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  1. Thanks for looking at it for me. I will give it a try later today and let you know. I also have a file in the old modules directory called JOYNAMES.txt. Do I need to copy that one over as well, or is that something that I made and forgot about?
  2. I did re-register it and it does show as registered in the interface. Attached are the .ini and the .log files. As I said I copied the .ini from the old build and overwrote the one that was created in the install, so if you need the new one as well I will have to figure something out. I also included the install log just in case. Thank you for looking at them ! FSUIPC5 Install.log FSUIPC5.ini FSUIPC5.log
  3. I just installed FSUIPC 5 on my new computer for P3Dv4.5. After I activated it I copied the old FSUIPC.ini file to the modules folder, replacing the one created during the install. However, my buttons don't seem to be showing up as they did. Is that the only file I need to copy over? As far as I remember I named all the sticks and throttles from your advice the last time I rebuilt. Thanks in advance! John Croft
  4. Let me see what the dev team comes up with for an answer. I certainly don't mind buying the new version, your software has been very good to me over the years. But then again, if it wouldn't fix my issues I don't see any reason to change. I just wanted to make sure that if I do I didn't have to start from scratch 🙂 Thanks for the assistance, you guys are the best!!
  5. I am currently using a registered V5 for P3D v4.5. I am considering upgrading to the registered V6. Version 5 does all I need it to, but I'm having issues with my VAs ACARS that they thin might be related to the version of FSUIPC that I run, that's why I'm thinking about upgrading. If I do so, would I lose all my current settings, aircraft config files, etc? I don't really want to have to set everything up again from scratch. Thanks in advance :)
  6. OK, I kind of did that. The .ini file I sent you this time was after I had run a flight with the 737. I still have the old .ini file with all the profiles. What I did was took the GUIDs from the file I just sent you and replaced the ones in the file you fixed previously (they had changed) with the correct ones. That got almost everything working in the 737, which is the only AC that I have installed right now. The only things that don't seem to be working are a few of the MFD buttons. Funny thing there is that some of them work as before, while a couple have moved from MFD1 to MFD2, and a few just do weird things. But I can sort that out. I have spent the last few hours studying how the .ini file is formatted, so maybe I can figure some of this out without having to bother you. But I have a question about the JOYNAMES section. The fix you sent me had me turning the autoassignletters on, and then each device was assigned a number. When I tried changing the GUIDs, I assigned numbers as well, and that didn't work at all. So I went back and assigned letters A-E, and that got it working. Why did numbers work in the fix you sent me, but I had to use letters to get them working? Of course you know that after running the sim the JOYNAMES expanded and each has a letter and a number. I was just confused why I had to use letters.
  7. Yes, unfortunately I had to re-install Windows10. Didn't really want to but I had corruption issues that I couldn't get rid of, so I didn't have much choice in the matter. I will attach the fsuipc.ini file that worked on the last install after you fixed it for me that I copied over to this install, and subsequently showed duplicates. All the other files are the same as what I uploaded earlier. And whenever you have the time to help,m I know you are busy. You have no idea how much I appreciate the assistance. BTW, is there any guidance for how to do what you did last time? Or is it something that you just have to know? I ask because I am going to have to do all this for my P3Dv3 install at some point, and I would rather not have to bother you with it if I didn't have to. Thanks again, john FSUIPC5 (NOT WORKING).ini
  8. Hey Pete, I hate to bother you again with this, but I had to start over with my install, so my problem is back. I tried to copy the fsuipc.ini file from the install you helped with at the beginning of the month, but the JOYNAMES section end up saying that there are duplicates and nothing works. So to get me by for now I renamed the fsuipc.ini file and let it build a new one. Could you assist me one more time with this? If you can please tell me what files you need to me upload and I will get those to you ASAP. Thanks so much.
  9. I believe that did the trick. Thanks so much Pete! YOU are the BEST!! john croft
  10. OK, here are the log files. There are 6, and I have appended (NEW) and (OLD) so you know whether they came from the new install or the old install. Thanks so much! FSUIPC5 (NEW).ini FSUIPC5 (NEW).log FSUIPC5 (OLD).ini FSUIPC5 (OLD).log FSUIPC5 Install (NEW).log FSUIPC5 Install (OLD).log
  11. Pete, I just built a new rig, and am re-installing everything, I'll list the order of things that I have done below: 1) installed P3Dv4, then did a flight 2) installed FSUPIC5 (registered), just downloaded so I know it's the latest version, then did a flight. 3) I then copied the FSUPIC folder from the Modules directory from the old install to the new install. 4) Installed the PMDG 737NG and did a flight 5) coped the PMDG 737 directory from the old install to the new install. I was hoping that this would allow all my saved bey bindings to work in the new install, but apparently I have missed a step. I will say that when I originally installed FSUIPC I didn't set it to assign joystick letters, which I know I should have done, but I don't know if that is affecting this. Is there a step that I missed, or did I do something wrong? I would hate to have to re=assign everything, but I guess I will if I screwed something up along the way. I have attached the JoyScan.csv file, let me know if you want to see anything else. Thanks a ton! FSUIPC5.JoyScan.csv
  12. OK I renamed the section you mentioned and the aircraft in the aircraft.cfg file and that fixed it, thank you so much! One more question on the PMDG stuff though. Let's say I can figure out how to assign, lets say the heading knob up/down through the PMDG sdk stuff. How would I reassign it is FSUPIC so it wouldn't send the current keypresses but whatever new command that it needed to send? Would that happen automatically when I reassigned it? Thank you again! john
  13. Yes, that makes sense. So can I just delete the [Maddog CAL] section from the .ini file, rename the a/c in the aircraft config file and reassign the maddog? And no, I have never looked at the other assignment options. I figured that because PMDG used keyboard presses for assigning button presses in the FMC setup that I needed to assign key presses and the map the stick buttons to those presses. Is there a toturoal somewhere on how to make that more efficient? Because I have essentially run out of keyboard options to assign to things, and there are more assignments that I would like to make, and I certainly have more joystick buttons that I could use.
  14. OK, I think we found the issue. I never looked at the name that popped up at the top when I click the "profile specific" button. It says "Maddog CAL" when I have the PMDG 737 loaded. I still had the console log opened when I loaded the aircradt and I did notice that the log said the right aircraft when it was loading, but once loaded withe the FSUPIC intercafe open, on Buttons + Switches and I click "profile preficid" it is definitely showing "Maddog CAL". Regardless, I have programmed Joystick A, Button 0 to send the command "L". The .ini file and the log file are on the way to you. I appreciate your assistance with this. :) john
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