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Everything posted by bradrcfii

  1. When calibrating throttles, how to I take out the reversers so they do not react to any throttle movement? Thanks, Brad
  2. I used the slop and set to -15 with no effect. I am using FSUIPC for calibration. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Brad
  3. I made the leap from FSX to Prepar3d and have a few problems. Cannot seem to get simconnect to work so I can run software like Vpilot on a client. My other problem is WideFS will not connect to Prepard3d v3. I mention the simconnect problem as I think it might be related to WideFS somehow. I am running FSUIPC version 4.949 on Windows 7. I just installed WideFS 6.99 that does not connect. Can you point me in the right direction as you usually do? Thanks, Brad
  4. I have deleted all my View shortcuts. Problem still persists.
  5. HI, I am using FSUIPC to select gear up and down. No matter the aircraft, when I select Gear Up, the view changes to an outside view directly behind the aircraft. Gear Down is OK. The behavior is consitent with both Ezdok and OPUS. I am currently using Ezdok. I am running 4.92 and use a PFC throttle quadrant. I hope this is the correct forum for this problem. Any ideas? Brad
  6. I found the reverse function in FS. All is good now.
  7. The REV check box is on the calibration tab. Since it is PMDG, I am not using FSUIPC to calibrate. I did not notice a reverse button on the axis assignment screen.
  8. I just installed the new PFC equipment. I am setting it up for use with PMDG. Using FSUIPC, I set the axis to send to FS as normal axis. I do notice that when I move the throttle forward, I receive negative values and sure enough, the throttles are working backwards, in reverse. Any suggestions? Thanks,
  9. For some reason, I found my elevators working in the opposite direction. I am using FSUIPC to send direct to FSUIPC. When I try to recalibrate in FSUIPC. I push the elevator forward and hit the MIN button. When I pull back and hit the maximum button, I hear a tone and the value is not taken. This happened with my current INI file and with a brad new INI file. Th REV button made no change. What should I look for?
  10. Attached is the log from HDScanner ********* HidScanner, Version 2.00 by Pete Dowson ********* Device at "\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52f&mi_00#8&323e3662&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=046D, Product=C52F (Version 34.0) Manufacturer= Logitech Product= USB Receiver Serial Number= Device is a mouse Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 9 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 4 Number of InputData Indices: 20 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 16 at indices 0 -> 15 Value Y at index 16, range -32767 -> 32767, using 16 bits Value X at index 17, range -32767 -> 32767, using 16 bits Value Wh at index 18, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits Value Wh at index 19, range -127 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52f&mi_01&col01#8&1a7aaa1d&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=046D, Product=C52F (Version 34.0) Manufacturer= Logitech Product= USB Receiver Serial Number= Usage Page: C Input Report Byte Length: 5 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 652 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52f&mi_01&col02#8&1a7aaa1d&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=046D, Product=C52F (Version 34.0) Manufacturer= Logitech Product= USB Receiver Serial Number= Usage Page: FF00 Input Report Byte Length: 7 Output Report Byte Length: 7 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 1 Number of Output Button Caps: 1 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 1 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52f&mi_01&col03#8&1a7aaa1d&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=046D, Product=C52F (Version 34.0) Manufacturer= Logitech Product= USB Receiver Serial Number= Usage Page: FF00 Input Report Byte Length: 20 Output Report Byte Length: 20 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 1 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 1 Number of Output Button Caps: 1 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 1 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_068e&pid_00fa#7&bd50189&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=068E, Product=00FA (Version 0.0) Manufacturer= CH PRODUCTS Product= CH THROTTLE QUADRANT Serial Number= Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 9 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 6 Number of InputData Indices: 18 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 12 at indices 6 -> 17 Value R/RZ at index 0, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value V/RY at index 1, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value U/RX at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value Z at index 3, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value Y at index 4, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value X at index 5, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0763#b&78d018&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.0) Manufacturer= Saitek Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals Serial Number= Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 0 Number of InputValue Caps: 3 Number of InputData Indices: 3 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Value Y at index 0, range 0 -> 127, using 7 bits Value X at index 1, range 0 -> 127, using 7 bits Value R/RZ at index 2, range 0 -> 511, using 9 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_06a3&pid_0bac#8&aad5281&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.3) Manufacturer= Saitek Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Serial Number= Usage Page: 1 Input Report Byte Length: 10 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 0 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 6 Number of InputData Indices: 29 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 0 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 0 Buttons range 1 -> 23 at indices 6 -> 28 Value Y at index 0, range 0 -> 1023, using 10 bits Value X at index 1, range 0 -> 1023, using 10 bits Value V/RY at index 2, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value U/RX at index 3, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value Z at index 4, range 0 -> 255, using 8 bits Value POV at index 5, range 1 -> 8, using 4 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0018#7&32b9b620&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0018 (Version 2.0) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= GF-46 Serial Number= Usage Page: 14 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 9 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 7 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 2 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 2 Number of Feature Value Caps: 7 Number of Feature Data Indices: 9 Buttons range 1 -> 1 at indices 1 -> 1 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0020#7&1ee68d33&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0020 (Version 1.2) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= GoFlight GF-P8 control module Serial Number= Usage Page: 2 Input Report Byte Length: 2 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 2 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 4 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 8 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 1 Number of Feature Value Caps: 2 Number of Feature Data Indices: 3 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 0 -> 7 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0028#a&31636690&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0028 (Version 1.2) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= RP-48 Serial Number= 00080 7 Usage Page: 2 Input Report Byte Length: 6 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 2 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 4 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 9 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 1 Number of Feature Value Caps: 2 Number of Feature Data Indices: 3 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 1 -> 8 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0028#b&88350f8&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0028 (Version 1.2) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= RP-48 Serial Number= 00080 7 Usage Page: 2 Input Report Byte Length: 6 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 2 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 4 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 9 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 1 Number of Feature Value Caps: 2 Number of Feature Data Indices: 3 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 1 -> 8 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_003c#a&784d654&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=003C (Version 1.1) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= MESM Serial Number= 00080 7 Usage Page: 2 Input Report Byte Length: 2 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 2 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 2 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 0 Number of InputData Indices: 8 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 1 Number of Feature Value Caps: 0 Number of Feature Data Indices: 8 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 0 -> 7 ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0050#7&1e8a96b5&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0050 (Version 1.4) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= GF-166 Serial Number= Usage Page: 14 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 7 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 8 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 9 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 2 Number of Feature Value Caps: 5 Number of Feature Data Indices: 14 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 1 -> 8 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0050#7&2b145d53&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0050 (Version 1.4) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= GF-166 Serial Number= Usage Page: 14 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 7 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 8 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 9 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 2 Number of Feature Value Caps: 5 Number of Feature Data Indices: 14 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 1 -> 8 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0050#9&1b01b291&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0050 (Version 2.0) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= MFR Serial Number= Usage Page: 14 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 7 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 8 Number of Input Button Caps: 1 Number of InputValue Caps: 1 Number of InputData Indices: 9 Number of Output Button Caps: 0 Number of Output Value Caps: 0 Number of Output Data Indices: 0 Number of Feature Button Caps: 2 Number of Feature Value Caps: 5 Number of Feature Data Indices: 14 Buttons range 1 -> 8 at indices 1 -> 8 Value Dial at index 0, range -128 -> 127, using 8 bits ************************************************************************** Device at "\\?\hid#vid_09f3&pid_0050#b&229cd83a&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}" Vendor=09F3, Product=0050 (Version 2.0) Manufacturer= GoFlight Product= MFR Serial Number= Usage Page: 14 Input Report Byte Length: 4 Output Report Byte Length: 0 Feature Report Byte Length: 7 Number of Link Collection Nodes: 8 Number of Input Button Caps: 1
  11. OK thanks. The strange thing is that this type of controller has worked on my system Thanks,
  12. I am running FSX accelaration and 4.92 of FSUIPC. I have not installed CH drivers. Both the axis assignment tab and FSX only recognizes the middle two levers. Very strange. I have two quandarants and they both do the same thing. The buttons on the CG throttle are recognized in the buttons and switches tab.
  13. As the title suggests, I have a new CH 6 lever quandrant. I deleted the ini file so it is new as well. The first two levers are not recognized in the axis assigment page. The middle two are recognized what would normally be Props and the two mixture controls are not recognized. What should I look at? Thanks, Brad
  14. I currently use FSUIPC to calibrate my throttles. I am having trouble with the T7. Their manual suggest deleting the fsuipc ini file to fix. I assume that would mean I would loose all my settings and I have many. I was wondering if I could delete just those items that affect the throttle from the ini file rather than to delete the entire file. Your thoughts? thanks, Brad
  15. I ws following simsamari's instriuctions. they seem to be backwards when selecting Min and Max.
  16. I am trying to calibrate my elevator. I first hit the set button, push forward on the yoke and hit the minimum button. No problem. However when I hit the max button, i get a windows tone and the value is not accepted. What am I doing wrong? edit solved
  17. Well the problem turned out to be a little embarrasing. When I select a keyboard command such as CTL+G, FSUIPC displays "ctl+G". The ini file was looking for "CTRL+G. I was cutt and pasting from the FSUIPC window so it obvioulsy did not work.
  18. The mustang has an .ini file that allows keyboard mapping to various functions. I placed ctl+G for the TOGA entry, mapped a yoke button to ctl+G in FSUIPC but it fails to work. I am using a specifac profile for the Mustang. I know this works as I have used the ini file on a previous installation. Any ideas what might be wrong? Thanks,
  19. Easily done and worked perfect as always.
  20. I am setting up a new aircraft. I initially made a mistake by selecting the wrong aircraft profile. How do I display the screen that allows me to create a new aircraft profile? Thanks as always,
  21. Just following the simsamri directions which have worked in the past. Thanks for the math lesson.
  22. Ihave seemed to develop a new problem. I am calibrating the elevator. Pushing forward elevator(pitch down) and setting the minimum seems to be no problem. Itrecords about 16128 when depressing the set minimum button. When I pullaft elevator and hit the set button, I hear a windows tone but no change ismade. I am left with basically the same values in the Min and MAXwindows. FSUIPC or windows is simply is not accepting my MAX value input. EDIT: I edited the ini file chnaging one value to absolute which fixed the problem but still wonder why the user interface was not working?
  23. I was running a hybrid configuration where only the yoke was calibrated by FSX. I did this based on Simsamari's recomendation due to the hat switch. I use ezdok now so I moved everything over to FSUIPC. Yoke works better than ever now. Concerning my .ini file, why are their duplicate numbered and lettered joy lines and why the missing Joy lines(in previous post this thread). If I delete them, the like to re-appear. Thanks,
  24. Thanks Pete. I discovered my pedals had worn and were not sending correct values. I have since purchased and installed Saitek Pedals. Now, when I press on one brake, it turns the aileraons and the other the elevators while also contrrolling the respective brakes. Not sure why? From my fsuipc.ini file. [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes T=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT T.GUID={598567D0-FA35-11DF-8004-444553540000} A=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke A.GUID={598567D0-FA35-11DF-8005-444553540000} 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={598567D0-FA35-11DF-8004-444553540000} B=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals B.GUID={C7D70A70-EF3C-11E0-8001-444553540000} 0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 0.GUID={598567D0-FA35-11DF-8005-444553540000} 2=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals 2.GUID={C7D70A70-EF3C-11E0-8001-444553540000} R=<< MISSING JOYSTICK >> Y=<< MISSING JOYSTICK >>
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