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Posts posted by clive6354

  1. Hello

    I have an Hotas Thrustmaster Warthog,  I am trying to setup the throttle lever when I pull it into detent to activate reverse thrust (button 28)

    Some time ago I achieved this but I have lost the setting.  I am sure that I had to enter a parameter code for this action to work.


    is it possible to advise me  on how I go about setting up my thotttle to perform reverse thrust


    Clive Alexander

  2. Hello....I have the following problem


    I have paid for and d/loaded the latest version (9.5) of FS Commander from Simmarket.com.


    I unpacked the files into a directory.

    When I ran the installation program (run as administrator) I receive the message FATAL ERROR 


    The installation did not  get as far as requesting drive path


    I am using Windows 7 32bit and flightSim 2004


    I request assistance and advice...thankyou



  3. Hello Pete

    OK..I have removed all files and started again

    I have installed Squawkbox on both computers, ensuring that I have used the correct configuration for the computer not running FS2004

    I have inserted Wideclient.exe and Wideclient.ini into Squawkbox folder

    Do I edit the Wideclient.ini file and add the pathname for Squawkbox (Run1=C\Program Files\Squawkbox)

    I have now received the following log when I ran WideFS

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 23/03/10, Time 21:10:31.789: Client name is ANGELA-PC

    500 Attempting to connect now

    1514 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    1514 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

    3542 Attempting to connect now

    8970 ****** End of session performance summary ******

    8970 Total time connected = 0 seconds

    8970 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    8970 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    8970 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

    8970 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.78] *********

    Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 23/03/10, Time 21:48:15.875: Server name is CLIVE-12B4CE4BA

    32156 Initialising TCP/IP server

    32156 Initialising IPX/SPX server

    32156 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

    32172 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    32172 Initialising UDP/IP server

    32922 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

    43266 Restarting service due to total lack of use

    43266 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    54563 Closing down now ...

    Memory managed: Offset records: 0 alloc, 0 free

    Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

    Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

    Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    ********* Log file closed *********


    TheFirewall was turned on. Although I was informed of this I was prompted to allow access thinking that this would bypass the firewall, I was mistaken

    Thank you for your help and patience


  4. Hello Pete

    The name was WORKGROUP

    I have amended the Wideclient.ini files on both computers as instructed.

    There is still no recognised connection between the two computers

    I ran Squawkbox on my second computer (no FS2004) it says FSUIPC error cannot run without flight simulator running

    When i installed Squawkbox on the second computer I did select the correct installation (only Squawkbox to run on second computer

    What shall I try next??? sorry if I am a pain and thick ( My logical mind is not working too good at the moment)

  5. This is the file from the Modules folder

    ********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.78] *********

    Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

    Date (dmy): 23/03/10, Time 15:13:52.312: Server name is CLIVE-12B4CE4BA

    44531 Initialising TCP/IP server

    44531 Initialising IPX/SPX server

    44546 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10047] Address family not supported by protocol family

    44546 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    44546 Initialising UDP/IP server

    44781 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

    55843 Restarting service due to total lack of use

    55843 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

    both computers now have the Workgroup name as WORKGROUPS

    Is it OK that the computer names are different??

    When I run WideClient, why does show "FS98 Eliminator"? is this OK?

  6. Hello Pete

    This is the text of the log files

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 23/03/10, Time 12:33:12.883: Client name is ANGELA-PC

    1373 Attempting to connect now

    2387 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    2387 Failed to connect: waiting to try again

    4430 Attempting to connect now

    69654 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast

    5732350 ****** End of session performance summary ******

    5732350 Total time connected = 0 seconds

    5732350 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    5732350 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    5732350 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

    5732350 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

    ********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

    Date (dmy): 23/03/10, Time 14:12:37.725: Client name is ANGELA-PC

    1373 Attempting to connect now

    1388 Trying TCP/IP host "IPAddr=" port 8002 ...

    1388 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

    61839 Trying TCP/IP host "IPAddr=" port 8002 ...

    61839 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

    122305 Trying TCP/IP host "IPAddr=" port 8002 ...

    122305 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

    182771 Trying TCP/IP host "IPAddr=" port 8002 ...

    182771 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

    226607 ****** End of session performance summary ******

    226607 Total time connected = 0 seconds

    226607 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    226607 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

    226607 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

    226607 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

    I am sorry if I appear dense at the moment I have been ill and just recovering

    I am reading manual regarding WorkGroups

    The computer running FS2004 is using windows XP

    The computer running Squawkbox is using Windows 7

  7. Hello

    I am trying to configure FS2004 to run on one computer and SquawkBox on a seperate computer. I am experiencing several problems hopefully that I will resolve step by step. However, before I begin to problem solve I have a question to ask, which may save me a lot of time and patience

    The two computers that I am tryimg to run FS2004 and SQUAWKBOX one is running Windows XP and the other Windows 7. Does this matter or do the operating systems have to be the same?


  8. I have installed the Twin Otter and having a problem when I select the aircraft to run.........I am informed that there is a problrm wth


    I have had no problem when installing other aircraft..I am using FS2002pro

    Please advise


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