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Posts posted by glennbm

  1. I think you answered my question.

    "They are different FS axis controls." hence my reference to the axis_throttle_set which seems to apply to one lever for all engines and is just the "throttle axis" in the FS2002 controls.

    And the reference to axis_throttle1_set and axis_throttle2_set which seem to apply to engine 1 throttle axis and engine 2 throttle axis etc when the engines have their own throttle lever.

    I have all the throttles working great in FS through fsuipc, but the pm software is not picking up any throttle lever movement at all.

    The throttle axis on my CH Yoke and Logitech joysticks work fine with the pm software but again its one lever for all engines.

    Seeing as fsuipc really only tweaks the values I'm guessing that pm software is reading just the throttle axis as defined on page 1 of fsuipc and not from page 3 for multiple throttle axis.

    Would this seem to makes sense?


  2. I think you answered my question.

    "They are different FS axis controls." hence my reference to the axis_throttle_set which seems to apply to one lever for all engines and is just the "throttle axis" in the FS2002 controls.

    And the reference to axis_throttle1_set and axis_throttle2_set which seem to apply to engine 1 throttle axis and engine 2 throttle axis etc when the engines have their own throttle lever.

    I have all the throttles working great in FS through fsuipc, but the pm software is not picking up any throttle lever movement at all.

    The throttle axis on my CH Yoke and Logitech joysticks work fine with the pm software but again its one lever for all engines.

    Seeing as fsuipc really only tweaks the values I'm guessing that pm software is reading just the throttle axis as defined on page 1 of fsuipc and not from page 3 for multiple throttle axis.

    Would this seem to makes sense?


  3. Are the fsuipc values for the throttle on page 1 under joysticks different from page 3?

    I am using Project Magenta's Airbus FCU which has autothrottle lever management in it, which has been working fine on my CH Yoke and Logitech joystick where I have the FS throttle simply defined as the throttle axis of each joystick.

    At the weekend I plugged in my 4 lever throttles and the lever management in the PM AB FCU stopped working and doesnt seem to recognise the throttles at all. The throttles work fine in FS.

    I am assuming that the problem is related to the "Axis_throttle_set" and "Axis_throttle1_set", "Axis_throttle2_set" etc in the FS joystick setup linking to different values in FSUIPC and that the PM software is reading from a differing value.

    Any help or ideas would be very welcome. I can send you a copy of the fs2002.cfg and fsuipc.ini files for the working and non-working setup if that would help.


  4. Are the fsuipc values for the throttle on page 1 under joysticks different from page 3?

    I am using Project Magenta's Airbus FCU which has autothrottle lever management in it, which has been working fine on my CH Yoke and Logitech joystick where I have the FS throttle simply defined as the throttle axis of each joystick.

    At the weekend I plugged in my 4 lever throttles and the lever management in the PM AB FCU stopped working and doesnt seem to recognise the throttles at all. The throttles work fine in FS.

    I am assuming that the problem is related to the "Axis_throttle_set" and "Axis_throttle1_set", "Axis_throttle2_set" etc in the FS joystick setup linking to different values in FSUIPC and that the PM software is reading from a differing value.

    Any help or ideas would be very welcome. I can send you a copy of the fs2002.cfg and fsuipc.ini files for the working and non-working setup if that would help.


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