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andrew 737

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Everything posted by andrew 737

  1. Yes I have a few WX files but not totally right. Even then one is bound to that location in the world. I have asked (in the same context as ou previous e mail) and they said they would BUT 'Later' they are busy with vector I think.
  2. The problem is one is reliant on the real world weather conditions over the period of about a month. I cannot choose to set Cat I, Cat II or Cat III weather conditions - a real shame
  3. FSGRW 'Does' sync weather over multi pc's & extremely well. Wideview doesn't provide weather & and sadly syncs it badly when it is provided to it
  4. Hey Pete Wideview does sync weather, just not very well or very efficiently. I get s better result and better perf using FSGRW. The problem with FSGRW is that you can't select your own WX!
  5. LOLOLWill Do Thanks Pete A EDIT - I wish we could connect a single WideFS Client to Multiple WideServers in this way!!! That'd solve All my issues
  6. Hi Pete Thanks for getting back to me via mail - appreciated. On another note Can you please advise on these parameters mention in your quote above? Thank You Pete
  7. Hi Pete A simple yes or no will do :)
  8. Hi Pete Please may I have your e mail? I'd like to message you. Thanks A
  9. Hi Pete Hmmm ok. With prosim and the new flight model it was achieved a lua could control lights on the flight model to all pc's - could we not do it this way?
  10. Pete What would happen if I activated wide server in both pc's - would this work/be ok? Thanks EDIT - scratch that!!! Bad idea as this would probably mess with my Sky Demon utility FSX Flight?!
  11. Hi Pete Wideview does not do a good job with cloud sync. In my 737 I use FSGRW which does all the WX synchronisation over 4 pcs but does not have selectable WX like Cat I, II & III. Not worried about wind socks and cloud movement at such low vis settings and wanted to make a potential lua script (that may handle my request) simple. Could we not use a Lua script for these categories of visibility? Thanks
  12. Hi Pete I want to use FSI Panel Instructor Station. I believe it requires FSUIPC to work (great) and therefore will work using WideFS. FSI panel has a WX engine and can provide Cat I, Cat II and Cat III WX. My problem is I need to send this WX to my FSX server (which happens using Wide Server on Server PC and Wide FS on ancillary PC); but my Wideview client PC also needs to get this info. I only want to send visibility to the clients and NOT wind info. How can I achieve this?
  13. Thanks Pete EDIT - Hi again Pete Would deleting the contents of my modules folder (only FSUIPC in there) be the same as sing the un-installer or does FSUIPC alter anything (registry etc) in Windows?
  14. Thanks Pete EDIT - Hi again Pete Would deleting the contents of my modules folder (only FSUIPC in there) be the same as sing the un-installer or does FSUIPC alter anything (registry etc) in Windows?
  15. Hello I bought a new reg key a week or so ago to register FSUIPC in my wideview client. I was trying out a lua script to operate lights over the network, which works with two registered fsuipc BUT I am not using the script now How do I un register FSUIPC? Since I registered it on the wideview client I seem to be getting stutters, I want to unregistered it so it's like it was before. Thank you
  16. Point taken on board! Ta Mister :razz:
  17. Hi Pete Thanks for this. I confess I don't often update, I'm using 4.8 Do I use the full installer from schiratti.com/dowson? Regards Andrew
  18. 'I've already implemented it and tested it here, and it works fine -- quite efficient in fact. But I cannot release it until I have the legal part sorted. According to Ryan at PMDG it's gone up to big boss Robert Randazzo for his decision, but I think he must have referred it to his lawyers.' Hi Pete Has there been any more news on the above? Regards Andrew
  19. Hi Pete Of course I can get back to Robert - he is a really nice guy and very helpful so out of courtesy I should let him know I have my answer now. For what it's worth IYP will have a place in my cockpit, just a shame it couldn't be a temporary stop gap for me to operate PM Systems until my overhead is built. Thanks again Pete Regards Andrew
  20. Hi Pete That explains everything! I am currently building my overhead, simworld panels, interface IT i/o and FI Gauges - I just wanted a way to operate the overhead until it is built. So far only done one panel :???: That Is EXACTLY what I intend to use it for once my overhead is done - I will have to battle with the small not very accurate touch screen for now then :cry: Thank you for getting back to me Kind Regards Andrew
  21. Hi Pete I write to see if you can help with this problem as Robert Cezar cannot! I also believe IYP uses FSUIPC to work as does Project Magenta and therefore hope you may be able to help. I have a cockpit (of sorts) and use the full PM B738 suite. I have V4.8 FSUIPC registered and use Wide FS registered too. IYP is the cockpit version as confirmed by Robert and the plane HAS been selected from the drop down list under the 'External Cockpit' tab. My problem is the voice commands in IYP are controlling the plane NOT PM Systems and therefore PM Systems overrides and negates the commands IYP is sending. I hope this makes sense and that you may be able to help Thank you Andrew
  22. Hi Guys The link for 4.607 has been removed - I have this module can i get 4.607 or will 4.663 work? Thank you Andrew
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