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About uragano

  • Birthday 10/16/1972

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  1. Hi all after I have used the some configuration for years without any problems, in the last week something come up... device installed : saitek yoke saitek yoke saitek rudder saitek rudder throttle jetmax Now the second Rudder does not working, and if I try to find it is not recognized. The Rudder is on the device list (windows and FSUICP.INI), it is working if tested by windows and it is working if configured by P3D devices. I have tried to change the position of the USB to another Hub or direct to the PC..... only seems that FSUIPC has "banned" this device. PS: I have deleted the FSUIPC.INI in order to have a new one, in the list the rudder is present but no way to be find moving it. all the other devices are working properly as usual.... any ideas? thx in advanced
  2. Oki Pete thx for the support anyway, I will keep You informed for the new event
  3. .....did not working...... any suggestions?
  4. ......PETE i was thinking about -1 but .....I was very shame to propose :) now that You told me I will try! thx I wll report
  5. Hi Pete encoder at the moment is working fine by MACRO, but I d like to improve by the control. the control is 69997 i ve tried several test but in evry direction I move the encoder i can only increase the value and never decrease. I do not understad how can use the control for this matter, i.e. I assume 69997,1 to increase and it is working but i do not find how decrease!!!! Can You suggest any solution or where can I read in order to learn pls?
  6. Yes it is workig!!! Now I am staring with rotary encoder........ any suggestion?
  7. Hi Pete 1=P11,3,C1005,3842 2=CP(F+15,2)11,3, ... 3=CP(F-15,2)11,3, ... I have reported the lines wrote in the manual and now is more clear, but how can I use the control here ? Can I add ,70001,1 for example? as this "2=CP(F+15,2)11,3,C70001,1"
  8. Dear Pete I have tried to read, but i did not understand the way to fix, but no problem I will read agian and again in order to understand, but be sure i have lookn the manual... I will came back in same days, thx for the info
  9. "To change the action of a momentary button into a toggle you only need to make the button's "press" action dependent upon its own flag. So it is two "P" lines in the INI, one with condition flag set and the the other with condition flag not set. The button's own flag switches on or off with each press." the control 70004 is working but if i use: 391=P10,14,C70004,1 392=U10,14,C70004,0 it will not work. I uderstand as wrote by You I must use a control with flag but i did not understand how write this command, the only thing i know is the value 1 show the airport and value 0 hidden the airport. Can You write me please an example of how can use the flag ? thx
  10. Pete....sorry for my poor english.... I will try to explain my main problem. I wil take as example the ARPT button on EFIS (CAPTAIN SIDE) the momentary button is connected to a leo bodnar PCB, I have assigned the control 70004 but is does not work, I tried to read better the "compound" command in teh manual but I did non understand how to use the "compound" with this matter. Can You drive me here how Can I do this in order to understad better the logical process?
  11. uragano

    Pete's Cockpit

    thx for share! which 737 is ? (model and software house)
  12. Thx Pete I use FSUIPc for all, but I am sure I do not know all function to be used, for the ARPT function the value is 1 to show and 0 to hidden, but I know only the function "press" and release : 391=P10,14,C70004,1 392=U10,14,C70004,0 How can program the togglebits ? Can You please report me an expample? Duccio
  13. Dear i have prepared a easy EFIS as You can see below I have programmed all with FSUIPC OFFSET, but i have a problems with the buttons WXR, STA ARPT etc etc, I have installed momentary push botton. I wrote for ARPT the OFFSET 70004 with value 1, but it works only for be switched ON.......To be switched OFF the value must be 0, but I could use this state (VALUE 0 and 1) only if i had a switch with static position , with momentary position is not usable. I could fix the problem using the Macro, but I would like to understand how can program FSUIPC in this matter. I have a similar problem with the encoder (BARO + and -) I am using the MACRO for this function. thx in advanced
  14. u WC ve u see my video on Youtube?
  15. yes but the value is the real ome i have inside the OH and not in the 737
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