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Everything posted by bic

  1. Thanks that seems to have worked.
  2. I have FSUIPC 4.934h and just had a problem with the Auto save feature. I had to exit in the middle of a flight at FL350 with Captain Sim 777 (the native one for P3D). I load P3D 2.3 and then I loaded an auto saved flight. When it did that, the plane went into various stalls and spins. Fortunately, I was able to get it under control and resume the flight. I have used auto save in FSX in ok with CS 777s.
  3. The packets of data are probably going to quite small in any case. Why are you wanting to reduce updates to such an infrequent level in the first place? I can understand you not needing to match the FS frame rates (which is what WideFS tries to do), but a few seconds would be no hardship, surely. I really do think there will be connection problems if you try to make them too infrequent. Regards Pete well, I am at work and just want to keep up to date on the status of the flight.
  4. I am hoping to reconnect the widefs client at home with lower intervals and then land.
  5. I am talking about realllly widefs... Basically, want to run wideFS remotely over the internet with like VAS-FMC, FreeFD to my home machine running FSX (which is doing a loong haul flight). Can WideFS be setup to update from FSX every 5 minutes or something greater? I think I would change server: autoupdate=300000 client side: pollinterval=3000000 responsetime=300000 Now what can I do when I finally get back home to land the plane? how can I get widefs to set timeouts to normal?
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