of FS and SST. Only one or the other. If you read Pete Dowson's reply to Gypsy Baron's post you will see that there does not seem to be a "workaround" to overcome the problem, which I why I went back to SST. Tregarth
The problem was related to networking. I have changed my network set up and the problem has gone. Yes, I do read your manuals; unfortunately words like "turgid" come to mind. Your somewhat arrogant style in your responses does not help much either. I fully accept you are extremely clever at writing computer code, unfortunately humans do not react in the same way as machines so your "machine code" prose is less than memorable. You need a "human interface". Never the less, thank you for your help and prompt replies.
OK. I now have FSUIPC v 4.703 installed in FSX. It is a registered version. The WideClient file is dated 11/4/2011, this too, has been registered. I have opened WideFS.zip on my client PC and extracted both WideClient.ini and WideClient.exe to a folder called WideFS files. The folder is now in my Flight Sim Commander folder. I then created a shortcut which I have placed on my desktop. FSX is running and the 2 PC's are connected. I have closed and re-started FSX then run the WideClient shortcut. On the client PC I see an empty window "WideClient FS98 Eliminator - Waiting for a connection." On the Blue FSX title bar I see "MS FSX with WideServer: Waiting for details" This message has shown for the past 2-3 mins, nothing else has happened. What happens next?
I have linked my Main PC to a Client PC wirelessly using Win 7. The Main PC is running FSX and a registered copy of FSUIPC v 4.20 downloaded this pm. Additionally, I have registered the copy of WideFS, also downloaded today. The Client PC is networked to the Main PC and shows FSX on the X Drive and Documents on the Y Drive. Both PC's are connected to the internet as well as each other I have copied WideFS to the Client PC and opened it on the desktop; the ReadMe says I only need to run WideClient.exe. In the WinZip window I have double clicked this file. An empty window titled "WideClient FS98 Eliminator - Waiting for a connection" has appeared. It has been waiting now for the past 5 mins and nothing has happened, what needs to be done to make WideFS run, please? Thank you, Tregarth
Dear Jordanal, Please see Interesting discovery vis-a-vis Saitek "Mode" switch which is in this Forum. Gypsy Baron was helping me; as a result of his help and support we found that the X52 properties window needs to be open to make Modes 2 and 3 work in the X52. The Mode button in the X52 Props window changes but nothing happens in FSU if the Props window is not showing. In addition a few buttons on the throttle now display which previously had shown in the Properties Window but not in FSUIPC. If I close the X52 Properties window I lose Modes 2 and 3. Strange but true. Thanks for your reply.
Dear Pete, You replied to my earlier question about Modes "If the answer is no, then it depends on whether the mode switch itself is seen, because then there are ways of setting flags or conditions for each mode" Following a lot of help from Gypsy Baron over the Christmas period the answer seems to be "No". I am using the default FSX Cessna and have programmed a set of instructions in the X52 stick's Mode 1 which works perfectly. What I had expected to happen was when I go to Mode 2 and press, say stick Button 2, nothing would happen. Instead the flaps still retract (a Mode 1 setting), using Mode 3 produces the same result. Thus only Mode 1 seems to be effective. Rotating the Mode switch whilst in the Buttons & Switches tab shows no effect in the But# box or the Joy# box so it looks as if FSUIPC (version 4.60a dated 4/3/10) does not see the switch. 4.60a seems to be the most recent version which I registered earlier this year; does the fact I am using Win 7 32 bit have any relevance? I have read your Advanced User manual and, with Gypsy Baron's help, have tried to use it. At one time I saw the values 27 and 28 in the Btn# window when I changed the Mode switch but these seem to have disappeared. Using your "Compound Buttons Instructions" I have used your template to add a line of code including button 27 but this does not work Is there an update for Win 7 that I have missed? For safety I have uninstalled and re-installed the Saitek drivers also, looking in the Saitek X52 Pro properties box rotating the Mode switch changes the Mode bars in the "Properties Window" and also the Mode number changes in the throttle MFD display so I know the stick is functioning properly. I have tried ticking and un-ticking the Enable Controllers box in the Controller window but that does not make any difference. I would appreciate your answer, Thank you.
Dear Paul, Thank you for your help. I have printed off all your words of wisdom and will now sit quietly in a corner to digest them together with the files. For info the page nos you referred to are now 19-25 in the updated FSUIPC 4 manual. I have been searching the internet and your advice pops up very frequently - Thank you. I hope you had a good re-union with your shipmates from the USS Dewey and can remember it. I will be back in contact with you soon to tell you of my progress (or lack of it!) Cheers.
Dear Paul, Good to hear from you again! I am using Win 7 so the page names are, of course, different. In Win 7 "Game Controller" = "Devices & Printers". This will eventualy take me to X52 Controller Properties. By rotating the knurled knob the 3 Mode positions show and the Mode no on the controller changes from 1 to 2 to 3. Starting FSX and then FSUIPC when I go to "Buttons & Switches" if I press joystck button A in Mode 1 the Button Window shows Joy# 0 and Btn# 2. Changing to Mode 2 I see Joy# 0 and Btn# 28, then pressing button A the values revert to Joy# 0 and Btn# 2. Changing to Mode 3 the result is Joy# 0 Btn# 29. Again, presing A shows Joy# 0 Btn# 2. Thus it seems that changing the Mode knob simply adds 2 more buttons to the controller rather than multiplying the number of controls by 3. Why anybody should want so many buttons I cannot guess, they must have a fantastic memory to remember them all. It may be that FSUIPC cannot support X52 in Win 7, it would be good to have it confirmed one way or another. I appreciate your help. Best wishes for a Happy New Year.
Do all the buttons and switches show as different buttons in FS or FSUIPC for each mode? If so: yes, just by simple assignment as you would in FS. If the answer is no, then it depends on whether the mode switch itself is seen The buttons etc do not show as different buttons in FSUIPC. If they did I would not be asking the question. How can I tell if the mode switch is seen? What test can I carry out to find out if this is so? For info the F2 button is assigned to "Throttle Decrease" in FS, but holding it down it becomes the "Reverse Thrust" command which is what I want, hence the question. By saying I was using the default FSX 737 I was trying to point out I was using a plane with thrust reversers so if the command worked it would be apparent on the aircraft.
I have started to use a Saitek X52 joystick and see I have 3 separate Modes. a) Can I program each of the modes in FSUIPC? B) If so how can I do it,please? Also I would like to assign the FSX F2 Thrust Reverser command to a joystick button. I have looked in Buttons & Switches, pressed a button, selected "Select for FS control" and looked in the "Control sent" window but cannot see a Thrust Reverse command. I have tried looking in Key Presses tab and drawn a blank there, too. I have used the default FSX B737 but cannot make the reverser work. What command should I be looking for, please? I am using FSX with Win 7. Thank you.
Thank you very much, I have printed off your reply and will have another go. Tregarth
I am running version 4.60a with FSX and Win 7; I have printed off the instructions so I can assign axes and calibrate my Saitek X52Pro joystick. These are the steps I have followed: 1. Found the FSX.cfg file and inserted the line in Controllers "Stick_Sensiti..... " (FS.cfg does not exist in FSX) 2. Started FSX , set the Stick sensitivity to Max and Null zone to zero; unticked the Enable Controllers box. 3. Gone into FSX and started FSUIPC. 4. Selected Assign Axis, moved joystick forward and back; Data values change. Please see image 5. In "Type of action" box ticked 1st window and selected Elevator Set from drop down menu. 6. Clicked OK FSUIPC closes and I am back at FSX Cockpit view. 7. Gone back to FSUIPC, selected Joystick Calibration Tab 8. Moved joystick back and fro. NOTHING HAPPENS Normally when I have Enable controllers ticked the stick works perfectly; I am using the standard FSX installation process i.e. used default settings. I have attached an image of the Joystick Calibration page, which I hope will help. Further, I have ProPedals but cannot make them register in FSUIPC. When I move the joystick the data values change, but nothing happens when I move the pedals. Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I think I have followed your instructions to the letter; I would appreciate your help. Thank you.
Only use FSUIPC for axis control
Tregarth replied to Tregarth's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Dear Pete, Thank you for your reply. I, too, was puzzled by the 32 settings for the spoilers; I always thought they were up or down. Where do you find 32 settings for spoilers? I'm intrigued. What on Earth would you use them for? I think you must be talking about something else other than anything I have produced or written. It certainly isn't FSUIPC! But please see "Spoiler inc and Spoiler dec controls, which raise or lower the spoilers (speed brakes) by a small amount on each use. The increment is set, by default, to give 32 steps in the whole range, but you can change that in the FSUIPC.INI file—see the Advanced User’s document." This is on page 28 of http://www.flypfc.com/downloads/FSUIPC%0Guide.pdf The normal easy way to use FSUIPC's facilities is to leave all the assignments in FSX, except possibly for those buttons you want to assign to do things FS does not allow for. Well, I'm not sure they'll actually be lost: they might be, I don't know, but they most certainly won't function any more. Why would you want to do that in any case? You most certainly do not have to assign anything in FSUIPC in order to use its joystick calibration facilities. In fact the calibration facilities have been in FSUIPC now for over ten years. The axis assignments came much later, and were originally intended for more ambitious users such as cockpit builders, or those needing automatic changing over of controls for different aircraft types -- jets, props, helicopters, each with their own joystick type, for instance. There's no mention anywhere that you have to give up assignments in FS! Why would you assume such a thing in the first place? Looking at Settings - Controls on the page "Calibration" there is a tick box "Enable Controller". This is not repeated on either of the following pages (Buttons/Keys , Control Axes) so my conclusion was that by turning off the Controllers I was turning off all 3 pages. My terminology was poor - I should have been more specific. From what you are saying is that if I set anything in FSUIPC it will override a setting in the FSX Settings - Controls page. I really don't understand where you come across the misunderstandings you reveal in your post. Would you care to enlighten me? I hope my answers help you. Thank you again, I will go back and have another go, Tregarth -
I have been reading an article in this month's PCPilot which covers the use of FSUIPC to adjust the settings of the joystick and thought I would have a go. (Having read the ReadMe I think it is a bit too complex for me - 32 settings for the spoilers is a bit more than I can handle - I want them up or down. By the time I have max speed brakes set I will be taxiing off the runway). I would like to just adjust the axes sensitivity but leave the key assignments to FSX (I am also using Win 7). I see that on the first page of the controller set up in FSX there is a tick box "Enable Controllers". If I untick this do I loose all the FSX button settings I have set? If so, is there a way to compromise so I use FSUIPC for axes and FSX for buttons? There is no mention of how to set up a "halfway house". Thank you, Tregarth
A few months ago I saw FlightSim Commader running on 1 PC and FSX running on a TripleHead2Go rig and decided "I would like one of those." I am bitterly regretting it. I have FSX running on a Win 7 machine and FSC on a XP machine. After many hours I have finally learnt how to network 2 PC's so that I can see the HD of each machine on it's partner. I was then told I needed FSUIPC to make the 2 programs talk to each other so I bought FSUIPC4 and WideFS and registered both of them. I have tried to understand the manuals but they are incomprehensible to me. I am told I need FSUIPC so I have installed them. When I start FSC8.5 on the XP machine I see a message "Databases for FS2004 missing or incomplete. Please choose different FS version or run DB Manager first" . The program then stops. I have tried to do this from All Programs but come back to the same screen. Reading the WideFS User Guide I saw a line about adding "server name and the line protocol=TCP". Tried that, no luck. I have put WideClient in the C drive of my XP PC (Please see attachment) so I think that is right. For completeness I have also included a screen grab of my XP PC's My Computer folder; it may be relevant it may be not. The drive labeled Flight Sim X Files on 'Main(Main)'(X:) contains my saved flights. The drive labelled Flight Sim X Files on 'Main(Main)'(Y:) contains the FSX program I am not ashamed to admit I don't understand what I am doing, I just hope (and pray) someone will kindly tell me exactly what I need to so I can do what I want to do - fly my flight sim. I am assuming I need to set up FSUIPC somehow but I obviously don't know how. Thank you, Tregarth If anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong I would be very grateful