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Everything posted by elitehow
I bought a registered copy of FSUIPC7 for Microsoft Flight Simulator and installed it. It appears in my Community folder of MSFS and I have the FSUIPC /MSFS start button on the desktop. I use that start button and the sim starts. Where and how do I access the setting pages of FSUIPC7 to assign my controllers. There is no ADDONS button in the tool bar like there is in P3D. I have created a blank profile for each controller in FSUIPC, but can't figure out how to assign the contollers. Thanks
I increased the slope for the rudder, and allerions, and elevator and that helped a lot. I also figured out that I kept the plane on the ground way past the rotate speed. Pilot error. I think I have it solved now. Thanks Howard
Hi John, I finally gave up and deleted this aircraft from the Microsoft Flight Simulator. I have now added it back in and it is PA44 Seminole version 1.5 and the starting problem is gone. I have setup all the controls and buttons in FSUIPC7 for if and everything works. However, I can't keep it straight going down the runway for take off. I created a new profile for each of my CH Products controllers in MSFS and left them all blank and selected. I then used FSUIPC setup pages for axis and buttons. All other planes work well. This plane goes wild going down the runway. I can not keep it going in a straight line. I have tried all kinds of Slope curves in the FSUIPC axis page for the rudder, but nothing works. As soon as I get some speed up, it starts turning right. I apply a little left rudder and the plane goes into a hard left turn on the runway. I apply right rudder and the plane turns hard right and so on. back and forth on the runway. Have you seen anyone else having this problem with this or other planes using FSUIPC? Thanks Howard
Hi John, Yes, the plane starts with default MSFS but it will not start with using the FSUIPC/MSFS icon on the desktop. The battery turns on and the fuel pumps work, but the engines do not turn over using the start switch, nor will they start using the auto start keys of the sim. I have not modified anything in the planes files. The plane starts both manually and using the auto start feature if I use the sim .exe to load the plane. I did assign the throttles, prop pitch and mixture controls before trying to start the plane. I have attached a copy of the log file, but can't find the ini file you want. The new file tree for MSFS is like nothing I have ever seen. Do you know where it might be located? Thanks Howard FSUIPC7log.txt
I am running the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (FSMS) and FSUIPC7. When I installed FSUIPC7, a new icon shows up n my desktop which starts FSUIPC and MSFS. I had no problems starting various default planes in the sim. Everything seemed to be fine. Everything was going fine until I bought the Piper PA44 Seminole from the MS store, using the Content Manager in the MSFS. The plane downloaded and installed into MSFS with no problem. But, when I tried to start the engines, nothing happens. Battery on, fuel tank selector set, fuel pumps on, Mags to both, etc., prime, hit starter switch Nothing happens I know I have power on because the fuel pump sound is heard, and fuel pressure gages move, but then engines do not turn over. Tried it with battery power and with the ground power cart active. No Joy. I then notice that the three green lights for Gear Down are not illuminated. After several hours trying to figure out why this one plane was behaving like this, someone on the AVSIM Forum responded to my call for help. He said he thought he had seen something about this problem being associated with using FSUIPC7. I then used the original desktop MSFS icon to start the sim without running FSUIPC7. Bingo. Everything works right with this plane now. I can start the engines manually or by using the auto start feature of the sim. This seems to be affecting the one airplane I bought from MS through the sim's Content Manager section. I have only purchased this one plane so far, so I do not know if other addon planes might have the same problem. Thanks Howard
Trying to figure out how best to use FSUIP7 to calibrate the settings for CH Products yoke, pedals and throttle quad. In FSX and P3D, in the options/controllers section, there is a tick box for each item that will activate each controller so you can adjust the settings in the Sim. left un ticked, we than can use FSUIPC for the adjustment. If by mistake you leave the boxes checked, there will be errors when trying to use FSUIPC to calibrate the controllers. How do we do this in MSFS? As far as I can tell, there are no Enable boxes in the sim. If we use FSUIPC to calibrate the controllers wont there be an error because we have the controllers active in the sim. How do we dis able the controllers in the sim so we can use FSUIPC for all calibrations? Thanks
Just upgraded from P3Dv4.2 to 4.3 which came with the C-130 aircraft, and I also just purchased the new DC-4 from Flight Replicas. These are the first 4 engine planes I have tried to use. I have successfully used FSUIPC various versions for years with my 1 and 2 engine planes with no problems. I have a registered version FSUIPC v 5.123 installed. I can't seem to get my CH Products Throttle Quadrant to work correctly with these planes and am wondering if I am doing something wrong. I am trying to use throttle #1 to control engines 1 and 2, and trying to do the same for the prop control and mixture control. I setup the CH throttle # 1 and calibrate it and tick the box to map it to engine #2 and do likewise for the prop controls and the mixtures. I then setup throttle # 2 for engine 3 and map it to engine #4 and do the same with the prop and mixture controls. I move the first CH engine throttle stick which now should control engine # 1 and 2 and it works those throttles in the sim and I can see them move in the view on my monitor. . But when I move the second engine throttle stick which should control engines 3 and 4, it also moves engine number 2"s throttle in the sim and the view on my monitor. The same thing happens with the prop and mixture controls. The CH Throttle Quadrant is about 2 years old. I have never tried to use it with 4 engine planes before. I am not sure if it is defective or if there is something wrong with FSUIPC. Is anyone else seeing this problem with P3D v4.3 and FSUIPC 5.132? Thanks Howard
I had to do a complete new install of my P3Dv4.1 and now have an error on shutting down. It was not there until I installed FSUIPC. Here it is> Windows 10 64 b Home version10.0.15063 build 15063 Graphics Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 with driver version 385.14 P3Dv4 Academic Fsuipc5.122 The program now starts and runs fine, except that I get one error message every time I shut it down. It says "Content Error and I go to C\users\(my name)\Documents\Prepar3Dv4 Files\Contenterrors.txt". I open that file and see: [error.0] error=Payload station indexes should be between 1 - Number of Stations and it continues down the page repeating the message except changing the error number on each line, up to [error.999] error=Payload station indexes should be between 1 - Number of Stations The program seems to be working well and I do not know what this error means. Any suggestions? Thanks, Howard
I am running P3D v2.5.12945 and I had a registered FSUIPC version 4.939n installed. I thought I would update the FSUIPC to the 4.953 version but cant seem to be able to register it. A non registered version has installed into my P3D, but when I try to register it keeps looking for FSXSE, which I do not have. I cant figure out how to get registederd again. Can you helpme? Thanks. Howard
Install FSUIPC into P3D and FSX on same drive?
elitehow replied to elitehow's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Pete, Sorry, my typo mistake. I have version 4.929. I got it sorted out. The message I was getting was when I clicked on the install button in the download. It said it was already installed in FSX. It did not give me anyway to direct the install to P3D. I started the Migration tool and installed it through that program. Everything is working now. Thanks for getting back to me. Howard -
I have both FSX and P3D V2.1 installed in C: Program Files/X86. My original registered FSUIPC version 4.928 install was into FSX some time ago. I just added P3D on the same drive. I can't get my original download FSUIPC version 4.928 to install into P3D. I get the message that says it is already installed in FSX. Do I have to buy another copy of FSUIPC to get it to work in P3D? Thanks. Howard
OK. I took your suggestion and did a copy/paste and that worked. I am not going to try and figure out what was wrong. Thanks for your help. Howard
Hi Pete, This morning I purchased a registered copy of FSUIPC4 and paid for it by credit card and received the registration key. I have installed it into FSX but can not get the registration key to work. It keeps telling me that it is not a good 12 number key. How long does it take from payment to being able to use the registration key? There is also the possibility that I am mis interpreting what might be the number 0 and the letter o, and the number 1 and the letter i or l, but I have tried all the combinations I can think of and nothing works. I do not want to post the key here for obvious reasons. Thanks, Howard
elitehow replied to elitehow's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Hi Pete, I set up a flight on our server 2 and ran the log during the flight. The control problem was there. I then shut everything down and looked at the log file. It was all Greek to me. I then did another flight , off line, the problem was NOT there. I shut down and tried to find the log file for the two flights to compare them, but only the second log was there. I guess I should have saved the first one with a name, as it appears that only the last one gets saved and gets overwritten with the next flight, so I don't have anything to send you to compare. I then re read the manual, and also got into the advanced users manual and discovered that I could completely cut off all weather from FSUIPC. On page 2 of the advanced users manual, under General Weather Options/Weather Read Factor, third paragraph, it says if you want to stop all weather activities in FSUIPC4 you can change the Weather Read Factor value from 2 to 0 in the FSUIPC4 cfg file. I did this. I have now flown five flights on our number two server with it's own weather and have not experienced any of the old problem. One of these flights was for two hours, and one was for three hours. One was our regular Tuesday MP flight and there were five of us on line for two hours with several take offs and landings. Everything was fine. I am not saying that FSUIPC was causing the problem. It could be coming from FSX in combination with FSInn, our own server, the VATSIM weather, or some combination of these. And again, it only affects users with FSX running on computers with Windows 7. There are so many variables it is hard to isolate anything here. At least for now, everything is back to normal after I made the above change. The other members of our VA having the same problem are going to also try this fix. I will continue to fly on line and I will let you know if the problem comes back, or if it does not fix the other members problem. Thanks for your help, Howard -
elitehow replied to elitehow's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Pete, I am not very computer knowledgeable, but will try and figure out how to run the weather log today on our MP flight. I am not sure how to figure out how to tell how the weather is being applied locally to my FSX. We use FSInn to fly MP sessions. The member who supplies the server is away a lot, and I have not heard back from him yet, but another member told me he thinks the weather being supplied is from VATSIM, not FSMeteo. I know it is not Active Sky, as I have tested that by clicking on the CAVOK button on the FSInn panel, then starting Active Sky. The weather I then get is different from what the server supplies, and the plane then flies normally. The only thing we are certain of is that only FSX running on Windows 7 seems to be affected, and if we uninstall FSUIPC, the problem goes away. I will try and do the weather log thing today and post the results. Thanks, Howard -
elitehow replied to elitehow's topic in FSUIPC Support Pete Dowson Modules
Thanks for the reply. I should have said that I THINK it is FSMeteo, but I am not sure. I have asked our member who supplies the server for that info, but it may take him some time to get back to me. I will let you know. Thanks. -
I have been a user of registered FSUIPC for many years and have never had any problems, till now. I recently got a new computer with Windows 7, 64 bit. I am using FSX with Acceleration Pack, and FSUIPC 4.60 and update 4.604. I fly with a VA that does a lot of on line Multi Player flying. We use FSInn and have two dedicated private servers. Server number 1 does NOT supply any weather. Server number 2 DOES supply weather, so that we can all have the same weather when we fly together. I believe the weather is from FSMETEO. The problem ONLY happens on server 2 with supplied weather. The problem ONLY affects those of us using FSX and Windows 7. The problem is that as soon as I take off, the plane starts a left descending bank, turn. I can correct the attitude with the yoke and pedals, but then it will start a right descending bank, turn. The plane becomes almost uncontrollable. If I engage the auto pilot, things do come under control, but I can see that the plane is constantly yawing left and right and banking up and down, slightly. In external view, close up, I can see the ailerons constantly moving and the plane constantly banking left/down/right/down, slightly, but the auto pilot keeps it under control. If I disengage the auto pilot, the plane again starts the movements. If I click on CAVOK, the weather engine is stopped and the plane flies normally. If I go to server 1, which does not have the weather, the plane flies normally. We have done extensive testing to try and figure out what is causing this problem. It doesn't matter which aircraft we use, default, freeware, payware, it is always there. It does not matter where we fly. To make a long story short, the only way to get rid of the problem is to uninstall FSUIPC. This problem only happens to those of us who are running Windows 7 with FSX and FSUIPC and goes away if we uninstall FSUIPC. Even when I do a reinstall of FSUIPC, and do not use any of the weather tabs in FSUIPC, the problem is there. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to correct it? Thanks EDIT - I forgot to memtion that if I fly on line of off line with either FS Real Weather, or Active Sky running, there is NO problem.