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  1. Hi Pete, I have my LUA scripts not initialize offsets when P3DV2.3 starts. Using FSUIPC 4.936. I also notice a different behavior in my LUA scripts and in the older version of FSUIPC they worked fine. Probably the same problem Oleksiy is seeing. Martin
  2. Hi Pete, Great idea. Why did I not think of that. Will do from now on. Thanks Martin
  3. Hi Pete, 1) Lua display plug-in's are running fine now in both FSX and P3D. Great job. Send me some of your computer wisdom. :razz: 2) The ext.run and ext.close plug-in works! Had attached the wrong file. You would still have yelled because the reason the plug-in did not work was that I had typed ext-close which made the whole plug-in not work. That's why I had tried to run ext.run without the quotes. My bad. :oops: Martin
  4. Hi Peter, I have attached 4 files. 1) Windows event file. Showing system hang. Had to close it with Task Manager. 2) FSUIPC log. MCP.Lua does not work. Sorry I read the manual but just don't have enough programming skills to write those 2 lines ext.run and ext.close correctly. If I replace the 2 lines ext.run and ext.close lines with forexample with ipc.writeUB("029C",1) and ipc.writeUB("029C",0) then the pitot tupe heat on/off works fine. So the script works. Can you please show me the correct writing of those lines? 3)Log Lvars. is your plugin(I have not altered it) This hangs FSX or Prepar3d on a Winpro81 computer after a restart of the plugin in the sim. 4)MCP.lua. I want to say a BIG thank you for the "Button Screen Facilities" Some problems with ALT and ESCAPE but will test it thoroughly before reporting problems. Martin F.zip
  5. Peter, The plugins are working and it does behave weird after you start them when you killed them before. So I won't do that again. Need help with this script. function MCP(offset, value) if value == 1 then ext.run("C:\Prosim\ProSimMCP\ProsimMCP.exe") -- does not work.?? else ext.close("ProSimMCP") -- does not work.?? end end event.offset("5034"), "UB", "MCP") -- Offset "5034" is assigned by Prosim AC gate. Which works. What am I doing wrong with ext.run and ext.close? Martin
  6. Hello Pete, I assigned Lua Log Lvars to button 10 and LuaKillAll on button 11. The Lua display windows pops up when pressing button 10 and disappears when pressing button 11. Everything seems normal. If I press button 10 again Lua display opens up again but now the Simulator stop responding and I get a CTD. This happens with P3Dv2.1, P3Dv1.4 and FSX all on the same machine running Winpro8.1 and Fsuipcv4929c. I tried it on my laptop running Winpro8.1, P3Dv1.4 and Fsuipcv4929c with the same result. No Lua Log Lvars log gets created in the modules directory. I tried another Lua plugin called "display vals" which does display values and stops normaly when pressing button 11. If I start it again with button 10 it works fine until I press button 11 to kill it. Then everything freezes and I get a CTD. Again this happens on my computer and also my laptop. Ran it with Admin rights and anti-virus turned off. No luck. Any thoughts? Martin
  7. Hi Pete, Is there a special command to disconnect the speed brake axis when you lose hydraulics or the right thrust reverser axis? I currently use Prosim737 and I open a relay via a gate to disconnect the rudder potentiometer when I lose hydraulics. Would I use an offset via the gate in Prosim737 and assign that in Fsuipc to disconnect a certain axis? How? Martin
  8. Hi Joshua, There is a good reason for going to bed when it's really late and you are staring to long at a program. I forgot to put quotes around the ip address. Thanks again. BTW It works great. Martin
  9. Hi Joshua, Thanks for the Lua file, but I can't get it to work. Xplane works fine with my Foreflight. I have tried some sample Lua scripts with FSX and they also work. I added my Ipad's ip in your Lua script. Should I see my FSX computer ip in Foreflight Devices tap like Xplane? Do I need a special program on my Ipad that communicates with your script? Is GPSout.dll required? What am I missing? Martin
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