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  1. I see. It was included with radar contact v4, no? In any case it seems that there is another MakeRunways file which will be quite suitable as a basis for my nav-setting F/O. Now all I need is time... I hate school. :p Thanks for the programs, Pete!!!
  2. Well, I decided to take on something slightly less ambitious, and after much trial and error, I have successfully written a lua plug-in which will set Nav 1 to the ILS frequency of the desired runway using the arrival airport code gleaned from the active flight plan, and a runway number submited by the user through ipc.ask. As the .PLN files do not contain frequencies, I made an ILS frequency database by modifying a csv file called "runways", which I found floating around my FSX folder. Perhaps Radar Contact put it there or something? In any case, it works, and I see no reason why the same principles can't be put to work to create a plug-in to set the nav radios to successive VOR waypoints, as was my original design. Thank you very much for your help! Without it I might still be barking up the wrong tree. Farley
  3. hey. I'm new here. I bought FSUIPC a a few weeks ago and am loving it. I'm wondering if it would be possible to make a lua "copilot" who can set the nav radios to the waypoint frequencies in the active fs flightplan. Setting the radios is easy, but I don't know how to go about finding the values to set them to. I may be in over my head, but I would appreciate any pointers I can get. thanks, farley
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