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Everything posted by michel78320

  1. Wonderful ... it's good. 😍 Thank you very much for this work. FSUIPC is an excellent product that allows us to make lots of original things with our simulator. Thank you for always listening to our needs.
  2. I understand that. We have all the time, tomorrow or another day suits me perfectly.
  3. If this is too complicated, it is not essential : Most of planes have only one livery in their Aircraft.cfg. It's like you can ...
  4. Yes. It would good in the same way that the title is found for the current livery. The icao_airline is only three lettrers without double-quotes : AF0 or AF1 or BEL ... What I found in your new offset is correct (for [FLTSIM.0], of course).
  5. What would be good is to read the current aircraft, even if it is [FLTSIM.x] At 0x3C00, I can read the full pathname of the current aircraft. At 0x3D00, I can read the full "Title" of the current aircraft (livery) Currently, your latest version is working fine, and I read "AF0" which is the icao_airline of [FLTSIM.0]. But I read the same value if I load the livery [FLTSIM.1] with icao_airline= "AF1"
  6. Wonderful ! It seems that this code always has 3 letters. Here is the list : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airline_codes Indeed Asobo never informs this code ! To test, you can just add a new line in the Flightsim section of Aircraft.cfg : [FLTSIM.0] . . . . . . icao_airline = "TPC" . . . . . . (Example for TAP Air Portugal) Livreries for Fenixsim A320 are usually properly entered.
  7. Hello, I would like to write a Lua script that makes announcements according to the airline, as Fenixsim does with the Fenix A320. Would it be possible to have an offset which gives the three letters of the airline as indicated in Aircraft.cfg (icao_airline =AFR for "Air France", for example). ? The "atc_airline" (which already have an offset) is too long for everybody. Thanks in advance.
  8. These examples are very clear. Thank you so much. This time, I think I have everything I need.
  9. Yes, I understand all this. My goal is not to develop my code. It works well. I will fly with for weeks, and suddenly, I have something that is wrong. So, I open the console to see what is going on. What is written in the console is sufficient to find what has changed, except that it is saturated by a single Lua script which does not interest me. And the console continues to fill while I look ... I therefore look for a way to cut the word to one of the scripts, but without putting others in Debug mode, as long as they work properly. The debug affects performance. So I don't want it to be active as long as everything works. When something strange arrives, I would like to activate the console, by activating "Lua Logging", without having to kill and relaunch a script, and without having trace of one of the scripts. I don't know how to do with all these debug options, but I will think about it with the information you gave me.
  10. OK. 😀 Thank you for these explanations. There is no simple solution for my request. That doesn't matter, there is enough debug mode to do what I want to do.
  11. When I write "ipc.runlua ("my_script.lua", param), what are possible param ? I found nothing in the documentation about this param.
  12. Exactly that ! But I did not understand what the Debug Mode is, for the lua script. Where is it in the documentation ?
  13. Thank you for your explanations. I read once again and carefully all the documents provided with FSUIPC. Unfortunately, I have a little trouble understanding how to do it. For example, for the A320 Fenix, I have several Lua scripts, for OVH (VRInsight), FCU (CP-Flight), MCDU (OpenCockpit), Saitek modules. It makes several thousand lines. I also have a LUA script (cursor.lua) which brings the cursor back to the main MSFS window, to avoid losing control of the aircraft during landing, in case, unfortunately, the cursor goes into a gauge of a secondary screen. All this works perfectly. So I don't use debug for normal flight. It slows the scripts far too much. Sometimes an aircraft update makes one button not to work more in the right way. In this case, I look at the FSUIPC console during the flight, to see what is happening. I do not use the log files, because it is not in real time. It gives me satisfaction. Except that the cursor script, triggered every second, sends thousands of lines on the console. If I have to change the FSUIPC options, restart and try to recreate the bug, this is not always possible. So the only thing that bothers me is the log lines on the FSUIPC console that are sent by my "cursor.lua" script. I do not understand how to get that with the available options (without restarting FSUIPC, and without a permanent trace) : - In the fsuipc.ini file ? - Parameter of "ipc.runlua (" cursor.lua" , ????) - elsewhere. Could you tell me ? Thanks in advance.
  14. Thank you for these explanations. I already knew the separate log option. But that only concerns the log files. This requires rereading log files. I find it more pleasant to read live on the console. And this is why I would like to exclude some Lua scripts from the console log. If this is difficult to achieve, no problem, I manage well with what exists. It's just to save time during my development. And thank you for listening.
  15. No, I am sorry, it is not exactly what I hope : This option regulates all scripts at the same time. My main Lua script launches several scripts. Most of them are perfectly ok. One of them is a polling of my Saitek modules. When I write a new script, the Saitek script fills the logfile and I find it difficult to follow the log of my new script. I would like an option to not put in the log (console and/or file) of one or more script.
  16. Oh, I was thinking of option 1. "Ipc.log ()" is a willingness of the developer and I do not think useful to deactivate it. Yes, I want to control the logging in the script itself, so (as you say) I can use ipc.control with one of the logging settings controls. I did not have this option in my Advanced User guide (too old). I will look at this, and will tell you. I think it will do the job. Thank you.
  17. Thank you for this new option. 😀 Would it be possible to also have a possibility not to include a script Lua in the log ? For example: ipc.log_off () and ipc.log_on (), in the same way as "echo off" in the MSDOS. Indeed when there is a polling event in a LUA script, the log is polluted by the code corresponding to this.
  18. Hi, I also had this error, three or four times per hour ! It started with SU12, but it also corresponds with a Nvidia drivers update. After reading a lot of things on forums, I decided to return to an old version of my Nvidia drivers. Since I returned to version 531.18, everything has become normal again, and I no longer have this error message. (I use DX12 and DLSS on my RTX3080)
  19. Excellent news. Thank you very much for that.
  20. Thank you for the explanations. Your solution is exactly what to do. I loaded MSFS with the HPG-145 and I had its Lvars. I leave MSFS and run it again with the A320 : the HPG-145 Lvars are still there. I leave MSFS and run it directly with the A320 : the HPG-145 Lvars have disappeared.
  21. OK. I fully understand your point of view. Thank you for these explanations. Now I understand better why my Lua scripts sometimes have problems, mainly in reading lvars. Using Calculator code works even if LVars are not known, it's good to know that. have a good day. 🙂 Michel
  22. Thank you for this information, which I had read in the documentation (FSUIPC7 History.pdf) : It is 3066 from version 7.3.5. I fly with a community reduced to the minimum. However, I need the planes that my friends use in network flight : A320 (Fenix and FSW), B747 from Salty). Otherwise, I don't see them with the right type of plane. Indeed, from one launch to another, the number of Lvars changes and generally remains less than 3066 Lvars. I used the Wasm.ini option to delete LVars at launch, but as indicated in the documentation, this does not seem effective. In order not to be obliged to launch and restart the simulator, would it be possible (in a future release) to have an option to choose this maximum number of LVARS, or directly 4.000 ?
  23. Hi, Now, with FENIX A320, there are some missing lvars. When listing Lvars, I have the message "Welcome to FSUIPC - 3066 Lvars loaded, 220 hvars loaded ...". Some Fenix Lvars are missing ! It happens since last SU11 (new aircrafts). Is there a solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
  24. OK. I understand all this. Thank you for the explanations.
  25. thank you for your answer. Can you explain to me what is the number returned by "com.writefeature" ? Is it sent by the device? By the way, com.writefeature does not use "wrf" With Switch Panel, wrf = 2 s = string.char (0 , 3 , 2 , 2, 0 , 0 , 0 ) n = com.writefeature (dev1, s, 1) returns n=2 ! and two leds light up (correct)
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