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Everything posted by CBB

  1. Understood, many thanks Pete
  2. Hi Pete I am trying to assign a button to a keypress on one of my clients (it is CTRL+O on the client which shows the frame rates within the PM Glass Coclpit). Within the button section of FSUIPC the button press shows up, I thought if I then selected "keypress" and hit CTRL+O on the client PC, this would show up but it doesn't. I checked the wideclient.ini and it has buttonScanInterval on, see below: [Config] Port=8002 Window=-32000,-32000,160,34 Visible=Yes ButtonScanInterval=20 ClassInstance=0 NetworkTiming=5,1 MailslotTiming=2000,1000 PollInterval=2000 Port2=9002 ResponseTime=18 ApplicationDelay=0 TCPcoalesce=No WaitForNewData=500 MaxSendQ=100 OnMaxSendQ=Log NewSendScanTime=50 Priority=3,1,2 ; ----------------------------------------------- [user] Log=Errors+ ; =============================================== [sounds] Path=C:\WideClient\Sound\ Device1=Driver de som primário Device2=Realtek HD Audio output Hardware/Software spec: Server spec CPU Intel E8600 Motherboard XFX 790i Ultra Graphics BFG GTX 280 OC Memory 4GB DDR3 1600 HD 300GB Velociraptor O/S Vista Basic 64 bit I have the 3GB switch enabled Server contents · FSX + SP1 + SP2 – settings are around medium (water is 1x and very low cars/ships/airport vehicles) and frame rates set at unlimited (I get frames rates of 40+ although at a very detailed airport (eg Heathrow) down to 20) · FSUIPC 4.703 and WideFS 6.8.6 · Project Magenta MCP 490B and PMsounds · Goflight Software 2.03 (to work the buttons and switches on the Goflight hardware below incl Goflight MCPPro) · Weather – Active Sky Evolution SP2 · ATC - Radar Contact 4 · Scenery - Ground Env Xtreme and Ultimate Terrain X and FSGenesis World Terrain Mesh · Traffic X · Airplane – Project Opensky Continental 737-900 Control hardware connected to Server · Goflight MCPPro, throttle quadrant and Airliner system · PFC yoke and pedals Client 1 Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (PFD) 490A Client 2 Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (EICAS) 490A Client 3 Project Magenta CDU 490 – connected to flyengravity CDU hardware Client 4 Project Magenta PMSystems 182 3 DOF platform software (Motionforsimulators FAST program)
  3. There definitely seems to be something else writing to the MCPPro. The only lines addressing D4 are as follows which look ok: D4.1=C0 C47 "" ; PM blank VS D4.2=C0 !C47 X4E6 S16 *100 D-40 ; PM's VS as (-)nnnn D4.3=!C0 X7F2 S16 D-40 ; FS's VS as (-)nnnn This would point to something else from GF interfering: I deleted GFMCP2k2.dll and GFMCP2k4.dll and the ifly and Leveld dll's and the PM dll (FSDevFSX.dll, the GF data bridge, still runs as I need it for the other GF equipment, maybe this is still the problem), however there still seem to be conflicts, something seems to be trying to take control of the MCPPro. For example, the VS still lights up with a reading 88.888 and the MCP speed does not always initialise on the 240 as set in the PM MCP.ini but goes to a different number. I also had the speed spinning uncontrollably to different numbers when I tried to change it while the VS display of 88.888 was showing, it works ok if the VS display is blanked (Btw, when I say I deleted GFMCP2k2.dll , etc I still have them in another folder, but not in my Goflight folder, not sure if that is an issue). I am also pushing GF support but response is very slow. If there is a way of shutting down the interferer that should resolve the problem. I guess I could try closing FSDEVFSX.dll and see if that cures the MCP. Then I could try programming the other GF displays, as the only important ones are Gear Down lights, NAV1 and NAV2 radios, Transponder - [Later] looks like you already programmed those in the GFDisplay.ini, so even better!!
  4. Hi Pete, GF Display is working very well now :rolleyes: with the MCPPro. One thing that does not seem right is that my V/S is not displaying the PM V/S properly but just as 88.880. I have attached the INI, is this something in the formula on the following line? D4.2=C0 !C47 X4E6 S16 *100 D-40 ; PM's VS as (-)nnnn The only other thing I noticed (which I'll keep an eye on) is that when I selected VNAV or LNAV on the MCPPro with FSUIPC open, sometimes it would come up as one button number (eg VNAV came up as joy 157, button 20) and other times as another (eg 157, 4 or 157, 7). Then there was a moment when it would select other button numbers without my pressing anything, including VS which may be why I had the VS problem originally! Is this a static elec problem or something else (eg a conflict)?
  5. Pete, I am an idiot. I had GFDev.dll in my FSX modules folder but did not put it in my GFDisplay folder, Doh :oops: , sorry about this I should have known that as I have that file in each of my Wideclients for the same reason, I'll try that in the morning. As for the INI file I have now deleted the entire [connections] and [Debug] sections, is that ok? Yes, your MCP bit was VERY easy to adapt for the extra lights, it was v well explained (well I haven't tested it though)...I'l let you know results MANY thanks
  6. Thanks again. Before I go the Lua route - which I get a rough idea of having looked at some examples but will need much more time to learn to program what I am trying to do - this is not a problem but given I feel I am so close on the solution with GFDisplay, I just want to be sure I can't use that first before switching to the Lua route for this particular problem. When I run the GFDisplay.exe nothing shows up in my winows taskbar and I can't see anything in the task manager, I just get a ping when I double-click on it and that's it (both with Vista and XP and running as administrator too). I have GFDev.dll in my FSX modules folder and the MCPPro is changing the values on the PM MCP perfectly. The Debug code in the ini file I sent was what was in the original ini file. All I did was delete all the device sections and put in Steve08's MCPPro section with my modification for the missing lights. Best
  7. Thanks, Pete. You are right, I have 50% working fine, in that when I turn knobs/press buttons on the MCPPro, it is updating the PM MCP perfectly. The problem is the other way around (getting the displays and lights on the MCPPro), I am trying with GFDisplay 130 because it looked like this was 90% there, although the GFDisplay.INI does not include the MCPPro lights (it does include the MCPBasic ones) such as VNAV, LNAV, N1, FLCH and VS. So I took Steveo38's MCPPro example at the end of the GFDisplay manual and added in these lights (see attached) and I deleted the sections for the other GF devices as I have no issue with those. Problem comes when I run the GFDisplay.exe, it just lets out a ping noise and does not open. I realised that this may be because it is an old program and does not run on Vista which I have on my server (where FSX, Goflight hardware and the PM MCP reside), although my clients each run XP (not sure that helps either as I just rtied running the EXE on one of the clients and got the same ping and no opening). Could you advise if there is a way I can get the EXE to run? If this route is a no-go, I am down to doing something via a Lua, but the problem here is that I have no idea how to program a LUA, as there. In contrast the GFDisplay manual was very clear and easy to follow the structure for my purpose which seems quite simple. For example, I am not sure how I call on the PM offsets to display the values. Is there somewhere that explains how to program LUas for feedback from PM? Best GFdisplay.txt
  8. I'm completely stuck on finding a Lua that will display the Project Magenta MCP values on the GF MCPpro, the clearest option to me seems the old GFdisplay130 software that Steveo38 developed,a lthough I understand that Pete no longer supports this. Other problem with it is that it does not seem to cater for lighting up the Vnav, LNAV, N1, LvlChg nor V/s lights, not sure why given the MCP Pro has these and PM must have had them at the time. I think I may be able to add that bit in the programming. Unless anyone can point me to a Lua or a better course, I'll try that. I'll also try contacting Steve.
  9. In the meantime I saw that there may be a workaround using FSUIPC buttons and GFdisplay.lua. I got all the MCPPro buttons programmed for PM in FSUIPC and put GFDisplay.lua is in my modules folder. I read that the GF MCP driver needs to be deleted to avoid conflicts, so I deleted GFMCP2k2.dll and GFMCP2k4.dll and the ifly and Leveld dll's but I left the PM dll. I think leaving the PM dll was wrong because I continued to get the problem above withe the Vs locking everything up (ie some sort of conflict), so I guess I need to delete that too. I am just not sure at present how I get the PM display to show up on the MCPPro (just dashes at the moment), it looks like it is within the MCPpro part of the gfd library but I am being very slow and can't work out how to find that, I'll keep trying until someone shows me the light
  10. Hi Pete I hope you can help with the following as I have tried GF but not had any response so far and remember that you use the GF MCP and there may be a workaround with FSUIPC I have had this issue for some time now and looks like I have boiled it down to a GF problem, as I ran a flight without the GF MCP (just with PM MCP software graphic) and all was fine. I have tested the problem with GF v1.93, 1.95, 2.02 and 2.03 and all have the same issue. I run the GF FSDEVFSX.exe before a flight (the so-called data bridge). I did not (and never do) run the GFconfig.exe before the flight, the latter has the MCP always set to “Project magenta. The ascent is absolutely fine but problems start on the descent. When I turn the alt knob to a lower alt, the VS did not light up and I then engaged Lvlchg and all ok. Or the VS lit up after I turn the descent knob but I pressed Lvlchg which extinguished the VS and all was ok. Problem starts when VS lights up, I do not extinguish it by pressing Lvlchg and continue reducing the altitude via the Alt knob. In this case the Alt spins up to 50000 of its own free will or goes to 0000. To take control again I have to extinguish the VS display by pressing Lvlchg (and that is difficult to engage, needing several presses) and then reduce the alt. At this stage the whole MCP may freeze and cannot be disengaged. When I do the same without GF hardware the V/S never lights up and I don't have the above problem. So this seems like a problem with the VS within GF causing a conflict, I have read that V/S has been recently introduced. If there is not a quick fix within GF, is there a way around this by-passing the GF software and just assigning to PM commands within FSUIPC, I see the PM commands are all there within FSUIPC, but then how do I avoid this causing a conflict with the MCP having been assigned within GFConfig.exe to PM with the above troubles? Hardware/Software spec: Server spec CPU Intel E8600 Motherboard XFX 790i Ultra Graphics BFG GTX 280 OC Memory 4GB DDR3 1600 HD 300GB Velociraptor O/S Vista Basic 64 bit I have the 3GB switch enabled Server contents • FSX + SP1 + SP2 – settings are around medium (water is 1x and very low cars/ships/airport vehicles) and frame rates set at unlimited (I get frames rates of 40+ although at a very detailed airport (eg Heathrow) down to 20) • FSUIPC 4.703 and WideFS 6.8.6 • Project Magenta MCP 490B and PMsounds • Goflight Software 2.03 (to work the buttons and switches on the Goflight hardware below incl Goflight MCP) • Weather – Active Sky Evolution SP2 • ATC - Radar Contact 4 • Scenery - Ground Env Xtreme and Ultimate Terrain X and FSGenesis World Terrain Mesh • Traffic X • Airplane – Project Opensky Continental 737-900 Control hardware connected to Server • Goflight MCP, throttle quadrant and Airliner system • PFC yoke and pedals Client 1 Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (PFD) 490A Client 2 Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (EICAS) 490A Client 3 Project Magenta CDU 490 – connected to flyengravity CDU hardware Client 4 Project Magenta PMSystems 182 3 DOF platform software (Motionforsimulators FAST program)
  11. Thanks, I'll wait until FSUIPC 4.65 is out next month, update and report back on whether the issue is resolved or not. In the meantime all is working ok by starting up FSX before ASE. Many thanks and very Happy 2011 :rolleyes:
  12. Thanks Pete. I am running on my server (a) the Goflight MCP and driver and (b the Magenta MCP software (with the Magenta MCP graphic running in background). Within the Goflight driver there is an option for the MCP to select Project Magenta which I have done. This enables the Goflight MCP to communicate with the Magenta MCP, so that when I turn knobs, etc on the Goflight MCP, it turns the same in the Magenta MCP which then communicates with the rest of the Magenta setup I have (PFD/ND on client 1, EICAS on client 2 and CDÚ on client 3, all connected using WideFS 6.7.8 I have FSUIPC 4.57 on my server. I should add that I don't remember having this problem with ASX, only with the REX and ASE weather engines. Best Charles
  13. I have tried to resolve the following with Goflight, Project Magenta and Hi-Fi (Active Sky Evolution), but they cannot help and I was pointed in the direction of Pete Dowson who they say uses FSX and ASE and Goflight hardware. > I am having a very odd problem with the start-up of my Goflight MCP. I start > > up as follows: > > > > Open Magenta MCP (software visual of the MCP) > > Open the Goflight DevFx bridge (the Goflight and Magenta MCPs show horizontal > > dotted lines at this point) > > Open Active Sky Evolution (weather downloads) > > Open FSX > > At this point I go into Free Flight, select the Project Opensky > > 737-900 (I only fly this), select the time. Now if I select an > > airport which is anything other than a gate or ramp at Bristol, UK, when the free > > flight opens the Goflight MCP shows no numbers at all, it is > > completely switched off. If I dial one of the knobs, values appear. > > If I turn the altitude know it shows -99 and it is clear that the > > MCP has crashed and is no longer communicating with the Magenta MCP. > > Only way to cure this is to close down everything and restart the > > PC and do the free flight starting from a Bristol, UK gate or ramp (closing FSX and > > the Goflight software and re-opening them does not cure the > > problem). Then I have to open the flight planner and move to the > > selected start airport. This works but it is long-winded. I do not have a problem if I run FSX without ASE or REX weather engines. If I load the flight in FSX free flight first, THEN load ASE, the problem does not occur. > > > > Any ideas on this? Seems to be weather-engine related. ASE said that they use Simconnect. > > > > Best > > Charles > > > > Hardware/Software spec: > > > > > > Server spec > > CPU Intel E8600 > > Motherboard XFX 790i Ultra > > Graphics BFG GTX 280 OC > > Memory 4GB DDR3 1600 > > HD 300GB Velociraptor > > O/S Vista Basic 64 bit > > > > I have the 3GB switch enabled > > > > Server contents > > FSX + SP1 + SP2 – settings are around medium (water is 1x and very > > low cars/ships/airport vehicles) and frame rates set at 50 (I get > > frames rates of 25-40 although at a very detailed airport down to > > 20-25) > > FSUIPC 4 and WideFS 7 > > Project Magenta MCP and PMsounds > > Goflight Software (to work the buttons and switches on the Goflight hardware) > > Weather – Active Sky Evolution SP2 > > ATC - Radar Contact 4 > > Scenery - Ground Env Xtreme and Ultimate Terrain X and FSGenesis > > World Terrain Mesh > > Traffic X > > Airplane – Project Opensky 737-900 > > > > Client 1 > > Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (PFD) > > > > Client 2 > > Project Magenta Glass Cockpit (EICAS) > > > > Client 3 > > Project Magenta CDU > > > > Control hardware > > Goflight MCP, throttle quadrant and Airliner system > > PFC yoke and pedals > ><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">
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