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Everything posted by tomarild

  1. Hi Pete! Thank you for responding so quickly, and I am sorry for not mentioning which version I want to use. I have used FSX for two years, but have now switched to FS9 because the framerates are so much better. So mainly - my simulator will be based on FS9. You ask which buttons are simulated? All of them can be clicked on, but I dont no if they have any influence on the airplane. Good question. I guess I can use dummy switches for many of these (just to have something to move when doing checklists). I will take a closer look this afternoon, and get back to you and tell you exactly what I need. Thank you for your patient and replies. Best regards, Tom Arild Hansen
  2. Hi! I have used the basic functions of FSUIPC for some years, but now I am going to build a complete cockpit based on the Aeroworx B200 King Air, and need to expand my use of the program. Because a lot of the functions I need is not presented in the pull down FS controls pull down menu. I can see from a lot of websites that it is possible to program buttons outside the FS FSUIPC menu, but I can figure out how. So.... how can I assign buttons to functions like: Fasten seatbelts Vent blower Aft blower Radiant Heat Fuel Firewall valves Standby pumps Cross-feed Auxillary trasnfer switches Stall Warning Auto ignition and engine start buttons Inverter switch Bleed air switches Windshield anti ice Engine anti ice Surface anti ice etc. etc. Look forward to read your answears :) Best regards, Tom A Hansen
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