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Everything posted by bradrcfii

  1. It worked easily. Who needs mouse macros? I am a little embarrased I did not know all these commands existed by asuming the FSX user interaface was complete. Thanks again,
  2. Very nice. I did not realize there are commands that are not listed in the FSX Buttons area. Thanks, this just got much easier.
  3. Andydigital, Thanks for the clarification. Maybe I do not understand how FSX deals with altitude. In reviewing the keyboard commands, I find the following; Altitude Hold Altitude Bug Select I guess I am not sure what altitude select does. I expected to find "Altitude bug increase" and "Altitude bug decrease" I noticed there are commands for "Increase Selection" and "Decrease Selection". Are these used in conjunction with "Altitude Bug Select"?
  4. I will look forward to upgrading soon to 4.70.
  5. Thank you for the quick responce.
  6. I am running FSX on Windows 7/64 and want to set up a macro to adjust AP altitude on a Real Air Duke. The native AP altitude adjustment is used with the mouse wheel after placing the cursor over the control. I started the macro build process in the Key Presses window, entered the macro name "b60T" and hit OK and exited FSUIPC. I then placed the mouse cursor over the altitude control and moved the mouse wheel. I received no responce from FSUIPC expecting to see the window where I name the function and test with the Tab key. What should I look for? Thank You
  7. I found three devices within the joy names section of the .ini file, yoke, throttle and rudders. I initial expected to see the GoFlight equipment. I assigned the letters and removed the numbered items so as the .ini file looked like your example. I experienced some confusion as the numbered items were put back into the ini file for the yoke. Additionally, I did not find the "AutoAssignLetters" in the Joy names section. I also found that the power management feature in the USB properties were turned on, probably the source of my problem. I will come back to this thread if I formulate a better question for you. Thanks,
  8. I looked over the chapter. If I change the .ini file to include letters, how are these letters associated to what I see within FSUIPC axis assignemnts? Do they need to be the same or does FSUIPC display those values from the ini file?
  9. Thanks Pete as always for your help. I am not sure about the "Joy Letters Facilities". I completed a couple of searches thru the manual and did not see anything. How do I use Letters? Do I simply enter them?
  10. This post is not presenting an issue with FSUIPC however since this forum is all about interfacing equipment, I thought the best expertise will exist here. I have 11 USB devices (GoFlight, Saitek) and almost with fail, one, two or more devices are not recognized by FSX when started. The devices not recognized vary if I restart FSX over and over. I will unplug the USB cable from one of the devices not recognized and I will receive the system tone/beep that you would expect and the same when plugging back in. So it seems the OS is recognizing the devices. Even though the system recognizes the USB devices (I receive a driver install window) when unplugging and plugging back in, FSX still does not see the device. It seems entirely hit and miss as the current remedy is to reboot and hope for the best. Concerning my USB connectivity, I have 10 USB ports direct to my motherboard without the need of a USB hub, however because of power concerns, I have two powered D-Link USB hubs with limited connections to be sure I do not exceed the max power of the devices power block. Looking for help to understand why USB devices are not being recognized. Thanks, edit: I found a post that recomends checking power management properties. I assume that is in the device manager? Additionally, I will try opening FSUIPC and the axis tab for a rescan. I will appreciate any other recomendations.
  11. WOW! Thank you very very much.
  12. Great! I will be watching. I am too in the software business so any change to include windows focus within 6 months will be a thrill. Just looked at the downlaod site. It says 4.6?<div>edit:</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
  13. I am running FSX and 4.60a of FSUIPC. I tested the keyboard focus and you are correct. After clicking back on the main screen, the knobs work. I just took a look at the Nico Kaan tool. I would rather stay with FSUIPC as I do not look forward to another steep learning curve. I don't know, maybe it will be worth it. A FSUIPC parameter that provides automatic windows focus would be great for me. Thanks as always for your help.
  14. I mapped the Level D 763 HSI and range selector knobs to a GoFlight rotory knobs via the buttons & Switches panel using the Aircraft Specifac and key press features. I mapped to the key press shown in the level D Custom Controls menu. The mapping works great until I do something with the FMC. I run the FMS/CDU on a touch screen monitor. As soon as I enter something on the FMC, the knobs(mapping) no longer work. I can then go back into FSUIPC, open the buttons and switches panel, rotate one of the controls so that the mapping appears, click OK and then the mapping works up and to the point I use the FMC. Pretty strange? What do you think?
  15. There is an .ini file in the guages folder that you can assign keyboard commands. You need FSUIPC. Open FSUIPC, push the button you want, enter the keyboard command. Then open the ini file and type the keyboard command at the appropriate line. (AP_Heading=Shift+H)
  16. I too run a Triple Head to Go driving three screens for the outside view. I also have two more monitors for instruments that I drag to often. I also run in Full Screen mode. I drive the triple head to go with a GTX 470 and use a GTX 460 for the two instrument monitors. I use the Nvidia control software to make one of the two instrument monitors the main display, the display that will have the windows task bar and desktop. I have used key-presses via FSUIPC to interface a Relaity XP GNS530 via FSUIPC that I run on the non-triple head monitors. The system is working quite well. Let me know if I can help.
  17. Hi Pete, I came back to this thread to delete my last post but you were to quick. After reading the manual a couple of more times, I get it. The concept of "on and off" was initially foreign to me and casued the confusion. I was able to see the four positions, slow and fast, left and right. Thanks for a great product.
  18. Well maybe concerning the other forum. I did ask over there and got nothing adn when I posted, nbot sure iof it is a Realty XP or FSUIPC challenge. I have the keyboard commands working now. I was able to make GoFlight push buttons work via the FSUIPC "buttons and switches" using key presses. Brilliant stuff. I would really like to make GF rotary knobs work. I just read the manual and still a little confused about the rotary logic with using on and off and not using repeat. I am sure I will learn how to use it. Thanks again for pointing out the ini file.
  19. What a great find. Thanks. I found the following within the .ini file. I want to confirm I use for example; 530_RKNOBO_L= for the FMS control (right knob outer), assign a key command within the .ini file and then use FSUIPC to associate the key command with the GF equipment? 530_LKNOBO_L= 530_LKNOBO_R= 530_LKNOBI_L= 530_LKNOBI_R= 530_LKNOBPUSH= 530_RKNOBO_L= 530_RKNOBO_R= 530_RKNOBI_L= 530_RKNOBI_R= 530_RKNOBPUSH=
  20. The Garmin community refers to the double control rotary as the "FMS" control. I can see the confusion. I will check their forum as well. I did not see anything in their documentation. I have to admit the reason I posted here is that this forum is responsive, maybe not a good reason in most cases. Thanks for great products.
  21. Can I use FSUIPC to integrate a rotory to control the FMS on a Realty XP Garmin 530? If you can point me in the correct direction concerning how, I would be greatful. Thanks,
  22. Having learned much more about FSUIPC, I want to start over with a clean slate. I noticed the "Reload all settings" and "Reload all assignments". Do these buttons "Clear" as opposed to reload or how can I clear out all assignemtns and calibrations. Thanks,
  23. Looks like I will continue my lack of understanding of basic number relationships. Now that I have the numbers going in the correct direction, I can't seem to get the first detent to work. My total range is -16203 to +16379 The first detent values are -10267 -8426, the next is -5041 -2160. I move the flap lever to flaps 1 and nothing, move the lever to flaps 2 and the aircraft sets flaps 1. Now the good news is that if I forget the detents all together, everything works great but want to understand why my detent appracoh does not work.
  24. lol what a dummy I can be. Thanks for the quick responce.
  25. I am setting up in an aircraft specificprofile. I am using axis assignment "direct" to FSUIPC. While in thecalibration screen, number 6 , trim, spoilers and flaps, I can properly set theflap "minimum" value. It accepts the value(13143) from the"In" box. When I move the flap lever to the full flap setting and hitthe "set" button on the right, the value does not change. The"In" box now reports a value of -15213 but that value is nottransferred into the max box. I have already successfully setup the throttles. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks. On other item of note is that below the flap set items isthe Current Aircraft. It is reporting the currently loaded aircraft, PMDG 747and is indicating "7" detentes and an INCR value of 5460.
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