this is my first post and I m happy to share with You my video about the WILCO 737 OVERHEAD.
I have build it in 2 months, but it is just the base of my project of cockpit!!
I have choosed WILCO and no PMDG cause it was a bet!!!
Now I m starting with the AFT O.H. and by the easy offset of Flap and a Output card the position light of flap is done, but the real problem is for the other........:
etc etc
I know that is no easy to find out the offset, but the question is : there are the offset for special funcion or not? (I have't understand if for every command there is an "hidden" offset, or same command is direct through the panel and the software).
PS: sorry for my english........ Peter I will be glad to explain You the secret about my Overhead!!